A/N: This is a one shot I wrote for the challenge seven kisses. I hope you like it. Reviews are greatly appreciated.

Kisses are a sweet thing many take for granted. I've had seven that dearly matter to me, seven that I will remember my whole life no matter how much it hurts. The first kiss, I remember well. It was my first. He kissed me softly on the lips after our first date. I remember thinking I loved him. I instantly wanted to take the thought but there it remained. He held my hand and it kept me warm. We drank our butter beer and laughed. I felt like he was mine and always would be that thought tickled its way through my head and heart.

A yellow rose came with the second kiss. He blushed as he gave it too me. Had he known at the time that the yellow rose stood for eternal love? Maybe he did and maybe he didn't. I guess now I'll never know. I should have asked him when I had the chance.

The third kiss came as I answered yes. The question was if I would go with him to the ball. As if I could answer anything but yes. He held me in his arms and told me he was so glad he had found me. I told him it was pure luck on my part that I had been found.

The fourth kiss was on the night of the ball. We had danced the night away. He'd been mine for so long it seemed. But the time kept flying. Looking back on it now if I had only been able to slow time down maybe we'd have had more.

The fifth kiss was given to him with a gift. I gave him my innocence. It's something he will always have. A night I will never forget, never regret.

The sixth was just before the third task. I told him to be careful. He said he would be and I don't doubt he was but it wasn't enough in the end. He told me he loved me and I said I did too. I kissed him and he went into the maze. Little did I know it was the last time he would hear me tell him that I loved him.

The seventh comes with a painful memory. Even now so many years later it is almost too much to bear. A silence fell over the stadium when it was realized something was wrong. I stood up tears welling in my eyes. My friends tried to hold me back but they weren't strong enough. I fell down the stairs and at a running pace and reached his body. I fell on top of him tears falling all around him. I kissed his forehead for the last time before they dragged me off of his body for his father to see.