For a while I wasn't satisfied with this chapter, so I was constantly rewriting parts of it. I apologize for the wait. Also, to everyone who left me a review: thanks so much for your feedback. I really, really appreciate it. c:

Disclaimer: Hidekaz Himaruya created Hetalia. I do not own or make profit off of it.

Ludwig awoke from a restless sleep with a persistent light seeping in through his eyelids.

His night hadn't exactly been restful; but it would have to suffice. He cracked a weary blue eye open and exhaled softly, squinting from the bright, early-morning sunlight streaming through the window. The blonde was vaguely aware of a slight weight on his chest, but didn't pay much attention to it until it hindered his attempt to sit up.

"Good mornin', Germany." Glancing down, his face reddened considerably when he was met with a sleepy brunette sprawled on top of him. He could feel Feliciano's slender arms draped loosely around his neck.

"…Get off, Italy." He grumbled, willing away the blush spreading across his face. He could have quite easily overpowered him, but no matter how much resolve he had to do otherwise, he couldn't bring himself to throw his childish ally of off him. Putting the thought out of his head, Ludwig noticed something unfamiliar in Feliciano's soft features. For one, he wasn't smiling; and secondly, he looked rather anxious. The blonde's expression softened out of concern.

Feliciano didn't budge, and instead gave a soft, uneven sigh. At this, the blonde frowned and gave the little Italian a puzzled look.

"L-Listen, Germany, last night you promised you'd stay by me no matter what, right?" He pouted and looked off to the side, his cheeks turning a light pink. Ludwig nodded, as he hazily recalled attempting to comfort a very upset and teary Feliciano at some odd hour in the morning. Said brunette bit his lip nervously, face flushing a deeper shade of pink. He wouldn't admit to this later; but Ludwig couldn't help but think that was oddly… cute.

"…I have to tell Germany something…" Feliciano continued softly, still glancing away to avert the German's gaze.

"Really? What is it?" The blonde asked, livening noticeably. Maybe the Italian wasn't so useless- did he somehow manage to gather new information? After all, he was reasonably friendly with France, who was one of the Allies… He wasn't sure that France would divulge any information, but anything seemed to be possible these days…

"I-if I told Germany something very important that he probably w-would… not want to hear or believe… would Germany not be my friend anymore?" Ludwig's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "N-no, it's not what you're thinking. Remember last Valentine's Day?" Feliciano mumbled quickly in response to the dark look he received, sitting up and straddling the blonde's stomach, refusing to meet his eyes.

Ludwig groaned at the memory. He didn't enjoy being reminded of how quickly he misinterpreted Feliciano's affections, which consequently led him to rush into things without much thought, effectively ruining his Valentine's Day. But most of all, he did not like discussing it; especially not with the Italian himself.

"…I'm guessing you do remember." Feliciano took a deep breath, looking uncharacteristically somber. "S-see, when you… did what you did I said no and told you w-we were just friends."

Ludwig's frown deepened, and he willed away the redness in his cheeks.

"B-but! That was because I wasn't really sure." He exhaled to calm himself, and eventually his expression hardened, staring down at the blonde with a determined look. "And now I am. S-so… I hope Germany hasn't changed his mind."

"…about what?" The blonde's expression softened slightly, staring up at Feliciano, who looked to be deliberating on something with a cute, but resolute pout. With a quiet sigh, he reached to place his large hand over the little Italian's, eager to see him cheerful and carefree again. "What?" He insisted, masking his impatience. He was determined to coax an answer out of the childish brunette.

"Before I wasn't sure, since… I lost somebody I cared about very much, and didn't want to go through that again… but now I know that I really want to be with Germany no matter what." He paused, nervously glancing down at Ludwig with big, hopeful chocolate-brown eyes. "I really, really love Germany and I hope he still wants to be with me." The determined look on his face faltered and gave way to a small, nervous smile.

The blonde froze and stared, obviously dumbfounded, as the meaning of those words sunk in. He was somewhere in between incredibly embarrassed, and incredibly relieved; which left him entirely unsure of what action to take and his brain at a standstill.

"Ludwig…?" When he didn't get a response, the brunette's face fell and his lower lip began to quiver very lightly. "…p-please don't be mad…"

At this, Ludwig's clutch on Feliciano's soft, trembling hand tightened. "I'm not mad!" He barked, shoulders tensing noticeably. "…Haven't changed my mind either…" The blonde added quietly, voice barely over a mumble. He turned his head to hide the deep shade of red taking over his typically pale face.

"Really?" The Italian piped up hopefully, leaning closer to Ludwig, with a cautious smile tugging at his lips. "Say it again!" He squeaked, lowering his face dangerously close to the flustered blonde whom he was still sitting on.

"…I haven't decided otherwise."

"Again! Say it more clearly!" Feliciano chirped happily, smiling down at his flustered ally, knowing the blonde wouldn't be able to deny the expectant look on his face.

What he didn't expect was to be pulled in for a sudden, affectionate peck on the lips. But as soon as those lips were gently pressed to his own, they retreated quickly, leaving the brunette to wonder if it had even happened at all. Judging by the way Ludwig's blush had intensified and spread to even his ears, though… it had, indeed, happened. Feliciano felt his own face flush red, and he put a hand to his mouth in surprise, running a finger gingerly over the spot where their lips had touched. Germany had just kissed him- on the lips! He would definitely take this as encouragement.

Ludwig opened his mouth, about to order his comrade to get off, before something else that made him question his own sanity could happen, but Feliciano took this moment to act. "Ve, ti amo!" He flopped forward; awkwardly lying atop the blonde's toned chest and wrapping his lean arms back around his neck. Ludwig didn't have any time to protest before the brunette eagerly covered his mouth with his own, gingerly moving against his lips. The German blushed profusely, and finally wrapped his arms around the Italian's middle after a short while of Feliciano simply remaining in place, kissing him.

Ludwig pulled away for breath, thoroughly embarrassed. "I-it's time to get up. We have drills planned for today…" He declared, trying and failing to excuse himself from what he viewed as a very awkward situation. The smaller nation merely pouted, with a perplexed look in his eyes.

"Can't we put off training just this once, pleeease? I wanna spend time with you." He whined dejectedly, playing with a few strands of messy blonde hair, and making a sad-puppy face that he knew Ludwig couldn't say no to.

…At least, not without a considerable amount of guilt.

"A-ah… well…"

"Isn't Germany happy? Didn't Germany want this? I did." Feliciano tilted his head childishly, gazing sadly at the sputtering blonde.

"A-ahm… Well w-we…" The blonde was close to caving, red-faced and wearing an indignant scowl. "…Get off." The Italian just shook his head in response with a little, mischievous grin.

"But I don't want to. Ve, can't we find something to do here~?" He giggled lightly, squirming a bit in an attempt to cuddle closer. Ludwig flushed at the possible implications of that sentence; however his ally merely continued to wiggle and nuzzle his face into the crook of the German's neck contentedly. "Mm, please?"

Glancing down at the cheerful brunette, who looked so pleased and blissful just to be snuggled into him, the blonde decided it wouldn't be the end of the world if they missed one day of training.