Disclaimer: I claim no right over the characters from BtVS portrayed in the piece of
fiction. All rights of the series Buffy the Vampire Slayer is reserved by Mutant Enemy,
Sandollar, Kuzui Enterprises and Fox. This piece of fiction is not to be reproduced
anywhere or edited without the express consent of the author as named above.

Warning: This piece of literature contains scenes with violence, strong language and
religious references that may be considered offensive. Parental disgression should be


Rupert Giles rose from the cold ground. The last thing he remembered was the struggle
against Krieger demons, a race of superstrong, tough and stupid to the point of
animalism demons, usually employed by some one, who could feed their need for
battle. "Jenni", his mind suddenly screeched and he bolted easily to his feet. His eyes
was presented with a strange scene. He was standing in what seemed to be a Stygian
summoning circle with no limitations and some kind of dimensional portal extensions he
wasn't familiar with. To his left his wife was standing unharmed and looking as confused
as he probably did. In the room all of his nearest friends and acquaintances stood
looking ruffled up yet none the worse for wear. They were all carrying weapons of some
kind. His wife looked over his shoulder and gasped in surprise. He quickly turned to see
Joyce Summers waking up looking very confused. By her feet lay a small woman or
young girl with an enormeous halo of golden blond hair splashed across the floor for
several feet. The hair covered her face. He looked around for Willow, she would have
some reasonable explanation ready for him.

"What happened?", Joyce beat him to the question. "And who is this?"; she indicated
the girl on the floor. Willow stepped up to answer.

"You were kidnapped by Drucilla. She wanted to bring Spike back and get revenge over
Buffy at the same time. She had it all worked out, but we managed to get her in the end.
She's gone for good this time", Willow explained.

Giles knew there was a lot more to it than that. He had not seen any corpses of Krieger
demons, yet somehow they had been dealt with. There were enough piles of dust to
indicate a huge fight and there was the headless corpse of a… Demon Lord! Somehow
they had defeated a Krieger Demon Lord. This had been major, yet there was no Slayer
present. Not even Angel and Willow working together was a match for that thing. Giles
curiosity was piqued. Out of the corner of this eye he noticed Joyce bending over the
blond girl with a very puzzled look in her eyes. Suddenly he heard her gasp and sit
down in shock. Willow ran over and held Joyce, who was looking at the girl in shock. He
walked over to look at the girl as well. He was aware of the entire gang coming closer.
He heard Xander whispered to someone: "I think that healing us all was too much for
her". "Off course, it was. Doofus", a voice that could only be Cordelia answered. Giles
bent down to turn the girl over, when Angel's icecold hand grabbed his and the vampire
warned: "Be prepared". Giles turned the girl over and three voices gasped in surprise.
He wasn't aware of his own gasp or that he had started crying or that he kept asking:
"How?". He felt his spirits soar to previously unknown heights, yet he felt a deep pity for
a girl, who seemed never to be able to know true peace.

Buffy opened her eyes. She was not in the warehouse anymore. Confused, she called
upon her inner strength like a warrior assessing her arsenal before going into combat.
She looked around. She was in some kind of library the room was round two stories
high and lined on all sides with books and scrolls. Her senses told her that she had to
be on the second floor of some building. A winding staircase lead to some kind of living
area downstairs. Buffy noted the layout of the room. She had to be in Giles' house.
Smiling calmly she walked down the stairs. The rest of the house was bedroom,
bathroom, kitchen and computer room to the east and living room to the west. She
could easily pick out the voices of people talking in the living room. She could hear cups
and glasses being lifted and put down. Everybody was there and enjoying the downtime
after a battle. They were also discussing. Her. Buffy nodded. The strangeness of her
first and this second resurrection would be sure to create some confusion in the people
she loved. She called upon the ether for strength and comfort. For a brief moment she
was at peace, calming her, bringing her joy. Buffy walked into the living room to meet
with her family. For now the Angel was at rest in peace and joy.

-- planned continuation under development. No ETA yet--