Always There for You

"But I don't like you anymore Renesmee. You're beautiful and spunky and cool and nice and everything, but there's something about you…your secrecy I think, that bothers me. So Ness, I'm breaking up with you. I am so sorry. I still want you as a friend though. You know that, right? You're still one of my awesome friends," Austin said, looking down into the tear welling up in Nessie's chocolate eyes.

Renesmee looked into his beautiful aqua eyes. "No. No, no, no. This is not happening. Austin, no!" Austin gave her a final hug and left her at the doorstep of the Cullen's mansion. Her boyfriend for the past year drove off, never looking back.

Renesmee sprinted to the cottage, tears blurring her almost perfect vampire vision. She collapsed onto her bed, face down soaking her pillow with warm salty tears. A gentle knock announced someone behind the door.

"Renesmee? Sweetheart, tell me what's wrong," her mum's soothing voice filtered through the door. She opened it and sat down next to her daughter. Bella stroked Renesmee's hair. "Honey, your father told me what happened. I'm so sorry. I'll do anything to see you smile. Renesmee, look at me."

Nessie turned her head and looked into her mother's eyes. She sobbed still, uncontrollably. Suddenly, she felt the urgent need for a certain wolf. "Mom…mom, get Jake." Bella nodded and went to him.

Not one minute later, she could hear her mother murmuring to Jacob, but she didn't bother listening. After another thirty seconds or so, Jacob Black sat down on the bed and pulled her to him. He sat there, murmuring comforting words and stroking her hair. After another five minutes she stopped, and simply leaned her head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart. She snuggled in and sighed, feeling comfortable with Jake's muscled arms wrapped protectively around her.

"You wanna tell me about it? Or tell me where the guy lives, so I can beat him up for hurting you like this?" Jacob asked after a few minutes of silence. Nessie laughed, a choking sound that erupted from her throat. "Seriously. Do you want to talk about it?" he asked gently.

Nessie nodded. "But let's go somewhere else. I don't want Dad to listen to my thoughts, or anyone else to hear," she whispered, her voice cracking. Jake nodded and led her out to his Rabbit.

"Let's go."


They sat down in the small meadow that they had found in the woods of La Push. Quite similar to Nessie's parents, it was gorgeous with tall grass and wildflowers. Nessie inhaled and breathed in Jacob's musky, forest-ish, sweet scent that always helped her. She laid back, her bronze colored curls fanning out behind her. She looked up to the obscured sunset sky and closed her eyes. Jacob lay down behind her and took her small, white hand in his big, warm brown one.

"Tell me what happened. Please?" Jacob asked her quietly.

She nodded and began the story. "There's nothing to tell really. We had been dating for a year and today was our one-year anniversary. He was so sweet and we had never fought. Then tonight, he was supposed to pick me up for dinner. But he…he dumped me instead." The last sentence came out in barely a whisper; a human wouldn't have been able to hear it.

Jacob nodded. "I'm so sorry Renesmee. You really liked him, huh?"

Nessie nodded. "He was the first guy I ever liked."

"Ness, you know that whatever happens, I will never, ever leave you. We- your family and me- will always be there for you."

Renesmee smiled. "I know. Jake?"


"You're the best friend a girl could ask for. I'm so glad I have you."

Jacob smiled. Nessie shifted so that her back was against his chest. He wrapped his strong arms around her and, together, they watched the sun clear the sky for the moon and the stars come out of hiding. The little circles of light winked, as if to say, "Everything is all right again. Everything's perfect."