One day left. One more day and again, as every year, Draco Malfoy would step on the grounds of the place that he had hated for almost his whole life. Draco Malfoy hated Hogwarts. There was no particular reason behind it; he would rather engage himself in other, more important activities. Partying and meaningless sex.
Draco Malfoy may have seemed like a typical teenager but he was much more than that. He was incredibly smart. Not to mention dark. Once he put his mind to something, there was no turning back. He would not fail. He would try repeatedly until he succeeded. He never actually had to try very hard to get anything though. What with his dangerously handsome looks and lethal brain, he could get whatever he wanted.
Draco sat lounging on his hammock beside the lake in his back, thinking of the chaotic year ahead. Being a prefect he did have advantages, but he never really cared. Obviously he abused his position by bullying and breaking the rules, but he never left proof so no one could do anything about it.
6th year is going to be a blast, he thought sarcastically. He had already slept with most of the girls in school and forgotten their names as soon as he kicked them out of his room. His parents weren't aware of the kind of things he did but they didn't care as long as he got good grades.
Lucius Malfoy was one of the Dark Lord's most trusted followers. Draco had made it very clear that he had no interest in getting the dark mark and thought that they were all a bunch of lunatics. His father hadn't forced anything on him. He thought Draco had the right to choose. He still loved his son no matter what the Dark Lord ordered him to do.
Draco was dozing off when he heard a whimpering noise to the right of him. He looked up to find one of the many house elves quivering before his eyes.
"Are you cold Winky?" Draco asked. He had no tolerance for these pathetic creatures.
"No master. I was sent here by Madam Narcissa to remind you to pack your belongings for the train to Hogwarts." The elf shuddered as Draco shot it a cold glare.
"I have not forgotten so I don't see any reason to be reminded. Now leave." Draco was having a hard time controlling his temper. Why? Why was he feeling so angry? The elf had done nothing but he still felt the powerful rage searing through his veins, threatening to take over his sane state of mind. He was tired of feeling angry. He sighed, got up, and headed towards the manor.
The Dark Lord paced aimlessly, deep in thought. He was surrounded by his most trusted followers sitting around a large, round, mahogany table. The room was dark, illuminated by a single blood red candle that hovered in mid air at the centre of the table. The light barely reached the occupants of the table, but the Dark Lord's glowing white face was clearly visible despite the darkness.
His features had changed somehow. His eyes were no longer blood red, but an enticing emerald green. The slits on his face were replaced by a strong, sharp nose. His lips were in a slight pout, the same ghostly white as the rest of his face. His hair was a unique golden brown and had grown to just above his shoulders. When his followers seemed confused at the sudden change, he calmly explained that he had killed a couple of young boys and used their youthful souls to change his features.
He was a handsome thing. Women would throw themselves at his feet but he did not give them a second look. No. He was after someone in particular. He wanted her. Adonia Evans. The purest, most beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes on. He had never felt this way about any other woman. Ruling the world was only second to having her as his bride. He would never forget the night he first saw her.
Lord Voldermort was flying at a steady speed through the dark sky. It was a particularly still and slightly warm night. The Dark Lord sensed several of his followers on brooms, not very far behind him. He finally decided to raid the Ministry of Magic. A surprise attack. The portkey was not far now. He needed information. He needed the prophecy. Since Potter's sorry arse was defended by Dumbledore and the "Order of the Phoenix", he decided to retrieve the prophecy himself. He could see that he was nearing to the portkey. Just a couple of minutes away.
He sped up, eyes focused on nothing but the large chunk of wood lying on the ground before him. He obviously needed something big or else he would not have been able to transport as many people to the Ministry. He landed gracefully on the ground and his followers repeated his action mere seconds later
"Everyone at once!" Lord Voldermort's deep voice cut through the still air.
As soon as the words left his lips, the hooded followers reached out to touch any wood their hands could come in contact with. The world swirled around their faces and soon enough they landed on the cold black floor of the Ministry of Magic. Voldermort's feet touched the ground and he found himself facing the empty room.
"Spread out and search. Report back to me as soon as any of you find it!" Voldermort's voice boomed through the empty room and everyone started moving.
"Malfoy, Parkinson, Zabini, Crabbe, Goyle! You five are coming with me." The five notorious death eaters followed Voldermort wordlessly.
They took the elevator to the lowest floor. They stepped out and were affronted by seven doors. Malfoy pointed to the second door from the right and Voldermort lead the way. Again they were in a circular room surrounded by several doors. Malfoy took out his wand and marked the door they entered through. He then lead them to the door directly ahead of them.
They were in a long hallway. The stone walls held torches lit by fire. Straight ahead was another door. The Dark Lord was growing impatient. He couldn't bear to see another door. He sped up and blew the door to pieces upon reaching it. He knew it was stupid but his thirst for information was deadly. Meaning he would kill anyone or anything that stood in his way. That would no longer be necessary though. He reached his destination.
"Goyle!" he barked.
Goyle stepped forward and presented his wrist. The Dark Lord pressed his wand onto the scarred skin and felt Goyle writhe in pain. Soon enough, dark mists surrounded them and the remaining of his followers appeared before him. Voldermort let go of Goyle's hand and smirked in satisfaction at the pain he caused.
"Look for it. Search every-" he was cut off though.
The dark mists were replaced by white as aurors and Dumbledore's other stooges apparated into the room. Voldermorts followers were at once in action. The sent various Unforgivables flying across the room without hesitation. Their effort was pointless though. There were too many of Dumbledore's followers. Still, the battle continued. Voldermort was beyond exasperated now. He needed to get to that prophecy. He reached a few feet away from where most people were fighting but he was suddenly stopped.
The spell was directed at him, that much he was sure of. He dodged it without any trouble. He turned; along with a few of his followers who noticed the attack; towards the person who had the nerve to shoot a spell at him. He would kill the person without hesitation. But he had to rethink those words almost as soon as he thought them. Before his eyes was a girl no doubt, clad in dark robes and a hood over her head that covered almost all of her face. The robes however clung to the thin frame of her body, emphasizing the beautiful (not to mention extremely noticeable) curves. A few loose chocolate brown curls hung out of the hood. The rich, smooth texture made them look almost eatable. The only part of her face that he could see was the full, pouty, pink lips. He could make out her tanned, exotic skin despite the darkness.
He had been standing in the same position for almost ten seconds, staring at her. She took this chance and quickly shot another spell at him. This angered him, and the intensity of his shield spell sent her hood flying backwards revealing her face. Everything was in slow motion for him now. The world stopped as he stared at her face. Her expression clearly told him that she was not afraid of him the least bit. It held a bit of superiority. It seemed she thought she was above him. He didn't care. He just stared at her face longer. Her cute button nose, and her large turquoise eyes. He got lost in those eyes. They held the innocence he had never seen in any other person. He snickered. So she had not yet been claimed by a man? No matter, he would take care of that. It seemed impossible though, that she was this innocent even though she was probably the most beautiful being on earth. Were men blind?
Her perfect eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Her wild, delicious curls were making the sharp structure of her face stand out. She was breathtaking. His thoughts were interrupted though. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a green light shoot out towards her. Someone was trying to kill her. The person would pay. The spell didn't hit her though. She dodged it in a very gracious manner and quickly shot a spell at him; her confused expression all the while remaining the same as she turned on the Dark Lord again.
"No," he thought. She could not be hurt.
"RETREAT!" he shouted loud and clear, never breaking eye contact with the brilliant blue orbs.
The death eaters started apparating as soon as the command was shouted out. Voldermort gave her one last look and apparated himself.
He could never seem to get her out of his mind after that night. He now realised that the look on her face wasn't one of confusion. She was disturbed. Disturbed as to why he was staring at her so intently.
He stopped pacing and looked at his followers. He had asked everyone of them to carry out a research about the girl. He would find out everything he needed about her. Then find her and claim her as his. He had no doubt about her virginity. He had years of experience. But he still needed to know as much as he could about her.
"Well?" he asked.
Lucius Malfoy rose from his place. "My lord, we have acquired useful information."
"What are you waiting for then?"
"Aherm, yes well, you see this girl, her name is Adonia Evans. She is a pureblooded orphan. She recently discovered the millions that her parents left her and is going to Hogwarts for the first time tomorrow. Before today, she studied whatever she could without the help of others. I've heard people say that she holds some great power. Well, she does seem really skilled. Oh, and she is going directly to 6th year. That's the same year as my son. She has already been sorted into Gryffindor since she had a meeting with Dumbledore beforehand."
Voldermort took in everything he said. A Gryffindor? He didn't care. It wouldn't matter anyways. From what he saw yesterday, she certainly had the skills of a Slytherin, but the bravery of a Gryffindor nonetheless.
"Lucius! I want you to instruct your son to do something." Voldermort barked.
"Should I tell him to keep everyone away from her?" he asked.
"No... I want HIM to stay away from her." Voldermort knew what Draco Malfoy was capable of. If women could throw themselves at him then they could kill themselves for Draco Malfoy. He was of inexplicable beauty as was Adonia Evans. They were well suited when it came down to looks and he would not tolerate being threatened by the Malfoy kid.
"Severus. You are my trusted follower. I want you to keep an eye on her."
"Yes Master," he said. Severus wasn't actually going to bother. He had seen the girl. And she was the most beautiful he had ever seen. But she was probably not even seventeen and he was not a paedophile.
Voldermort dismissed them and then retreated into his chambers to yet again be troubled by the thoughts of the delicious female.
"Ron," Hermione shook Ron gently in attempt to wake him.
"Ron!" she said a bit more loudly.
"Ron! Wake up you stupid git!" Hermione started shaking vigorously now.
"Bloody hell 'Mione! I told you I was getting up!" Ron said in a hoarse voice.
"Everyone's on the breakfast table and your mum's been screaming your name for the past hour!"
"I'm getting up! Gosh..." Ron muttered getting up.
Hermione smiled and stopped him before briefly kissing him on the lips. Ron, slightly happier now, mumbled something incoherent before stepping into the bathroom.
Downstairs everyone was at the breakfast table laughing at something the twins said. Molly Weasley was standing beside Harry forcing food down his throat while Ginny was pointing and laughing. Harry tried shooting death glares at Ginny but couldn't manage since she kept making weird kissing faces at him. In the end he lost control and burst out laughing at her.
The door to the back yard opened and everyone's eyes shot towards it. Arthur Weasley stepped inside wearing black robes and for a second it looked like he was trying to hide someone behind him.
Molly walked over to him before giving him a light peck on the cheek and earning a couple of "Ew's" from the Weasley kids as well as a "Get a room" from Fred and George.
"Kids there's someone I'd like you to meet," Arthur said sounding hesitant.
A mass of thick brown curls slowly started peeking out from behind him. Adonia shyly stepped inside the kitchen after Arthur Weasley.
"Hi," her slightly husky, velvety voice echoed throughout the room. She was in simple muggle attire. A tight fitting black turtle neck paired with dark blue skinny jeans and a pair of converses. It was still dark outside so she couldn't be seen very properly. She closed the door behind her and smiled politely at Molly.
Everyone was staring dumbfounded at her. Her turquoise eyes scanned the room to see if she was getting a reply for her greeting.
"Well hello there," Fred said flirtatiously. Ginny smiled and nudged him hinting to shut his big mouth.
Molly went over to Adonia and squeezed her in a tight hug. "It feels like it's been ages since I last saw you. And you haven't changed one bit! Well you have gotten skinnier. That won't do at all. You didn't listen to anything I told you in India did you? Goodness, do you ever think about your health?" Molly was scolding her.
"Molly... Do you ever think about anything else but fattening me up?" Adonia asked in her smooth voice.
"You two went to India together?" George asked.
"Your parents and I came across each other at the London airport. They're quite hopeless when it comes to the muggle world. I helped them out and we spent the rest of the trip together."
"Sit down child. I can't bear to see you so thin. I'm afraid you're going to disappear any second if I don't put some meat on those bones," Molly continued scolding.
Adonia took a seat next to Ginny while Molly piled her plate up with pancakes topped with maple syrup. Ginny snickered while the rest of the boys continued staring at her.
"Hey. I'm Ginny," Ginny introduced.
"Adonia Evans. Nice to meet you."
"Are you coming to Hogwarts with us?" Fred questioned.
"Yeah. Sixth year."
"You're one year younger. But that doesn't make a very big difference," George smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.
"I'm George by the way. And this is my evil twin, Fred. And that's the boy who lived AKA the chosen one," George said pointing at Harry. Adonia glanced at Harry's dark messy hair and green eyes that seemed somewhat familiar.
Fred punched George on the side and Harry kicked him from underneath the table as Adonia laughed.
"Did you say your name was Adonia Evans?" Harry asked.
"Do you by any chance remember any family member by the name of Lily Evans?" he questioned again.
"Sorry. I'm an orphan so I know nothing of my family history. Why do you ask though?"
"She was my mother," Harry said. Ginny squeezed Harry's hand as a gesture of comfort.
"I'm so sorry Harry but I have no idea," Adonia said sadly. The dimly lit room caused her perfectly tanned skin to glow and her sad eyes to stand out.
"Not a big deal. Seriously," Harry said with a smile on his face.
"So Adonia... Have you ever heard of strip poker?" Fred asked, trying to lighten up the mood.
"Fred!" it was Hermione that spoke. She was dragging Ron downstairs by the sleeve and apparently hadn't heard the whole conversation.
"Is that really how you talk to people you've just met?" Hermione asked incredulously, seating herself on the chair opposite Adonia's and helping herself to a plate of pancakes.
"I'm Hermione Granger," she said raising a hand to shake. Adonia scanned Hermione this time. She had large curls of golden-brown hair, smooth porcelain skin and deep chocolate brown eyes. She had an intelligent know-it-all look on her face and it was clearly visible that she was exceptionally bright. Adonia introduced herself before looking at Ron. He was staring at her like she was a giant walking, talking, chocolate frog.
"Ron it is rude to stare," Hermione whispered threateningly.
"Right, sorry, I'm Ron Weasley," he said after coming out of his stupor.
"Alright kids. Here's the deal. Kim here is going to be in sixth year at Hogwarts. It's the first time she is going to be around so many hormonal teenagers so I want you to look after her-" Arthur Weasley was interrupted.
"Really Arthur. I can take care of myself. You don't need have all your kids look after me like I'm a child," Adonia said, for the first time with a little anger in her voice.
"You are a child Adonia. And since you are my responsibility, I will not tolerate any harm coming towards you," Arthur said sternly.
"Who would possibly try to harm me?" Adonia challenged.
"He's right Adonia. Don't underestimate the students of Hogwarts. Especially those pesky Slytherins," Ginny said.
"Hey don't worry. I'll protect you!" Goerge said, sticking out his chest in a macho manly manner.
Ron and Harry scoffed and stifled their laughter while Fred nudged his twins waist causing him to shrivel up in pain.
"Arthur you really don't need to do this," Adonia said.
"Kim. Listen dear. You are like a daughter to us. We just want to look out for you," it was Molly who replied.
"Well you definitely never gave us that much attention!" Fred exclaimed.
"Are you a girl?" asked Arthur.
"No," replied Fred.
"Then shut up," Arthur said.
Everyone but Fred started laughing their guts out at this. Adonia still held that stern look in her eyes.
"I want all of you to take care of Adonia and most of all, KEEP HER AWAY FROM BOYS!" Arthur almost shouted.
"What?!?!" Adonia asked, surprised.
The whole room burst out in laughter again except Adonia, Arthur and Molly. Adonia thought this was beyond ridiculous but Arthur looked dead serious and so did Molly. Arthur spoke again when the laughter died out a little.
"Adonia, you have no idea what those boys are like. Trust me. I have experience with Fred and George," he said.
"Hey!" the twins shouted.
"Well , it's true. You guys are perverts," Hermione said in a matter-of-factly way.
Fred and George gave each other sly smiles as if they were just complimented and earned looks of disgust from Hermione and Ginny.
"We'll look after you Kim. Harry and I are together and Hermione and Ron are a thing so I'm sure we won't have any problems," Ginny said sweetly. She was really trying to befriend the girl. After all, Hermione and Ginny were probably two of the most popular girls in school. Not that they cared the least bit. Ginny just felt like she and Adonia would hit it off. And she could easily see that boys would be swooning after Adonia as soon as she stepped foot in Hogwarts. That was not always a good thing.
"Yeah of course," Adonia said. She noticed Ginny's fiery red hair, green eyes and innocently freckled face and thought it wouldn't be hard to get to know her. Ginny seemed quite eager anyways.
"Where's your trunk?" Hermione asked.
'Well it's not so much a trunk, just a bag full of some stuff. She hasn't had the time to go out and buy everything she needs. It's upstairs in Ginny's room," Molly said.
Ginny and Hermione rose from their chairs and beckoned for Adonia to get up too. Adonia's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she tentatively stood up.
"Come on. We've got some things to show you," Ginny said enthusiastically.
Molly looked like she was about to complain about food again but Ginny silenced her with a stern look.
Ginny led the way upstairs to her room. Adonia stepped inside and took in her surroundings. It was a cosy little room. The far wall had a large window on it with a large bed directly underneath it that was taking up most of the room. To the left of the bed was a small teak dressing table pushed up against the wall with a mirror stuck to it. To the right of the bed was another door, no doubt the closet. Four large lamps stood on the four corners of the room. The bed was decorated with countless fluffy pillows and a baby pink bed sheet. It looked extremely comfortable.
Hermione took Adonia's hand and guided her to the bed. The sat down facing each other while Ginny was rummaging through her closet looking for something. She retuned holding a large book in her hands that looked extremely heavy to carry and sat on the bed. They were now sitting in a circle with the book in the middle.
"Are we conjuring a spirit or something?" Adonia asked with an amused expression on her face.
The girls laughed and turned the book towards her.
"No silly. This is the Hogwarts year book. We thought we might give you an idea of the kind of people you're going to be studying with," Hermione said.
They opened the book and as Hermione said, the bold letters engraved on the front page read "HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY '08". They turned the page and there were several moving pictures of the first year students. The next 30 pages were dedicated to first year. Ginny turned the pages quickly stating that the real stuff begins in the later years. After what seemed like a million pages, Ginny finally reached the fourth year section.
Adonia looked at the divisions between Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. She caught sight of fiery red hair in the Gryffindor section and Ginny pointed out.
"Yeah, that's me. Let's get down to the important people though. The hot guys!" Ginny exclaimed.
Hermione smirked at Ginny and turned the pages until she reached the fifth year section. Ginny immediately pointed at someone in the Slytherin section. The boy had white-blonde hair that reached mid-neck. His grey eyes looked like molten mercury and his pink pouty lips stood out on his otherwise pale face. He looked taller than most boys and Adonia could tell that he was also one of the more muscular boys in the group.
"Hottie number 1. Avoid at all times. He's pure evil," Hermione said, a slight blush rising in her cheeks.
"Oh come on Hermione! So he's the typical bad boy. That just makes him more attractive. You know he's never had a girlfriend before," Ginny said.
"But he's slept with almost every girl in school!" Hermione exclaimed with wide eyes.
"Yes he has. But according to Pansy he hasn't found anyone who he thinks is worth wasting time on."
"That is really stupid. He hasn't found a SINGLE girl that he likes in the whole school? It's just ridiculous."
"What's his name?" Adonia asked.
"Draco Malfoy," Ginny answered.
Adonia looked at the boy again. He looked angry for some reason. She hadn't really shown that much attention to boys before. She didn't think criticising this Draco Malfoy would make that much of a difference to her. She listened again as Ginny started naming other boys and girl to look out for, commenting here and there about how they look. After two hours of "girl time" as Hermione called it, Molly Weasley's voice boomed throughout the house demanding that the girls come downstairs before she comes up there.
Adonia was having fun with these new people. She had never actually had any real friends and this was a sudden change. She often found herself befriending people a lot older than her.
Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred, George and Adonia stood in front of the crimson Hogwarts Express. Molly Weasley was hugging them goodbye and warning them about getting into trouble. Adonia looked around. She didn't think she had ever seen so many teenagers in one place. She hugged Molly one last time and made her way to the train with Hermione and Ginny.
Draco boarded the Hogwarts express with Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini beside him. They found an empty compartment quickly since it was still early. Blaise and Pansy sat on the seat across him giving him a speculative look.
"So did you hear about the new student?" Blaise asked.
"No. Why should I care?" Draco drawled.
"It's a girl," Pansy said eyeing Draco.
Draco smiled at his best friend who was forever trying to find him a girlfriend and replied, "Pansy can you give it up already? I can find a girlfriend myself."
"Pansy didn't your father tell you though?" Blaise asked.
"Tell me what? All I know is that it's a girl who going in Gryffindor," Pansy replied.
"A Gryffindor? Hell no Pansy!" Draco exclaimed, surprised that Pansy would ever commit such a monstrosity. He would rather go to hell and back than date a bloody Gryffindor.
"Wait there's more," Blaise said, keeping his voice low. Draco and Pansy leaned in to hear what he was saying.
"My father said he saw her closely, he even tried killing her but she dodged his spell like a beach ball. She was at the Ministry fighting on Dumbledore's side, and she shot a spell at the Dark Lord. He said she didn't look human at first. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. And the Dark Lord fell head on heels for her."
Draco and Pansy burst out laughing. "You mean that git's fallen for some angel face?" Draco asked.
"There's more," Blaise said eyeing Draco.
"Why're you giving me that look?" Draco asked again.
"It concerns you," Blaise said with a smirk on his face.
"Why would it concern me? Father hasn't said anything to me," Draco was suddenly alot more curious.
"Draco, the Dark Lord asked your father to keep you away from her. He also asked Snape to keep an eye on her to make sure no boys go near her. He doesn't want to be threatened by you because he thinks you're a hotter than him. I actually feel sorry for you Draco. She's like the forbidden fruit to you," Blaise smirked.
"Wait. Backup. He thinks I'm hotter than him? He's threatened by me? Cool," Draco said.
"Don't forget the most important part. You're not allowed to go anywhere near her," Pansy said, smiling slightly.
"Yeah I heard. The forbidden fruit right?"
Pansy smiled and nodded. She knew that if this girl really was that beautiful, then Draco would go after her. And the fact that she was forbidden to touch would make him more eager.
"I don't care. I can get loads of girls without any effort and I'm not wasting my time on one. I need to go and get some air," Draco said getting up.
He opened the compartment door and headed towards the bathroom when he heard a familiar voice.
"-should trust me. Stay away from them. Especially Malfoy," said the voice of Ginny Weasley.
"Ginny I really have no interest in going anywhere near the Slytherins. I would appreciate it if you just drop it," said another unfamiliar voice.
They were boarding the train so Draco decided to waste no time making their lives miserable. They were opening the door to their compartment when Draco saw their backs.
"Didn't realise you missed me so much Weasley."
Hermione, Ginny and Adonia turned around. Draco held his breath as soon as he saw her. The wild chocolate brown curls, those innocent turquoise-blue eyes, Draco got lost in those eyes. Beautiful. Draco realised he was staring and quickly shook out of his stupor.
"I see you have a new friend. Was Mudblood getting boring?" Draco questioned with his smirk back in place.
"Shove it ferret-boy," Ginny shot back.
"I'm Draco Malfoy," Draco raised his hand to Adonia which she presumed he wanted to shake.
"Adonia Evans," she said taking his hand. To her surprise he lifted her hand and kissed it. She blushed a deep crimson, never having been kissed in any form before. Hermione was red in the face and looked like she was about to blow.
"Keep your filthy hands off her Malfoy," Hermione screamed.
"I don't see her protesting Mudblood. Why don't you go and fuck Weasley or something?" Draco suggested hotly.
Adonia was surprised to say the least. So this was the infamous Draco Malfoy. She may have never been kissed before but she would not stand for him making fun of her friends.
"That was very rude. I think it's safer for you to leave us alone," Adonia threatened.
Draco looked taken aback, "I'll go wherever I want. And if that means following you, then tough luck. What're you going to do about it?"
Adonia was short tempered. She raised her want and quickly cast the Tarantallegra spell and sent him dancing off away from them while he was screaming profanities. The passer by's started pointing and laughing and Draco's temper got worse. Oh she will so pay for that little stunt. Maybe I'll dye her hair green while she's asleep. Then we'll see how she likes it... That sounded gay even in my head, Draco thought.
The tiring train ride had finally ended and Draco stepped out towards the carriages. Everywhere he looked giggling girls were pointing in his direction. See? I have all the girls in the world swooning at my feet. I don't need some tanned, delicious, beautiful, angel-faced, exotic beauty... Ugh!
Draco hated her now. He would do anything to make her life hell. But first he knew he had to get her out of his mind. Just then he caught sight of a 5th year sending flirtatious glances in his direction. He smiled to himself and made his way towards her.