Edit: I just went in and changed a few things, no big deal. I'm going to update this soon, and since my writing style has changed over the years, I'm just fixing up the chapters.

Hope you like it!

Disclaimer – I obviously don't own Ouran.

"Hikaru! Get. Out. Of. Bed!" I yelled at my twin, yanking on his arm with each word I said. It was a dark, rainy afternoon, which did not help my mood.

I've been doing this for at least twenty minutes! What is his problem?! It's two in the afternoon! I gave his arm one last tug, which seemed to be enough to finally make him move. I watched him slowly sit up and shoot me a death glare in the process.

"Leave my arm out of this!" He pulled his arm out of my grasp and lay back down, rolling over onto his other side, his back to me.

I mentally sighed, and crawled into bed next to him. I put my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Hikaru?"

No answer.

"Hikaru, I don't get why you're so angry with me..."

"I never said I was angry." There was no emotion in his voice.

"Then what's wrong?" I whispered into his ear.

He shivered, and I was filled with satisfaction.

"Hikaru, please tell me." I waited for a response, and never got one.

Looks like I'm just going to have to wait for him to break under the pressure. I know it will happen. He's done it so many times in the past.

About ten minutes later, just like I knew he would, my twin finally gave me an answer.

"I'm just...really confused." His voice cracked a few times, and I knew he was about to cry.

"Hikaru, why?" I asked him, also confused.

He turned around in my arms to face me, looking into my eyes, a few tears escaping his. I looked into his eyes, hoping I could read his emotions like I usually can.

I've never seen this expression in his eyes before. The pure sadness, the anger, the confusion. But there is something else...want? Love?

I watched him as he reached his arms up to wrap them around my neck, pulling our lips dangerously close to each other's. We had been this close many times before for our Host Club acts, but somehow this felt...different. I blushed, wondering what was coming next. "Hikaru...what are you doing?"

Hikaru leaned in closer and closer, leaving just a small gap between our lips. I knew my twin well enough to know that he was doing this for a reason. I waited. I could feel my blush deepen as the seconds passed.

I was just about to pull away when he finally said something.

"I'm confused because I don't know if this is wrong...if I should feel this way." A few more tears dripped down his pale cheeks. I just stared into his eyes, not able to look away.

"Kaoru..." He closed the gap between our lips. I kissed back, not entirely realizing what I was doing until he pulled away.

The gears in my mind slowly started turning and everything made sense. I leaned in and kissed him again. This time it was a longer, more passionate kiss.

I pulled away to speak, and partially to breathe. Hikaru had a slightly shocked look on his face, and his breathing was slightly ragged. I nuzzled my face in my twin's neck. "I love you, Hikaru."

At first he wasn't able to speak, shocked at the fact that I had just said something so huge.

"I love you too, Kaoru." His words sounded sincere, but he was hesitant to say them. "But are you sure this is okay? I mean, we're brothers. Twins."

I lifted my head away from his neck to look at him. I looked up into the pair of identical eyes I knew so well.

"Hikaru, why didn't you come talk to me about this?" I asked him, concern evident in my voice.

Hikaru pulled me into a tight embrace. He sat up, pulling me with him. I was sitting across from him now. Hikaru leaned forward to lay his head down on my chest. I felt comfortable with him there. "I didn't want to tell you about my feelings because I was afraid that you would be disgusted with me, and shut me out of your life..."

I was shocked. I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him away to look at him, holding him there. "Don't you ever think that I about me Hikaru Hitachiin!" My voice was loud and stern. I wasn't angry with him. I just couldn't believe that he thought it was a possibility that I would even consider doing that. "I could never be disgusted with you! And there is no way in hell that I would ever shut you out of my life for anything! Your my brother! My twin!"

Hikaru looked down, away from my burning gaze. "I'm so sorry, Kaoru..." Tears started to well up in his eyes again. "I just didn't know what to do." I pulled him back to me, letting his head rest on my chest again. I wrapped one arm around Hikaru's waist and brought my free hand up to his head, stroking his hair. I loved the way the soft strands felt under my fingertips.

"Hikaru, I'm sorry about that outburst. I'm just surprised that you would even think that of me. And don't worry. This is all going to work itself out." I said soothingly, trying to calm down my twin.

Randomly, an idea popped into my head. It was kind of crazy, but it just might work. I took his chin in my hand and tilted his face up to look at mine.

"I think I found a way to make our little problem fun." Hikaru looked confused, so I took a moment to explain it to him.

"You do want to be together now, right?" Hikaru nodded eagerly in response. I smiled at him, making him smile a mirror image of my own. "Okay! That means people can't know about us, right?" He nodded, and I continued. "So...we can make a game out of it!"

"So we just have to hide it from people, and not do anything to different from what we usually do, so people don't notice the change that has happened between us."

I sat there, thinking for a moment. "What about the Host Club?"

"I think that we can have a little more fun with our 'brotherly love' acts now, considering that they aren't 'acts' anymore." Hikaru smirked at me, making me blush. "We just can't go overboard with it. We don't want people getting suspicious now, would we?" He leaned down and brushed his lips against mine.

"N-No." I stuttered, barely able to speak at all. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me. Hikaru smiled against my lips and pulled away.

"That's what I thought." He said, and I pulled him back in for another kiss.

I was quite curious to how our new little game would play out.