"This is ridiculous!" Riven muttered to himself as he drove his levabike through the Gloomy Wood Forest, towards Alfea. "It's ten o' clock at night! She's probably asleep!" Riven took Sky's advice and decided to go see Musa. Nabu had said that even though Layla wasn't a romantic girl, she loved it when he visited her at night. Riven had thought that Musa would be the same.

But now that he was actually out here, he was so nervous he wanted to turn back. After a few more minutes, he reached the gates of the Alfea castle. He sat on his bike in the dark, wondering which room was Musa's. "I should have asked before I left!" He scolded himself. He whipped out his cell phone and called Nabu.


"Hey, Nabu. It's me"

"Dude where are you?"

"I'm at Alfea! Taking your stupid advice!"

"Well, what's the problem?" Nabu asked, a little worried.

"Which on is Musa's room!" Nabu's hearty chuckle came through the phone. "It's not funny!" Riven yelled. "Just tell me where to go!"

"Stop yelling, you'll wake the whole school! Alright, where are you?"

"Just outside the gate."

"Alright, go inside and to the right, the top floor, third balcony from the tower."

"Thanks," Riven said, quickly hanging up the phone. He took a deep breath and rode up to window. 'Now what!' he thought. "Musa!" He whispered. "Musa!" Nothing. Grumbling to himself he parked the bike on the balcony and tapped lightly on the window. Nothing. Maybe she wasn't there. Maybe he had gotten the wrong room.

He was about to turn around when the door slowly opened. And there was Musa, standing with a confused and shocked look on her face. Riven scratched the back of his neck and tried to stutter out an explanation as to why he was standing on her balcony at 10:30 at night. The best he could come up with was, "What's up?"

"Ummm…Riven. What are you doing here?" Musa asked.

"I…Ummm…Just came to ummm…See you?" He said it like a question and started to back up a little. "D-Did I wake you?"

"Umm no." Musa replied. She closed the balcony door and went to stand by Riven. "You came to see me in the middle of the night?"

"Well…Yeah, I guess. You weren't at Red Fountain yesterday so..."

"And you couldn't pick any other time to talk to me?" Musa said with a small smile.

"Well if you want me to leave than I'll just-"

"No, no!" Musa said quickly. "I just meant that this isn't exactly a-"

"Good time?" Riven assumed. His temper started to rise and he climbed onto the bike. "Why, were you with someone else?"

"What! What are you talking about!"

Riven sucked in a breath, then let it out. "I don't know…" he said softly. She giggled, her eyes sparkling a little. Riven looked her straight in the eye, taking in her laugh. It was as beautiful as when she sang. It made him want to hold her tight to him and never let her go. She froze under the intensity of his stare. He felt his legs move beneath him, moving him closer to her. He had her eyes locked in his and in the blink of an eye they were close enough, he could count her long thick eyelashes.

His hands itched to touch her. He lifted a hand and stroked her check. He felt the skin beneath his fingers heating up and moved even closer to her. Her hand found his available one and she held it tight. He gave a small shy but genuine smile that she mirrored. Seconds later, their lips found each other. What felt like minutes had passed. They finally broke apart but their foreheads still touched.

"Umm…" Riven stuttered. "Maybe I should get back…"

"Y-Yeah…Me too" Musa replied softly.

"I-I guess... Can I call you tomorrow?"

"Sure," She replied with a smile. He backed away but didn't let go of her hand until the bike was revved and he was on. He held her small hand tight in his, then slowly let go. It almost hurt him to leave her. He wanted to stay forever with her, to make this night last forever. She slowly backed up to the closed balcony door, not taking her eyes of him. He smiled at her, winked then rode away.

As soon as he was off Alfea grounds, Riven sped the bike up, doing flips in the air and yelling at the top of his lungs not caring who he woke. This was the happiest he had felt in his whole life.

As soon as Riven was out of sight, Musa jumped up into the air, punching the sky and hollering her happiness. Lights all around the campus were flicking on, but she didn't care. Her Prince Charming had swept her off her feet.