Disclaimer: I don't own Charmed or Swac. I don't own Hallucinations by angels& airwaves its for story purpose only.

you look real close
Cross the lines and the roads
It is there to decode
What you thought was a ghost
Or a spark to explode
It's the start of the show
It's the part you love the most
When your heart will implode within

"I am here for Sonny. She should be my wife. I am the god of love Okey but they call me Orlando" He replied smiling.

"Excuse me? If I ever get married it would be to Chad not some toga wearing guy!" Sonny argued.

"Yeah, and to get her you have to get to me first!" Chad yelled stepping up to Orlando.

"Please back away your simply going to hurt your self. Just give me my wife to be and no one will get hurt." Orlando replied. Lighting away and reappearing behind Sonny and taking her with him.

"I said you would have to get through me first!" Chad yelled when it was too late.

"I'm here for Sonny she is in great danger!" Portlyn flamed in.

"Its too late Portlyn! He took her she is gone" Chad yelled.

"I'm so tired of this!" Tawni yelled.

"Tell me about it." Portlyn replied.

"I just want a normal life again with out these powers. I want to live a demon free life, can't Sonny and I just be happy for once?" Chad angrily said. He was tired of all the drama the magical life brough.

"Tell me about it. I cant even let Nico know that I like him. I'm too scared whats happening with you and Sonny would happen to us too. I wish we never read that book." Tawni cried out.

"I was born with these powers, unlike Sonny mine weren't binded. This is nothing compared to what I had to live with. Being raised by demons who weren't your parents who taught me how to kill. I know I can be mean sometimes but I am actually nice. You have to fight for things you love." Portlyn commented.

"Your right. We should fight to get her back." Tawni replied more confident this time.

"Were going up against gods! Didn't you read the book of shadows? They can't be vanquished by witches. They can only be vanquished by there own kind." Chad explained.

"We have a problem then." Portlyn whispered. Everyone either orbed or flamed to the manor to get to the bottom of this. As usual the manor was empty. The family must have been looking for Nico's parents. Chad went up to the book to find some simple solution the only thing was to go up to the elders and beg them to turn them into gods for the day. As they went up to Chad and Sonny's spot Chad and Tawni called the elder Alexander. He was an older elder who been fighting for the greater good for years.

"Chad, Tawni, and Portlyn what makes you call me?" Alexander asked taking his white hood off his head.

"Some god named Okey or Orlando took Sonny. We need help getting her back." Portlyn said.

"The only way to get Sonny back is to become a god. You kids aren't ready, becoming a god/goddess will destroy you. As an elder I can't allow you to do something that will endanger you in this high risk." Alexander replied.

"I'm not just going to sit here and wait for my girlfriend to be forced into a wedding. I will save her with or with out you!" Chad shouted

"Chad calm down!" Alexander shouted.

"No this is the second time you people done this to him. Know wonder why I was a demon I would hate working for some elder who won't let us do crap!" Portlyn shouted defending Chad.

"There right. You wont allow Chad and Sonny to date because of there blood lines. Then you wont let us save her." Tawni commented.

"Its all apart of the greater good. Sonny's destiny is in danger if you guys become a couple. Sonny can either break or rule the world either way she is a threat to the greater good. Now I can't allow you to ruin things for us elders. We worked to hard to let some kids destroy everything because some White lighter thinks he is in love! White lighters don't fall in love and the ones who do end up dead or there wings get clipped. So what's it going to be?" Alexander threatened.

"I can't believe your just going to let some gods take over and not even fight for Sonny. She is also as great of a good as us." Portlyn replied.

"Portlyn don't talk without a script!" Chad yelled in frustration.

"Please Sir, we just want to help Sonny she is bigger than our friend she is our family. Sonny has been the happiest person I knew but ever since she gained her powers the evil has been taking over. I know Sonny she doesn't want to be evil she just wants to do good. I know keeping her away from Chad is only going to make things worse. She would end up full filling her evil side and then no one can stop her! If you let us please we can save her from turning into this horrid monster." Tawni begged.

"Yeah what Tawni said is true we can save her." Portlyn interrupted

"Fine then if you three can garmented that Sonny won't take over the world I will grant you this one wish. But if for any situation where one of you decides to take over I will clip your wings and end your flames." Alexander threatened.

"Thank you! I promise that I won't be stupid" Chad cheered. The elder Alexander orbed three little blue veils into his hand and an ancient scroll to start the spell. After minutes of the spell being done to each teenager. Chad, Tawni, and Portlyn were Gods. Tawni was the Goddess of beauty, Portlyn was the Goddess of Kindness, and Chad was the God of stubbornness. They each gotten there title by the way they were in every day life.

"Now that you have became Gods and Goddesses you must not let it control you or it will take over your soul, and we would not be able to heal you or turn you back in to your rightful bodies." Alexander ordered. The three teens listened very well for there instructions and listened to the plan that they had to get rid of the escaped gods.

Do you believe in hallucinations, silly dreams or imaginations
Don't go away cause I feel you this time
Don't go away cause I need you there this time

"What the hell am I doing here?" Sonny screamed looking around she noticed she was in a crystal cage and was mad for getting kidnapped and not doing anything to stop it. She kept kicking her self mentally she knew better she should have stopped him she had the powers to stop him, but yet she didn't do anything but to stay still. She tried to escape the crystal cage only to get shocked in the process.

"My beloved Sonny. You shouldn't fight it, your love for me is stronger then you know. Your the reason why I am here after all. You wanted an escape from love, you wanted this to happen." Orlando replied walking around the cage.

"I don't want this, and I obviously don't love you! I love Chad get that through your big head. O swear If you don't let me go I will kill you! That isn't a threat it is a promise!" Sonny screamed

"Sonny, Sonny, Sonny don't you know a god can't die? That we are stronger than witches, that not even the charmed ones can kill me"

"Ha but I am so much more then a simple witch, not even the original charmed ones can stop me from being who I am destined to be. You really do not know who I am" Sonny hissed her eyes growing darker within the second.

"Sonny do not look at me like that. Your eyes they grow dark, you must not focus on hate but love. Love for me and you the one we are destined to share." He replied.

Sonny's anger kept growing all she done was focus on one thing and one thing only it was to get out and to kill these gods. She didn't see them as gods but merely as idiots they were lower then demons to her, and because of that she just wants to get rid of them the sooner she can. As her eyes grew darker till her whole eye ball filled with the darkest black she knew she was ready.

"I told you I didn't love you!" Sonny screamed louder then any one can ever scream. It was so loud the crystal cage exploded freeing the princess of the underworld.

"What it is impossible to break loose!" Okey screamed. With a flash across the sky Chad, Portlyn and Tawni were witnessing Sonny in her full demon form. Sonny was a goth princess dressed in all black with the darkest of make up.

"Sonny stop!" Chad yelled trying to calm her down before she killed the man who kidnapped her. With out noticing she had Okey in mid air sucking in his powers and Ora making her more powerful.

"Sonny you need to calm down we are here to take care of this we chased the other ones away back into the deepest parts of the Himalayas and re-froze them. There is no need to accept this fate. You are better then this Sonny by killing him you will also kill the Sonny everyone knows and loves. Do this for us be strong and let us take care of this." Chad pleaded with her trying to convince her that there is a better option other then murder.

"Sonny you can't help who you fall in love with. He fell in love with you just like you fell in love with Chad. He isn't a bad guy is just influenced to do bad because of his family. Its just like me and you Sonny. Our family expects us to be a certain way. Just like him, give him a chance to live" Portlyn cried out trying to save her sister. Yes it sounded like she was trying to convince her to save Okey (Orlando) but she knew if Sonny killed him the whole world would be different it will be over.

As the rain floats home
Carry us back to shore
And up the mountainous coast
Where the sun starts to glow
From our head to our toes
To the stars that we know
And with you as my host
It will keep us afloat again

Days passed after the indecent with the gods. The kids went back to normal things finally started to feel normal again. Tawni finally got to tell Nico her feelings for him and already knowing he shared the same feelings. Grady and Portlyn were even kicking it off not as fast as the others were hoping but things for them two were going good. Even Zora started to gain more powers and started to control everything more better then how she was before. Every one was living there happy life except for one.

"Hey Chad" Piper greeted him sitting next to him on the bottom step of the manor.

"Hello." Chad replied he wasn't much of a talker since everything went down.

"You miss her don't you? I was the same way when they took Leo from me." She replied

"Yeah I actually miss her more then the fame, more then the fans. When I am with her I am not this hot shot Chad Dylan Cooper, I am more just Chad. She brings the good out in me and with out her whats there to live for? I waited for a girl like her for years and when I finally find her they snatch her away like no bodies business." Chad softly replied. He was broken, he was something no one knew, he was depressed. The elders took the main thing he loved he couldn't fight for her this time there was no convincing then to bring her back. It was in the hands of the angel of destiny now. She came in the middle of the night and took Sonny with out a word of warning.

"When they took Leo I thought I would die, I was depressed for days for months even years. They make love so hard because they want you to give up but you know what no matter how much they try to stop love it always comes back. There is no way of stopping love. Trust me I didn't think they would bring my husband back, but you know what they did and they will bring Sonny back. You just have to keep faith and never let the flame die. It may take days or even years but one day when you least suspect it she will be back in your arms." Piper continued. As the sun started to set and all the kids were running back in to there safe houses. While the Charmed five started to get ready for another night of battle. Chad promised he will kill every demon who got in his way of finding his beloved Sonny. The world would not sleep until she was back.

Sorry it took so long again. i hope you can forgive me i feel really bad i let all of you wait i know i lost alot of fans like that and i am truly sorry.


"Chad face the fact she isn't coming back"

"I loved you, I always loved you!"

"What are you guys doing?"

"See I told you she isn't coming back"