Okay, this is not my first fanfiction (I've written others in a different category) but is my first Holes attempt. It's short but I've already started the next chapter and it's three times as long. I know that this storyline is waaaay over done, but there's probably a reason for that, right? : ) However, it will not be one of those stories where every girl is paired with every guy...that would be exhausting.

Oh, and I didn't know what to rate it so just be warned that their is some language but nothing beyond that.


Summary: After a local detention facility for girls closes down, the teenagers are divided up and sent to other facilities. Fourteen of them are sent to Camp Green Lake where they have to finish out the rest of their sentence digging holes.


The bus was hot and stuffy as it travelled down the dirt road, the fourteen girls in it, handcuffed and sweaty. It was uncharacteristically quiet for the group as they eyed the armed guard up front sipping from a flask.

"Hey, asshole," One of the girls spoke up from the back. "How 'bout givin a sip to someone who needs it, huh?"

The guard looked pointedly at her and without responding, tipped his head back and took a big swig of it. The girls all watched longingly as every drop of the liquid was emptied of the flask. There was a muttering of curses up the bus at the guards apparent lack of remorse for their current situation.

"Top notch system we have, really," a blonde with two braids spoke, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "firearms and whiskey, great combo. And we're supposed to be the ones who broke the law."

"Eww…" This time it was a Japanese girl up front. "Please, tell me you aren't drinking whiskey. It should at least be something decent like…"

"Peach Schnapps," a smaller girl added in with a smile.

There was a scoff from the larger girl in the back, "You would like that crap, Karizma. Those of us with taste prefer the hard stuff."

"This coming from a girl who got drunk off Miller Lite and crashed into a 7-11." The blonde muttered.

"Shut the hell up, Ellia."

Ellia looked back and said in all sincerity, "I'm just stating a fact, Aubrey."

"And what's that?" Aubrey glared back menacingly.

"That you're white trash."

Ellia smirked as Aubrey flew up from her seat as if to come after her, but was stopped by the handcuffs holding her to the seat. She was a large girl so if it wasn't for her hands being retrained, Ellia probably wouldn't be so bold. "You lucky bitch. I'm gonna kick your ass as soon as we get off this piece of shit."

"Language, Aubrey." Ellia mocked.

Aubrey made fists as best she could, sending daggers at the other girl.

"El, stop egging her on." A tall brunette ordered from across the aisle. She had short brown hair and was sitting with her back to the window so she could rest her head.

Rolling her eyes, Ellia turned back around and brought one of her converse's to rest on the seat so she could awkwardly wrap her arms around her knee.

"She's got a point." A red head spoke from a few seats up. "We all know Aubrey has about as much class as a rat in a sewage line."

"Ha! Thank you, Abby!" Ellia laughed, as if this comment solidified her earlier conclusion. However, her enthusiasm was not shared as this caused a mild uproar on the bus. Some girls laughed while others jumped to defend the girl in question. Before long, there was a clear divide in the group as they yelled at each other, their volume increasing in the large space.

The guard gave a look to the bus driver who nodded and lay down on the brakes, throwing each of the girls forward and, in some cases, off their seats. A few choice words were thrown at the driver as the occupants righted themselves in their seats. He ignored their words, however, and just chuckled with the guard.

And with that, the bus lapsed into silence again for the rest of the journey to Camp Green Lake.


It's not much to go on but let me know what you think and if I should keep posting. Although, no matter what, I'll probably still write it. Thanks for reading!! Now...REVIEW!!