Rated: M

Warnings: Yaoi, AU, and Tobi has a bit of a filthy mouth

Pairing: L/Light

Author Notes: This is an AU vampire fic. Not your style, you know where the back button is. The idea's in my head, and it won't go away. Sorry about the wait. Had family issues, and the real world doesn't just...stop. Enjoy.


There was so much pain. He couldn't begin to wonder if it would ever stop. The choice had been taken from him the exact moment he'd been betrayed. They didn't know what they were screwing with. As soon as he was able, they'd wish they had never come across him.


Light jerked awake for the fifth time that night, panting and not knowing where he was. Panicked eyes searched the room for nothing in particular, but everything at the same time. He closed his eyes again and took a deep breath, trying to get his breathing to calm down. His heart was beating so fast, he was surprised the thing hadn't beat right out of his chest.

Falling backwards on the bed, he let out a frustrated groan. This had to stop. He wasn't getting sleep. He was falling behind in his college classes. And to top it off, he kept waking up feeling as though he was being watched. If that couldn't make a person paranoid, Light didn't know what would. However, every time he looked around his room, there was no one there. Even though he was sure someone was. It didn't make any sense.

Light growled and threw the covers off himself and got up, heading to the bathroom. After splashing water on his face, fully intent on taking care of the problem in his boxers. He spun around at the sound of the bedroom window coming open, but whatever it was had gone. Light didn't know who it could've been, what it could've been, or why they had been in his room. He knew someone had been there, though, because whoever it was left the window open.


As soon as the brunette had left for the bathroom, his "watcher" left the bedroom through the window he'd opened. The raven-headed figure stood, looking at the window from across the street. That had been too close. He'd almost been spotted, and the man's thoughts were enough to let the figure know that the brunette knew he'd been there. He also knew that the raven-head frequented his dreams. He just didn't know he knew, yet.

The vampire shook his head. He hadn't had a headache in...well, he couldn't remember when, but he was mighty close to a migraine now. If that human thought he was going to get the better of him, he was wrong. The vampire growled and turned away to walk down the quiet street, hoping to get home before the sun came up.


Light didn't wake up again until the next morning. Good thing he woke up when he did, because it was ten 'til seven, and he had a class at eight. He cursed loudly and sprang from the bed, taking off towards the bathroom once again. It took him usually thirty minutes to an hour before he was ready, but he didn't have that kind of time now. Within twenty minutes, Light was walking out the door of his apartment. He didn't stop until he was walking into his classroom.

Although, it didn't matter. Just because he was in class didn't mean that he was going pay any attention. His mind kept drifting back to his dreams and the feeling of being watched that washed over him every time he woke up, whether it was waking up in the middle of the night or waking up for the day. Light felt his eyes begin to drift closed and he sighed, shifting slightly into a more comfortable position, then he let himself go.


Light moaned and squirmed as hips moved against his own, making the male above him gasp. The raven-head with no face leaned down to brush his lips over the shell of his ear, whispering things that Light didn't understand. He spoke of darkness and loneliness. He spoke of the centuries he looked for the right one, one that he could claim as his own, who would belong to him wholly.

Their hips pivoted against each other, both seeking the same thing. "I want you," the voice whispered, "and I will have you."

Light understood that well enough. And he wasn't about to say no. He wanted it too. "Please."

The raven-head groaned and quickened their pace, slamming them together, his arms cradling Light. Light cried out as he threw his head back against the pillows. Chestnut eyes found onyx as Light's body thrummed with pleasure, making him feel like his heart was beating in his cock instead of in his chest. However, this was the part, Light knew, where everything went wrong. The onyx eyes turned a deep red, and the raven-head's canines elongated to the point he could barely close his mouth over them. Fangs, Light thought belatedly. But it was already too late. The raven-head scraped them over his jugular then sank them into the skin. Light cried out as he came. And then... his vision went black.



The brunette turned sharply upon hearing his name. His friend, Tobi, was heading his way, looking concerned. Tobi was an exchange student from the States. He had taken several classes to learn Japanese, and he spoke it fluently. He'd wanted to stay for a while to work on a book, but he had wanted to stay in college, too. So, while he was there researching his book, he was also taking classes at Light's college.

"What, Tobi?" Light asked as he stopped walking, allowing the other man to catch up.

Tobi snorted and flipped blond bangs from his eyes, which were a deep sapphire blue. "Where are you going in such a hurry? Slow down and relax, okay?"

Light laughed and shook his head. "Me, relax? Are you kidding?"

"Ah, that's right, the Chief's son. Studying to walk in his foot steps by becoming a great detective. Yes, relax."

"You're right. I could take a bit of time off studying this weekend. What did you have in mind?"

Tobi cocked a dirty blond brow, a grin spreading over his face. "What makes you think I had something in mind?"

"Tobi, I've known you for a year now. You wouldn't have brought it up if you hadn't thought of something before hand."

The blond shook his head. "Light, you know me way too well for my own good." He put his hand over his heart and grinned. "I always have your best interests at heart, you know that right?"

Light waved his hand. "Yeah, so? What'd you have in mind?"

"Well, ah, I wanted to take you to a night club."

"Fine. Under one condition, though."

Tobi, who was happy Light agreed with no argument, nodded. "Yeah, what?"

"I get to pick out what I'm wearing."

Tobi blinked, his face blank. "The hell you say."

"I mean it, Tobi."

"So do I, Light. I'm going to pick what you wear. You don't have anything but those dressy clothes you like to present yourself with everyday. You don't wear that to a club. The point in going is to get away from yourself. So, none of those clothes, okay?"

Light tipped his head to one side, grinning. "Tell you what. I'll put something on, and if you don't like it, you can dress me up as you see fit when I get to your house, alright?"

"Deal. But if I decided that I don't like it, and can provide a good reason why, then you have to wear the first thing I pick out, no matter what it is. No arguments."

Light nodded. "Deal."

Tobi looked down at his watch and smiled. "Okay, uh...The club opens at eight. It's six, now. So, that'll give you an hour to get ready and an hour to get your ass to my house, cool?"

"Yeah, I'll see you then, Tobi."

The blond waved as he set off in the opposite direction towards his car. "Bye, Light."



Two hours later, Light pulled up into the driveway of Tobi's small little apartment. Light sighed as he looked the place over. Tobi didn't have as much money as Light did, so he couldn't afford that good a place. Light had tried to get the blond to room with him to save money, but Tobi had insisted on having his own place. He didn't want to owe Light anything, and he sure as hell didn't want Light to do it for free.

He knocked on the door, and as soon as Tobi answered the blond gasped. "Light. Hot damn, I didn't know you had any black in that closet of yours."

Light grinned. He'd gone with his usual look, but was more casual with it. He wore a button down black shirt. He left the top four buttons undone so that some of the skin of his chest was showing. It was a tight-fitting shirt, so he didn't wear it unless he had to. It wasn't that it was too small, but it showed his lightly toned figure a bit too much to be presentable in normal cases. On to his pants. They were black jeans, tight-fitting like his shirt, showing off long legs. That left his shoes. They were simple black dress shoes, designed to just sew the whole look together. And they did, perfectly.

"So, you like it?"

Tobi nodded, fanning himself and grinning. "I fucking love it. Black really suits you."

Light shrugged. "I don't know what happened. I just took a look at everything, and was intent on wearing black, so I went all the way with it."

"I'm glad you did. It looks really good on you." He scrunched his nose up when he looked over Light's hair. "Although, your hair doesn't need to look so... I don't know...fixed?"

Light ran his fingers through his hair, making it look disheveled and not as though he'd spent thirty minutes working on it. "Better? Might as well be. You're not spiking my hair like yours is. I draw the line at putting gel in my hair, thanks."

The blond blinked then shook his head. "You're right. Spiked hair...bad." Then he cocked a brow. "You're opposed to gel and not hair spray?"

"Exactly what is wrong with that, may I ask?"

"Nothing except that it's devastating to your masculinity.

Light rolled his eyes. "As if you have any room to talk."

Tobi laughed. "I do, because I don't use hair spray," he replied, coming out onto the driveway so that he could close and lock the door. "I feel so casual. Here you are in a nice, unbuttoned shirt and black jeans, and I'm walking around in old, faded blue jeans and a T-shirt. Your hair looks like you just had the best sex of your life, and mine looks like I haven't had any in months."

Light shook his head. "I think you look fine, Tobi."

"Mhm. But you still don't think you're gay, right?"

"God, shut up."

The blond smirked as they climbed into their cars and sped off down the road. The sun was already set, and complete darkness was setting in. The street lights overhead blinded Light for half a second, and he thought he saw someone dart across the road in front of him, making him nearly slam his foot on the brakes, but when he fully got his vision back, the only person on the road was himself. The brunette mentally shook his head, trying to get rid of the unknown feeling hanging over him as he continued on to meet Tobi at the club just down the road.


The vampire sped across the street, trying to avoid startling the person driving. He backed out of the lights and into the shadows. Onyx eyes widened as he realized the person in the car was his human. He was supposed to be heading home from school, but that had been over for two hours and his human was a long way from home and still going in the opposite direction.

The raven-head growled and took to the sky after a quick scan of the area. He was most definitely about to find out why his human was on his way to a club where anyone would be happy to paw at him, rather than at home studying like he should have been.


Dun, dun! There's chapter one for you. Am I doing okay, so far? Remember, I give cookies for reviews!