I have always been a fan of the Classics; they paint vivid romantic portraits of death and despair. The stories come from the lone empty farms and dark shadow filled cities, lush gardens of the wealthy holding both roses and desire and secret bloody affairs in the halls of chapel. The writers put their hearts in writing the tales, each kiss and sorrowful loss described in intricate detail. Unlike the flimsy transparent love and dishwater horror stories of today, the authors getting paid thousands of dollars for dribble. The Classics have life, and I hope, will continue to have it until the end of time. I wish to honor one author in particular, Oscar Wilde, for his misunderstood genius by using his only published novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray" in a crossover. I hope you will enjoy this story…and check out the poll on my profile. XD

The low hum of the computer echoed throughout the cold steel room, the scent of disinfectant strong in the air as the air conditioner rumbled overhead. The deafening noise of Japan could not make it through the eighteen-inch cemented walls of the twenty-story building. In the corner of the room lay a flat metal table, on top of which laid a man dressed in black named Beyond and a glass jar of jam. He was skeletal for a man of twenty with dark rings under his eyes and had a Cheshire smirk on his face that could not illustrate how deep his madness went.

As his thin, slightly pink fingers lazily scooped large amounts of dark raspberry jam to his lips; his wide burgundy eyes shined with a deadly light and peered through a thick mop of ebony hair at the gaunt man that sat crouched across from him. Beyond often did this, staring at the man since he was his greatest enemy and love, though the love was one-sided, it was enough to satisfy Beyond. In front of the other man was a small table with papers scattered along it, all featuring a handsome young man with honey auburn locks.

The other man, a detective named L, seemed to mirror Beyond with obsidian hair that fell haphazardly upon his head and his thin frame and wide eyes, but had blank face void of emotion and murky gray eyes. L holds a picture of the brunette, one L managed to get when the teen was asleep a few weeks ago, close to his eyes between his thumb and forefinger. A shadow of longing came into his eyes as he stared at the man's face but he shook his head violently, as if he were trying to forget a nightmare. "

So L… do you want to take a break and give me the Kira case? We both know you are not getting younger," Beyond lazily drawled as he stretched on the tabletop. "I don't think so Backup," L inwardly smiled as Beyond twitched at the name, "I've put too much time and energy to give it up now. Besides, I have almost all the pieces of the puzzle to solve it."

Beyond chuckles, "Does it include that handsome boy that you have been drooling at, L? I always thought that our relationship was special." A sharp glare from L only made Beyond's smile even wider, he quickly added as he rose and moved towards L "Didn't those late-night sessions mean anything to you…" Beyond steps closer until he was in front of L and crooned in his ear, "You were always so eager to hold me in your arms and your hands were so soft when you touched-"

"Beyond?" L cut him off.

"Hmm? Whatever is the matter Lawliet?" Beyond giggled and pulled L's legs down, making room for himself as he sat in the detective's lap and wrapped his arms around him. Beyond sighed happily as he nuzzled the man, the warmth radiating off L's chest made Beyond's skin tingle. L sighed and said, "The matter is that you still haven't matured enough for a case and we both know the only reason I was in room for that week was to measure your mental stability after D's death." The smile disappears off Beyond's face, leaving bitter grimace and his eyes seemed to shine with anger as he growled, "You damned worm…how dare you-"

"Also make a mental note that you are to address me as Ryuuzaki during the time you are here, now if you are done using my body as a chair I can-" "How dare you mention her name in front of me!" Beyond spat at the man, moving back to his table he said, "Pitiful bag of bones…at least I knew how to love! Probably the only thing close to a romantic relationship is sweets and a bottle of lotion."

The older man watched as Beyond muttered curses to air and aimed poisonous glances at him, L really didn't want Beyond here because of his…outbursts, but he was the only one of age to help him. "As I was saying before you cut me off, I would like to show you the evidence we have against the main suspect, Kyosuke Higuchi." L walks to the end of the room up to a wall of screens, the largest in the middle. A few taps on the keyboard and the screens lit up with the picture of a gaunt man in his late twenties, eyes snakelike and greasy spiked hair form Higuchi.

L turns to Beyond behind him and asks in an effort to dismiss the earlier scene, "Don't you want you to come closer?" "I can see clearly L, how about you?" was the muttered reply across the room.

L shrugged and started, "Higuchi is a partner, one of seven now, of the Yotsuba Corporation. We have seen that the chairpersons of the company's rivals have been dying unexpectedly, some from minor things such as heart attacks or falling down the stairs to more majors like car crashes and random fires. Do you remember Wedy from the surgeon case a few years ago? She's the one who placed cameras in the Yotsuba meeting room," L pauses when hears shifting papers behind him.

"Beyond," L sighs and turns around, "Have you been listening to me at all?" He saw that Beyond was crouched in front of the coffee table, staring intently at a picture of the young man. After a moment, he responded distractedly, "Yeah, the guy's the killer. You were going to say that you found enough evidence to convict him but his MO is different from the first Kira and you can't find the murder weapon. Am I correct so far?" He was, L thought, and for a moment L was glad he got B to work on the case with him. "Hey L…when can I meet the guy in the picture?", Beyond questioned as he began to trace the jaw of the teenager.

That question shook L out of his thoughts, "Never Beyond, not even if I die on the case." Beyond glanced at him, eyes flashing predatory red in the florescent lights, "Why not?" he whispered. "Because unlike the men in the world today who use their money and intelligence to mold the world to their preference, they shall suffer dearly. Even we, my power and your…skills will be the downfall of us both."

Beyond rolled his eyes at the older man's speech, L always finds a way to be poetic with his words. "But Light Yagami, coupled with his beauty and intelligence, we will find him in the deepest part of-" "His name is Light?" Beyond cocked his head and studied the picture, "It fits him perfectly." L mentally cursed himself , maybe he was getting old, he never planned to relinquish Light's name to Beyond. The boy had a way of dirtying people with his theories, that was the true reason A killed himself, but that was not a topic he liked to discuss with Beyond alone.

L sighed and decided he needed a change of scenery, being stuck in a room with Beyond had begun to wear on him mentally. L looked at the digital clock in the corner, frowning as he left the room, hoping Beyond wouldn't insist of following him. L was almost to the elevator when he heard footsteps behind him, "You were going to leave me weren't you?" Beyond giggled into his ear as he leaned against the elevator doors. L maneuvered around him to press the down button, why did he have to have twenty stories. Beyond's smile had returned as the doors slid open and walked with L into the chamber.

"What is it Beyond?" L muttered darkly, the teen smile had begun anger him. "Oh nothing… just tell me why I can't see your friend L?"

"Because he's special to me…like A was to you. His father is the police chief of Japan, I've worked with him in some minor cases and Light had come over to the station to bring him some lunch. Anyway, his father had told me of his intelligence and how he was the one who helped in prior cases. He was in high school then but we spent lots of time together since he wanted to be the chief of police like his father."

"He sounds like a nice person…so he's working on this case huh?" The elevator chimed as it reached the fifth floor, it was a favorite of L's since he built it with a 360 view of the city that breathed with a life of its own. L strode to a window, the people looked like dancing ants below, colorful swirls that moved in time to an invisible beat. L sometimes wished he was normal, to feel the monotony of life as he woke up, went to work, goes to sleep and repeat with the intervals of finding love and breaking up. That was one of the many daydreams L has when his job is too much, the pressures of humanity weighing down his head, he knows each decision he makes hurts so many and- Beyond's eyes burn into his skull and he knows his what his next question would be.

"Does he like you?" Beyond curls on a couch nearby, crimson eyes reflecting his amusement. "…Yes I suppose he does to a point. I always flatter him with his ease of charming women and he likes to make fun at social awkwardness but it all with amity."

"Ah… well I think he'll get bored with you before this winter. A kid like him probably would, to him your just another admirer in the crowd of others." Beyond commented, watching every move the detective made. L shook his head, " No…no. You don't know Light like I do, his soul is as clan as an angel's, he would never forget about a friend."

"Haha! Don't make me laugh, why would you think he considers you a friend? He probably thinks of you like a creepy pedophile he can use to rise up in the ranks, because anyone who knows L must be good." L began, " Beyond, don't speak of Light like-" "Oh dear, it seems that I've upset my Lawliet. Or maybe, could it be…," Beyond feigns shock as he enjoys the shadow of anger on L's face, "oh my I don't believe it! Maybe its that Lawliet doesn't want to face the truth, that is friend only talks to him for people to compare the Adonis to the freak!"

Beyond never would have thought a boy would throw L into such a fit and Beyond imprinted this note in the dark cavern of his mind. L looks away as Beyond walks toward him, his voice oddly comforting, "Why don't you forget him L…he's going to forget you anyway when this case is over." Beyond pulls him close and L doesn't fight back, his onyx eyes reflecting the blood red setting sun, "I'll be here for you Lawliet, you don't need anyone else but me."

A hollow sigh comes from L, "Beyond?"

"Yes Lawli-pop?" Beyond hummed into L's ear.

" I thought I told you to call me Ryuuzaki and don't you remember our conversation about you touching me?" L said as he pushed the youth away.

Beyond stared thoughtfully at him and gasped, "Oh yeah! Only touch you if we're naked and I have lots of Vaseline…right? Just kidding, I remember."

That comment shocked L but he didn't show it, "Beyond, I hope you never meet Light." Beyond's Cheshire smile appeared once again as he said, " Now why so serious? You don't want me to meet him?" "No" was the sharp reply from the detective. "Okay, Law- Ryuuzaki. But you know I always find a way." That was a fact L knew best about the boy, he never gave up without a fight and a bloody good one too.

L was about to respond when Watari entered the room from a side door. "I hope I'm not interrupting but Light Yagami is here L," Watari announced to the pair and just as he appeared he was gone. L's heart dropped as Beyond's smile reached his eyes, " Well now! I guess this is my lucky day after all!"

Beyond skipped to the open elevator and called out, "Come on L! It's not nice to keep people waiting! Haha!" L moved sluggishly into the elevator as Beyond began to dance, this had been a horrible day already and now this. As the metal doors closed, L hoped Kira would hurry up and kill him too.

I hoped you liked it! This is only chapter one but it will get better soon! Oh yeah...I don't write smut but any comments will help! Review please!