I don't own NCIS or Harry Potter,

My spelling and grammar isn't all that great, but I hope you enjoy the story anyways.

"Jethro," Ducky said looking up from the young marine body laying on the table before him.

"What do you have for me Ducky?" Special agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs asked with a slight smirk on his lips.

"Nothing, there is no damage what so ever; if I didn't know any better I would say…" Ducky trailed off at the end, a frown marred his face.

"Ducky?" Gibbs asked with a frown on his lips.

"I need to call someone in Jethro, this is beyond my skill," Ducky said placing his scalpel down on the table. A stunned look briefly passed over Gibbs's face before it was gone.

"Alright Ducky what ever you need." Gibbs said with a slight smile at his friend before heading out.

The next day a young woman around twenty-three walked into NCIS. Her long black hair was pulled into a wavy pony-tail and her green eyes were smoldering with anger and defiance.

"Can I help you miss?" Tony Dinozzo asked with a flirtatious smile as he looked the woman up and down.

"I am Hadrian Snape, here to see Mr. Mallard." The woman said her fists clenched in anger. Gibbs looked at the woman for a moment and couldn't help but wonder if Ducky would be in danger if the woman went down there.

"Follow me ma'am." Gibbs said making the woman turn to him, her eyes seemed to smolder as she gave a nod and followed him. Not a word was spoken as they entered the morgue Ducky stood; dread in his eyes as he looked at the woman he had summand.

"You haven't changed a day Harri." Ducky said nervously as Gibbs stood in the door way.

"You're a bastard; why in the hell did you leave?" Harri demanded angrily.

"It wasn't like that Harri, you don't understand, I had lost everything; Mione, my brothers, my father, everything." Ducky said with a sigh as Gibbs looked on, a hand rested on the hilt of his gun, just in case it was needed.

"I wouldn't understand? Mione was like a sister to me you bastard, and I loved them as much as you did! You promised to stand by me and you left me! I had no one left you bastard!" Harri snarled angrily, her fingers itching to strangle the man before her. "Or have you forgotten, Remus and Sirius died in the same battle that killed the twins. My parents died when I was only a year old, everyone died, and I had no one.

"You had Snape, and Teddy!" Ducky said with a glare.

"Don't take that tone with me Ronald Weasley! Severus died not a weak after you left! I left Teddy with Luna, Ginny came in with Malfoy and killed them, Luna died protecting Teddy and Teddy was killed in front of me when Voldemort fell. I killed Ginny for her crimes against my family." Harri said and Gibbs raised his gun.

"Put your hands on your head Mrs. Snape." Gibbs said softly as Harri turned around to level him with a death glare.

"Jethro put that thing away." Ducky said with a sigh, "Harri I'm sorry, but can we not go through that here, I called to ask for your help. Please Harri, will you help me?" Ducky asked softly, a look of pain on his face.

"Ducky, this woman just admitted to killing a woman, she needs to be taken into custody." Gibbs said with a frown as the woman sent a glare at him.

"You can interrogate me all you want after this case is solved, because bottom line if he's called me in I'm the only person whom can help you." Harri said turning back around to face the body, ignoring both men.

"She is right Jethro; there is none other who can help. She's the best at what she does." Ducky said with a sigh, "As for the charges I would drop them, you won't get anywhere with them."

Gibbs gave Ducky an unreadable look before heading out,. "I want all the information you have on Mrs. Harriet Snape." He snapped at the team.

"On it boss." Tony said smiling widely. An hour later only one result showed up of a Harriet Snape, formally known as Hadrian Lilly-Jane Potter.

"Um boss." McGee said scratching his head.

"What do you got?" Gibbs asked softly.

"The only file I could find on Hadrian Snape, say's she's nearly sixty, born on July 31st, to James Harry Potter and Lilly Ann Potter, owns a few businesses, has always done charity, but there is no recent photos, the only photo we have is this one." McGee said handing over a printed picture of a woman standing side by side with a man at a wedding. A bright smile on the woman's face, it was the same woman down stairs.

"Something's not right here and I intend to find out what." Gibbs said as the dark haired beauty came upstairs. Ducky followed meekly behind her. Gibbs motioned for Tony and Ziva to place her in interrogation.

"Mrs. Snape, follow me please." Ziva said in a tone that said it wasn't a request.

With a sigh and a glare at Ducky she did as she was told, Ducky following behind her, much to everyone's surprise.

A while later after observing Ducky and the woman Gibbs decided it was best to go in.

"I'm sorry about this Harri." Ducky said as he walked out to the viewing room.

"So, what's your real name?" Gibbs asked folding his hands on the desk.

"Hadrian Lilly-Jane Snape and yours would be?" She said with a look of irritation in her eyes.

"Your real name, the last Hadrian Snape was born nearly sixty years ago, and you are no where near sixty, I say early twenties. Want to try again?"

"I have already told you, who I am, and for an interrogator your awful." Harri said rolling her eyes heaven words.

"You spoke of killing someone earlier, who and why?" Gibbs asked annoyed. He didn't notice Ducky coming in.

"In this world there is another, a secret world hidden away from the normal one. About fifty years ago there was a war that if it spilt over into this world then human kind as you know it would have been enslaved. I was the leader of the side that fought to keep that from happening.

"The leader of the group that wanted to enslave human kind was a dark man named Voldemort. He had loyal followers known as Death eaters, one of the death eaters was someone I once called a friend, Ginny Weasley, she was a smart girl, fun to be around and smart. We didn't know that she turned to the other side; she started becoming more and more distracted as time went on.

"My best friend Ron had to gout one day, but he feared an attack on his wife, my other best friend Hermione, so Ginny agreed to stay. She killed both Hermione and the baby before running off to join her master. She became the nastiest Death eater out there. She enjoyed torturing children the most and making there parents watch as they were helpless to do any thing. She became Voldemorts concubine, and his own personal whore; it tore every body up to know this.

"I killed many people when I was younger Mr. Gibbs, and refuse to regret it. It was war, Ginny I took pity on because of her family, I killed her painlessly instead of killing her slowly, as she deserved. As for your victim, the murderer is a man named Abraxas Malfoy, son of Draco Malfoy. A pure-blood, and out to force your world into slavery and darkness unless he can be stopped.

"And how do you know this?" Gibbs asked wondering if the woman was crazy, it was obvious she believed what she said.

"I am the master of death, the Lady of Arabeth, Ruler of Anon and slave to life. I know because I have seen through the dead's eyes. Ron told you I am the best at what I do, because there is no other. I had Severus once, fifty years ago today he died, he was my first lover and husband, I have not married since because I refuse to condemn another to my half life." Harri said sitting back and closing her eyes.

"Your wife loved you, you know that don't you Mr. Gibbs, Shannon, wasn't that her name, and your daughter Kelly. Tell me, why do you blame yourself for something you had no control over?" She asked with slight interest.

"How did you know about them?" Gibbs asked his voice full of suspicion.

"There spirits hang around you Mr. Gibbs; they hurt because you refuse to move on. They love you and want your happiness, so why do you live in pain? Let them go so they can be free Mr. Gibbs." She said before opening her eyes, her once green eyes were now a deadly silver color.

"Why do you keep calling Ducky Ron?" Gibbs asked, slightly afraid, his hand had traveled to his gun.

"Because that is who he is, Ronald Billius Weasley, the sixth and youngest son of the Weasley clan, the only living male Weasley alive. I have not seen him since he left, but it matters little, I have told you what I have been called for, now if you will excuse me I have a Malfoy to hunt down." Harri said as her eyes turned back to there normal killing curse green.

"I can not let you go, you admitted to murder ma'am." Gibbs said shaking his head as the woman let out a hollow laugh. Much to Gibb's surprise the Lady director entered the room.

"Jethro let her go." Jane said (An/ I can't remember the lady directors name, so I'm calling her Jane) folding her arms and sighing.

"Madam Director she admitted to murder, not to mention she believes she's the master of death and a witch." Gibbs said with a raised eyebrow.

"She speaks truth Jethro, she is the lady of Anon, the master of death and defeater of the dork lord Voldemort and his consort Ginny." The lady director said Jethro sent her a penetrating look before turning around, but his prisoner was no longer there.