HEYYYY EVEYONE!! I'm sure a bunch of you guys totally want to punch me in the face by now for not updating! (haha) BUT DON'T! Because I'm here right now, writing, to prove you all WRONG!. I AM NOT DEAD! Isn't that a surprise? (haha) I'm really sorry I didn't update sooner but I just lost all hope for this story when I couldn't think of anything! . But I'm here NOW! That counts...... right? ANYWAY I'll just shut up now... I'm sure no one even reads my comments up here anyway and just goes straight to the story. (haha I do the same thing sometimes too. It's OK!)

Disclaimer:.... enough said...

Hikaru then leaned in slightly so only Hiruma would be able what he wanted to add. "And, if I win you'll have to leave Mamori alone, for good."

"Tch!" Hiruma slammed open the door and walked out."We'll see about that you fucking punk!"


Chapter 6

Hiruma stepped out onto the field. Musashi stood watching over the team as they all ran laps, including Hikaru. Hiruma saw that Musahi was talking with Mamori, suddenly Mamori looked embarrassed and then she ran off. Hiruma walked over to where Musashi was and stood next to him silently. He watched the team running and noticed that Hikaru was at the front, looking like he was hardly breaking a sweat.

Musashi turned his head towards Hiruma and saw the scowl on his face. "Problem?" Musashi asked, already knowing the answer. "Tch!" Hiruma walked casually to the middle of the field, took a rifle out and began shooting into the air. The boys immediately stopped and turned their attention to the captain. "Alright you fucking brats! Get your asses over here!"

The boys went running and stopped in front of Hiruma gasping for air, tired from all the laps. He smirked and turned his attention to Hikaru, who was hardly even panting. Hiruma scowled and began ranting on to the boys about what they'll be doing for practice.


Musahi watched Hiruma yell at the boys and smiled knowingly. He shook his head and laughed quietly. "Is something funny?" Musashi looked up and saw Mamori with loads of water bottles. He offered her some help which she gladly accepted. They began walking towards the benches at the edge of the field. "So what were you laughing about?" Mamori asked as she placed some water bottles down. "Nothing really." Musashi replied smiling as he placed the water bottles he was carrying down as well.

Mamori then grabbed the clipboard that was on the bench, sat down and began reviewing the data that Hiruma had gathered in her absence. "Geez, this data is so messy! What is Hiruma thinking?" Mamori then grabbed a nearby pencil and began scribbling down corrections. Musahi laughed again. Mamori looked up at him in surprise, "What?" Musahi just shook his head. "We missed you."

Mamori felt her cheeks heating up and she brought the clipboard higher to cover her face. Musahi smiled and ruffled her hair affectionately, like a brother would his sister. He looked out at the field and saw Hiruma beckoning him over. "Hope you're here to stay." And with that Musashi began running towards the team. Mamori brought her clipboard down and watched as Musashi and Hiruma shared a brief conversation then brought their attention back to the team, "Me too." Mamori mused out-loud.


"Alright you fucking brats! You guys are going to listen to the fucking old man, he's going to lead you guys in practice today." A universal sigh of relief was released from the team. Hiruma then took out a rifle and began shooting at their feet causing them to all began dodging the bullets in fear. Hiruma gave them his signature devilish smirk, "That doesn't mean you fucking brats can just slack off!" He shoot his rifle again into the air. "YA-HA!" The team cringed in fear whereas Musashi just let out a small sigh, already used to Hiruma antics, he then told the team to follow him and the boys gladly obliged.

The team including Hikaru, began following Musahi to one end of the field. Suddenly, Hikaru was pulled backwards roughly. "Except you, fucking punk." Hikaru glared at Hiruma and brushed his hand off. They stood there glaring daggers at each other. "I guess this means you have some sort of try-out test for me don't you?" Hikaru practically spat the words out at Hiruma "You bet your ass I do." Hiruma replied just as venomously.

Hiruma and Hikaru then began walking towards the edge of the field. Hikaru saw that there were two cones, one where the two were standing and one far off. "First we'll test your fucking speed." Hikaru smirked, "Fair enough. This should be easy. After all," Hikaru looked over at Hiruma and gave him a confident smirk that made Hiruma want to gag, "I was the captain and star of my old school's track team." Hiruma rolled his eyes. He then turned over to where Mamori was sitting.

"Hey! Fucking manager! Get me the stop-watch!" Hiruma then felt a tug at his collar. He looked over and saw Hikaru glaring at him. "Don't you dare talk to my girlfriend like she's your maid." Hiruma flicked off his hand. "I'll talk to her however I fucking want 'cause she's my manager." Hikaru then smirked, "Ha! Like she even cares about you! Even if she your manager, all you'll ever be to her is the quarterback. She doesn't need you when she's already got me. The first and only guy she ever loved and will love."

Hiruma clenched his fist so hard he felt the blood trickling between his fingers. He reached for his rifle. "No I won't even use my fucking rifle. Just one punch to his ugly-ass fac-" Hiruma was burst out of his thoughts when someone cleared her throat, rather loudly. The boys both looked over at the girl standing in front of them. Mamori stood before them, hands at her hips, tapping her foot impatiently. "If you two are finished..." Mamori said rather impatiently. The boys glanced at each other and realized that they had been glaring at each other ferociously, practically nose to nose.

Hikaru scratched the back of his head awkwardly and gave her a sheepish grin as he straightened up. "Um.. You didn't happen to catch what we were saying right?" Mamori expression changed to a surprised and confused one. "Huh?" "Nothing, nothing!" Hikaru said quickly as he walked over and gave Mamori a kiss on the forehead, causing her cheeks to go slightly pink. Hiruma rolled his eyes as he straightened up as well. "I think I just choked on my own fucking vomit."

Hiruma looked over to Mamori and Hikaru. Hikaru glanced over at Hiruma, giving him a smirk that clearly said "Ha ha! I win." Hiruma growled. "There is no way in fucking hell that I will ever let this fucking punk onto my team." Hiruma thought as he glared back to Hikaru. His eyes then took a quick glace towards Mamori, "But..." Hiruma then felt a smirk spreading across his face, "Unless..."

Mamori looked over at Hiruma and saw his smirk. "This is not good." Having known Hiruma for as long as she had, she knew that he was up to no good. "Um... Hiruma... The stop-watc-" "No need." Mamori was cut off and she looked up at Hiruma who had a devilish smirk plastered onto his face.

"The fucking puck's on the team."

DUN DUN DUNNNNNN! Holy sh-nappers you guys!!! I actually finished a chapter!!! after how many months??? Well I deeply apologize to those of you who have waited ever so patiently! I should get sick more often! After all! I almost always write chapters when I'm home, sick! Well I hope you guys liked this chapter! Hopefully it won't take me as long to get the next chapter up! I've already planned out the ending and everything so I'm thinking that the story will have like 3-4 more chapters!

But nothing ever goes as planned for me sooo... who knows! HAHAHAHAHA... *cough cough wheeze * Whelp I'm off to take my medicine! HAHAHAHAHA! Please review!!!!!!! (nicely....)