((A/N: I am forever in love with the Luke/Angela pairing. He's just can't get a clue, and that's what makes it fun. Though I would never marry him in the actual Wii game. ;]
So, yeah. Enjoy. It's not my best work, considering I got…maybe an hour or two of sleep last night, and I'm essentially braindead, but I did my best. This chapter isn't really anything special, but it gets better, I promise.
I, sadly, do not own Luke (-sniff-), Angela, or Harvest Moon.))
"Monogamy is overrated."
The blue-haired boy groaned dramatically and flopped backwards onto the bed, throwing an arm over his forehead.
"I'm sure your girlfriend would love to hear that, Luke." You couldn't help but roll your eyes when engaged in conversation with the young carpenter. I guess that's why I hung out with him; he was good for a laugh.
"Selena wouldn't care," he scoffed. "You should hear the things she says about me."
"With good reason," I reminded him. He frowned at me, and I shrugged. "Well, it's true."
"Selena is complicated," he said, peeking out at me from under his arm. "You wouldn't understand the depth and maturity of our relationship."
"Oh, you mean the depth and maturity that doesn't exist. Luke, you're not capable of depth and maturity. You're as deep as a swimming pool. The kiddie swimming pool." He picked up a pillow and tossed it at my head, which I easily caught and put in my lap.
"That's not the point." He sat up and leaned against the headboard of the bed, propping his feet up on the pillow in my lap. "The point is, Selena's never around. Kathy is."
"You just like Kathy because she can get you free drinks at her daddy's bar." I pushed his feet off of my lap, and folded my knees up to my chest.
"That's not true!" His voice cracked when he got defensive. This instance was no exception. I hid a smile behind my kneecaps and looked at him out of the corner of my eye. "I happen to be attracted to Kathy because she's smart, funny-"
"Her clothes don't cover her midriff," I interjected. It was his turn to roll his eyes.
"She's good-looking, sure," he admitted. "I just don't know why I have to choose between her and Selena. When Selena's at home on Toucan Island, like she is now, I can fool around with Kathy."
I turned my full gaze to him and stared for a moment. "That is, quite possibly, the most sexist, pig-headed, insulting, chauvinistic thing that has ever come out of your mouth." I whacked him with the pillow and frowned at him.
But, to be perfectly honest, I wasn't surprised. Luke was my best friend, which is why I tolerated his antics. He could be the most infuriating, immature pig one day, and be incredibly sweet and funny the next. He was the most enthusiastic, friendliest person I had met in my life, and also one of the most frustrating.
I had been in love with him since the day I set foot on Waffle Island.
Of course, he hadn't caught onto that yet. And I certainly wasn't about to tell him. In fact, I was his relationship coach. I advised him on his on-again-off-again romance with the striking dancer, Selena. I enjoyed just hanging out with him like this, talking. I knew his secrets, like how the death of his mother really affected him, and how he was terrified that he was going to get hurt, and not be able to be a carpenter, because that was the only thing he was good at.
I can't count the number of times that Luke's fought with his father and run to my door late at night, because he knows he's always welcome at my ranch house. He didn't hesitate to tell me exactly what I was doing wrong, no matter what I was doing.
We were buddies, pals. And, honestly, that was fine with me. Or at least, that was what I had managed to convince myself over the past two and a half years. I had accepted the fact that Luke didn't think of me as anything but a friend.
"I am not a chauvinist!" Luke squawked, breaking me out of my daze. He glared at me, and then, with a playful growl, he tackled me. I screamed as he pinned my arms to the bed, struggling half-heartedly.
"Do you even know what that word means?" I gasped, grinning. He smacked me lightly on the side of the head and allowed me to sit up.
"What do I do, Angela?" he said, throwing his head back. "I'm not good at this... this girl stuff. You are! Tell me what to do."
I smiled, and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Follow your heart. It's the only thing you can do."
He was silent, before ruining it with, "That was really corny." I laughed, and punched him on the arm.
"This is a stupid movie," Luke complained later, throwing a piece of popcorn at the TV screen. He had decided to crash at my house for the night, and had wiggled around the house until I had finally suggested that we watch a movie. So there we were, after 11:00 at night, sitting on the hardwood floor and watching my favorite movie of all time.
I stared at him.
"It's The Wizard of Oz! It's a classic!" I put a hand to my heart and pretended to faint away in shock.
"It's still stupid," Luke grumbled. "Scarecrows don't talk."
"It's called fiction, dimwit. It's not real."
"Just watch the stupid movie, Luke!" I guess he heard the exasperation in my voice, because he shut up and fixed his gaze on the screen. I leaned back against the pile of pillows that we had stacked on the floor and popped a piece of popcorn in my house. Out of habit, I started counting in my head.
"So you agree that it's a stupid movie," he started again. Irritated, I stuffed a pillow against his mouth.
"Shut up, Luke." I could feel him laughing through the pillow, and I shook my head in defeat. Giving up, I rested against the plush stack of cushions. I had watched this movie so many times, I practically knew all the lines by heart. But I had always been a creature of habit, and it was out of the ordinary for me to stay up late, because I had to rise early to start work on the farm. I was asleep before the group reached Emerald City.
What seemed like only a few minutes later, Luke was shaking my shoulder and whispering, "Angela. Angela. Go to bed."
"I'm not asleep," I mumbled, closing my eyes again. "I'm watching the movie." Then, a pair of strong arms wrapped around me and picked my body off of the floor. Too tired to protest, I rested my head against Luke's strong chest as he carried me to my bed. Shifting listlessly as he gently set me down, it didn't take long for me to drift back to sleep. Just before the blackness hit, I heard a voice whisper, "Night, buddy." At that moment, I was glad for the dark. That way, the boy I adored couldn't see me cringe.