Disclaimer: I own cookies. But not Harry Potter. :3


"You get what you deserve, Longbottom," Draco snarled down at the writhing, round-faced boy on the floor below him. Longbottom had attempted unsuccessfully to jinx Draco to tap-dance. "I'm the Head Boy. You don't go screwing around with me."

Suddenly, Draco heard footsteps approaching them. He didn't bother to look up at who it was. Instead, he continued his gloating, walking around Longbottom with a smirk on his face, proud of his rope-bounding curse.

"Malfoy, you have some nerve," Granger spat, pushing him aside and kneeling beside Longbottom, who was close to tears. She uttered a quick counter-curse and watched as he stood up and ran down the corridor, holding back heavy sobs. "You could get in trouble for cursing a student!"

Draco scoffed. "Oh please, he had it coming. He tried cursing me, the little git."

Granger shook her head, scowling. "You know, sometimes I really wonder if you have a heart at all."

"Of course I have a heart. Not that you would know, you filthy Mudblood." He hissed back, shoving past her roughly.

"I have more heart in one finger than you have in your whole body!" She cried as he dissapeared around the bend. He uttered a single burst of humorless laughter in response.

"Stupid little Mudblood. Thinks she knows everything," Draco muttered to himself after he finished his dinner in the Great Hall along with the other Slytherins. "I'll show her."

"Show her what?" Goyle asked with a mouth full of food.

Draco winced but didn't turn. He furrowed his brow. "Ah, I know. I'll use the Doppleganger curse. My Doppleganger will probably scare her a little and she'll back off."

"But that spell is one of the most complicated spells in the entire wizarding world!" Pansy exclaimed from her seat across from him. Draco scowled. He hated it when she eavesdropped. "It's all about creating a twin of yourself! I mean, to make it, it includes knowing how to Apparate, and keep a two hundred percent concentration-"

"Yes Pansy, I know, shut up," Draco growled. Pansy turned back to her food. "I'll just try it. Father told me once that the Doppleganger spell brings out the dangerous and powerful side of you. He said it makes another mirror copy of you. That the Doppleganger copy, learns forbidden spells and becomes stronger on its own. It looks just like its creator."

Crabbe seemed to agree, grunting into his plate of food. Goyle couldn't make any sound, as he was nearly choking on his food already.

Draco smirked, staring across the room towards the Gryffindor table, where Hermione Granger sat, oblivious to his dark planning. "She'll be so scared of me, she'll never bother me at all!"

"But what about the actual spell itself? I mean, it'll be difficult." Goyle finally spoke after swallowing the contents of his drink.

Draco frowned. "Spell, shmell. I'm a Malfoy. Dark magic comes naturally to me. In fact, I'll show you. I'll do the Doppleganger spell right after dinner for those who care to watch. Granger is going to be so scared, she'll crawl into my lap!"

"Isn't that what you don't want?" Pansy asked curiously, looking up at him with a puzzled expression. Draco twitched.

"Oh yeah... Don't know what I'm thinking," He looked away from Granger to his plate of food, still smirking. "Granger's going to pay."

"Now you want her money?" Pansy asked again, looking even more confused. Draco rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, Pansy."


It was cold outside.

The winter snow had settled in, covering the Hogwarts grounds in a white blanket of snow. It was nighttime by the time Draco stepped outside by himself. He didn't want an audience this time.

He retrieved his wand and cleared his throat. He bended his knees slightly and stared ahead of himself, trying to concentrate.

Think of nothing but yourself. He reminded himself firmly. Instead, he was thinking about other things.

The look on Granger's face when his Doppleganger copy cursed her or scared her. The look on her face again, when she would go to tell on him but the real Draco would be in the Slytherin common room, having done no harm. He'd be under the watchful eyes of his Slytherin friends, and nobody would believe that there's two Dracos.

He'd go back and tell Grabbe, Goyle, and Pansy that he didn't do the spell, so he'd have even more believers that Granger was just losing her marbles. Maybe, if he was lucky, she would even get detention for trying to frame him.

"Doppleganger!" Draco bellowed into the cold, winter night. For a moment, there was silence. And then-

Draco found himself airborne, flying backwards. He felt a terrible ripping sensation from within him, opening his eyes to a bright pink and black light. He landed flat on his back, the fall taking the breath out of him. Excitedly, he sat up quickly to look at the complete copy of himself.

But he saw nothing.

There was thin flakes of snow drifting slowly to the ground. The winter breeze was still flowing through the air, caressing his face. He lay still, looking all around him, hoping his copy was still somewhere around.

He was completely alone, where he lay. Draco frowned, seething silently. He slammed a fist into the soft earth, cursing under his breath. His spell didn't work. His doppleganger never showed up.

Growling into the night air, he stood up and brushed himself off, stomping off towards the castle, heading for the Entrance Hall when he bumped into someone by opening the doors.

Draco looked down, noticing he'd knocked down all of someone's books. Instead of walking away in his usual manner, he decided to pick up the two books that were closest to his feet. He stood up and walked around the door to shove them into the owner's hands when he froze.

"Granger, watch where you're going!" Draco shouted furiously, thrusting the two books into her empty hands. She scowled.

"You're the one who just rudely opened the doors and hit me like that!" She replied, kneeling down to pick up the rest of her books.

Draco pushed past her, heading for the dungeons. "Watch your tone, Mudblood."

"You know, I really hate you." He heard her say. Draco smirked and turned back, walking up close to her. She didn't move, so instead, Draco pushed her without much force into the Entrance Hall doors, and put a hand under her chin, forcing her to look up at him.

"I really hate you too, Granger." Draco hissed in her face. With that, he let go of her chin and stomped off without a backwards glance.

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