Alright so I feel a little guilty saying this, but this is going to be the end of Dimitri and Rose's story. But it's the beginning of Sophia's story, which I've already began writing and will be posting it real soon and I'm super excited about it and I hope you all are too. So without further ado, please enjoy this story, a warning though it is extremely fluffy and cheesy, but I like it

I gazed at myself in the mirror, examining my silky long, dark brown hair drape down my slender back, my hands softly feeling the beautiful white veil that hung within it, held there with a simple sapphire, crystal comb. I wore a beautiful strapless white gown that had an empire waist and puffed out from that. I looked back up into my brown eyes and found myself smiling peacefully. This moment had finally come. My silent moment was interrupted as Lissa walked into the room in a beautiful silk blue bridesmaid dress, holding my beautiful 2 year old daughter in the most adorable white flower girl dress with a little blue bow around her waist. I gasped and squealed as Lissa placed my beautiful Sophia into my arms. It had been two years since the whole dramatic ordeal and Dimitri and I were finally doing it, we were finally getting married.

It had taken awhile, but I was finally able to find peace with my new found life. It was definitely not one I had expected as that 17 year old girl, but it was one I had found I was destined for. After getting into the groove of things and finally managing to somehow balance out both of our guardian schedules, I finally became satisfied about the life I led and still felt like I was doing what I was always meant to do. I was protecting the ones I loved, still saw the action which I could never let go of, but also got to live this beautiful life with the man of my dreams and the little girl that I loved with all my heart.

"I just gave her a bottle of blood so she should be good until the reception later on." Lissa said, watching as I bounced my baby girl up and down. I looked up at her and smiled.

"Thanks Liss, knowing her appetite it won't, but getting her through the ceremony is the important part." I joked, we both laughed as Jill, Sydney, and my dad, Abe walked into the room. Both girls gasped at my dress and Abe walked over to me grabbing Sophia out of my arms.

"Almost ready there kid? I think there's a groom waiting for you at the end of the aisle." Abe said raising his eyebrows at me, but tickling Sophia at the same time. "You know it's not too late to turn back, I can get you and Sophia out of here." Abe said in a serious tone, although I knew he was joking, he had come to like Dimitri in the amount of time Sophia had been alive. I glared at him and crossed my arms across my chest. He brought his hands up in defense and just smirked back. As he turned away, playing with Sophia, my mother Janine Hathaway walked in, alongside Adrian Ivashkov. My mother took one look at me and gasped and brought her hands up to her mouth. Tears started forming in her eyes.

"Oh no, mom, don't cry, really there's no need." I said desperately. She walked over to me and enveloped me in her arms.

"You're just so beautiful! Oh my little girl is all grown up." Janine gushed. I shook my head and looked over towards Adrian. He grinned and walked over to me.

"Who would have thought we'd be here one day eh little dhampir." He stated, with a twinkle in his eye. I smiled at him, feeling compassion towards this boy who had grown into a man before my eyes and had become truly a dear friend. He bent down to kiss the top of my forehead and grinned. "I'm happy for you Rose, I'm glad this happened the way it did." Adrian whispered in my ear. I watched as he walked over to Sydney and enveloped her in his arms. He whispered something into her ear and she giggled, hugging him to her, lightly kissing his cheek. The two of them had grown close together, during their mission to protect Jill in Palm Springs. In short, it had been quite the challenge for Sydney to give in to her feelings for Adrian, but in the end she had given up her life as an alchemist and had admitted her feelings to Adrian. Now they lived happily together, Sydney taking the university courses she had always wanted to take and Adrian was in school for the arts and was studying painting.

Christian walked into the room, scanning around until his eyes landed on me. "Hey Rose, you better get your butt moving, Belikov's going to start to think you ditched him at the altar." Christian said loudly across the room. Everyone took that as their cue and began to line up out the door. Christian walked up to Lissa and kissed his wife. The two had gotten married about a year ago and couldn't be happier. I watched as everyone exited the door and Abe stepped beside me, holding his arm out.

"Ready to get this show on the road?" He asked. I took one more brief moment to look at my appearance in the mirror. I turned towards my dad and smiled.

"Lead the way old man." I replied softly putting my arm through his. Abe squeezed my hand and walked me out the door to a pair of patio doors that led to the aisle. I watched as Lissa and Christian had reached the end then on cue, the two doors opened up and everyone stood and turned to look at me. We began walking down the aisle to beautiful music. I looked down as we began walking, starting to feel nervous and scared. Abe squeezed my hand, comforting me. I looked up and found myself looking at my handsome groom and then I was lost in his deep brown eyes and watched as his smile grew. Then the nerves were gone and all the existed was him, there waiting for me. Abe placed my hand in his as we reached the end of the aisle and there I felt complete. It soon came time to say our vows.

"To say I would die for you is not enough. To say I would go half way around the world to save your soul, well I've already done that." I paused as everyone snickered. "No magic or evil will ever come between us again because I'm willing to spend the rest of my life fighting for good and love, as long as I'm fighting with you." I said never looking away from Dimitri's eyes, realizing tears were streaming down my face. Dimitri smiled and I was overwhelmed with the love pouring from his eyes as he looked into my soul.

"It's a rare occasion to find the one person you can bare your soul to, but it is rarer to have that person save your soul. I have lived most of my life fighting for one person, myself, thinking I only had myself to live for. You have given me many more reasons, including our beautiful daughter. I want to spend the rest of our lives the way we started, as companions, as a team and I'll love you forever." Dimitri spoke his vows softly. I barely heard the priest announce us as husband and wife and as we kissed the world disappeared and it was just the two of us.

The reception took place in a beautiful star lit garden with canopies and lantern lights everywhere. It was a full out party with a live band and all me and friends were dancing. I watched as Abe danced with a joyful Sophia and I twirled around laughing with Lissa. Everyone was smiling and having a wonderful time. I was so happy I felt I would burst. As Lissa twirled me I landed right into my husband's arms as a slow song began to play. I smiled and tightened my grip around his shoulders.

"How convenient." I smirked as Dimitri smiled back as we began to sway to the music. He kissed my forehead and I sighed happily. I watched as the rest of my friends danced happily together. Lissa and Christian, happily married, with their own baby on the way, Sydney and Adrian finding each other, bringing out the best in each other. Sydney made Adrian grow into a wonderful man and he brought out her courage so she could do the things she loved. Abe and my mom flirting with each other and playing with Sophia. Even Gomez was here, with some new flavour of his, but happy nonetheless. He noticed me watching him and raised his glass up to me. I smiled back and looked up at the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with. He pulled away and grabbed to champagne flutes off a servers tray and handed one to me.

"Here's to forever." He said softly, his eyes never straying from mine. I clinked my glass to his and took in every bit of this moment. Life wouldn't always be this perfect, especially for such a complex group like ours and I knew we would never be free from the challenges that would come whether it was strigoi, royal politics involving Lissa, or concerns related to our daughter, but I would live in this moment and know that those challenges were always going to be worth fighting for.

"To Forever." I repeated and took a sip from my glass and locked my lips with the one I would love well forever.

Corny I know, but appropriate and I am happy to retire this story and continue on with Sophia's story because I have so much prepared for her I'm excited! please R&R