Hey this is my second child. A scorpius/lilyluna fic. Fun to write. Hope it's fun to read. If it sucks tell me and I will not continue.

Hide Then Attack

Lily Luna Potter was scurrying down the corridor to the library while trying to readjust her uniform and clear away any traces of smudged lipstick from her cheek. She had just escaped from the most handsy, snogging fiend in all of Hogwarts. What made it so much worse was he she had not been prepared. He simply pulled her into a broom closet and attacked her face.

Lily turned into the library to see Macklan and Maeve Fairyhide her two best mates and children of her middle name name sake, reading their books hanging upside down on their table. They were fraternal twins and most of Hogwarts student body referred to them as the Fairyhide Freaks. They had inherited many of their mother's habits.

"Lily Love! Where are you trinket?" Lily panicked when she heard Gerald Lockhart calling after her.

"Bollocks" she muttered as she dove under Macklan and Maeve's table.

"Hello Lily" greeted Mae.

"Hello Mae, please don't let him know I'm here," Lily pleaded

"Okay" Mae's voice was very similar to her mother's dreamy wispy air. Macklan did not speak much but he was a very good listener, someone like Lily Potter needed that.

"Lily!" Gerald called stopping right in front of Lily's face. She could have easily spit and shined his shoes. "Fairyhide freaks have you seen my Lilikins? I cannot seem to find her anywhere. She and I have some unfinished business to attend to". Macklan rolled his eyes; his reading was often by Lily's many admirers.

"I'm sorry Gerald, but Lily had an allergic reaction and had to run back to the Slytherin dormitory's to sleep it off," Mae explained calmly. She actually enjoyed coming up with stories to cover up for Lily. With as much practice as she had, she was getting more creative and they were hardly repeats anymore.

"Allergic reaction to what?"

"Fluffernots, I can smell them. Your mouth is absolutely filled with them, poor Lily"

Gerald smacked a hand over his mouth "What are fluddernods?" his question muffled slightly by his hand.

"Fluffernots are miniscule creatures that make you say aloud all your bombastic, pompous notions" informed Macklan not lifting his eyes from his book "Our friend Lily is allergic to your mindless rubbish"

Gerald Lockhart froze in shock then left with a large "harrumph" leaving Lily to her giggle fits under the table.

"Macky, you are my knight in shining armor"

"Only for you Lily" he replied.

"Mae, are Fluffernots real?"

"Of course"

"I'll take your word on that." Lily pulled herself out from under the table to stand up straight. She dusted of her skirt and looked up to see her older brother, Albus, walking in looking completely and utterly confused.

"Hey Lil's why is Lockhart muttering something about an ungrateful, red headed, Slytherin temptress?"

Lily turned to Maeve "Oooh that's a good one. Much more original than the fiery flirt"

"Not as good as the ginger Veela snake" replied Mae.

"Very true"

"Lily, your giving the family more enemies" Albus sighed.

"What?" Lily asked baffled.

"Patrick Finnegan wouldn't let me use his quill today because of you"

"Finnegan and I were over in third year"

"Well he is holding a grudge, and Lockhart? What is up with that? He is a freakin' Hufflepuff for crying out loud!" challenged Albus

"And I'm a Slytherin! You are a Gryffindor and Macklan and Maeve are Ravenclaw! Now that I think about it, Hufflepuff is the only house I'm not connected too so that is the only safe house or boys" explained Lily with a shrug "Where I won't have to deal with them 24/7, have them bothering my friends for info, or have my brothers threatening them. Do you remember what James did to Henry Thomas my third year? He wouldn't look at me for weeks! All because James 'explained' what happens to guys who date his sister without getting the 'ok'."

"Serves him right, it s only polite to get the brother approval"

"No Al, I choose who I date. James is gone and you are NOT going to try to terrorize my love life as he did. Got it?" Lily's eyebrows shot up as she stared down her brother who was fuming, but Lily didn't care.

"Hey Mack, do you think you could help me find Sebastian. He seems to have run off again." Macklan nodded his head, stood up with his sister, and followed Lily out the door to find the missing cat, leaving Albus Potter steaming in the library.

"I can't believe he thinks he can tell me what to do" Lily ranted "Albus, James, even Hugo for that matter, have no say in my life. Because it is exactly that. MINE."

"Breaking hearts again, Potter?" came a voice from behind the trio. Lily turned to see no other than Scorpius Malfoy, leaning against a wall smirking his famous bad boy smirk. Lily Potter being Lily Potter simply, smirked back.

"He'll get over it" she replied. Maeve took in the scene with her all knowing look and Macklan just rolled his eyes and shook his head in disapproval.

"Who was it this time?" Scorpius asked honestly interested.


"A Hufflepuff? Well, that just won't do, they are just to, to…"

"Hufflepuffy?" asked Mae.


"Well what do you think would be suitable, Malfoy?" Lily asked slightly irked. She had had enough of other people opinion of her romantic entanglements.

"Maybe, someone in your own house? Your own year?" Malfoy suggested.

"Nah, I prefer to do the unexpected"

"All ways living on the edge are we?" He began to cross to her, his penetrating grey eyes daring her to take a step back. She didn't, she had been playing his games for five years now. She had gotten used to them. He was soon only a foot away from her, forcing her to look up to look in his eyes. He simply towered over her 5' 7" frame.

"You knowing growing up with brothers gave me this complex. I just love to play with the big boys"

"Do you think that is wise, Lil?"

"I've been keeping up for a couple years now Scor. I think I am doing just fine."

"We'll see about that"

"Yes. We. Will." They continued glaring at each other waiting for the other to give up. They would have stayed there for hours if not for a little meow at their feet.

"Found him" declared Macklan.

"Sebastian!" Lily sang as she scooped up the black cat in her arms. She found when she stood back up that Scorpius had begun to walk away.

"This isn't over Malfoy!" Lily called down the hall. She was positive that this year, Scorpius' final year. Would be the year she would prove that she was more than just the youngest Potter. She was the Potter. A womanly force not to be reckoned with.
