Disclaimer: The contents of this story are from the original author Rick Riordan. If you haven't already, read his books they ROCK!!!

My story is about what would happen if Hades decided to become the new Titan lord....the 13th Titan. Can Percy, Annabeth and Nico convince him to change his mind?

Note from the Author: I would like to give my brother some credit for helping me out with some of the story ideas, it helped a ton! Also, this is my first PJO fanfic....with hopefully a lot of Nico in it!!! So, anyways, enjoy!

Chapter 1

This is how my life really started: My best friend Grover reveals to me he is actually a half human half goat, my mom is killed by a freak bull/human thing, I am shipped off to a camp because my dad is Poseidon, the god of the sea. Weird, right? But like I said before, that was only the start. Ok, Ok, so then the details come in I meet Annabeth daughter of Athena and we save my mom and bring her back. My friend, Luke from the Hermes cabin gives his body to the really nasty and destructive evil Titan lord, Kronos. That's just the life of your typical demigod.

I set my bags down on the steps of the Poseidon cabin and stared at the big wooden door before opening it. Inside, I was surprised to see other bags scattered on the floor and unfolded clothes scattered across some of the top and bottom bunks. It was strange to me because just last summer my Cyclops brother Tyson and I had been the only ones sharing this cabin. Now, I was looking at the mess of my own siblings which I have never even met before. They were the sons and daughters of Poseidon, or as you may have heard, Greek god of the sea. I thought back to last summer when my father had said: "I suppose I can claim all those other sons and daughters of mine and send you some siblings next summer." I thought then he had been joking, but now I realized he was in fact dead serious. Tyson's bag was on the bunk above mine but his clothes were neatly folded at the end of his bed. He wasn't around though, so I figured he must be with Chiron, our camp leader. You may think it's odd that I have a half-brother Cyclops, but Tyson's the most harmless one I've ever met (trust me I've seen a few)...though he could punch down walls if he really wanted too.

I left my things inside the cabin and walked out into the afternoon and glanced up at Apollo's sun ablaze in the sky. I caught a glimpse of a flickering figure approaching me and before I saw a person I heard a voice. "Hey, Seaweed brain, welcome once again!" I knew that voice anywhere, Annabeth. She was suddenly standing right in front of me her Yankees ball cap in her hand. Just imagine the pranks you could pull with your very own invisibility hat!

"Hey, good to see you again" I grinned at her and eyes met mine with a twinkling gaze.

"You haven't killed any monster without me yet, have you?" She asked incredulously through half cocked brows. I let out a little chuckle, Annabeth knew my sense of adventure way to well, she followed me on my quests any time she could. Let me tell you one thing, those quests don't always end all fluffy and happy!

"Not yet. I had to wait for you." I replied. Annabeth looked satisfied.

"Good." Annabeth whispered as she squeezed my hand tightly.

"Cause, you're never going anywhere without me, got it Seaweed brain?" With that she bolted for the woods, dragging me behind. I was tripping over my own feet trying to catch up with her and her long blond curls flayed in the wind and tickled my nose.

When we were far in the woods, where no one could possibly find us, she kissed my cheek, so lightly it was almost barely there, but it was and it made my face go red like a tomato.

"I've missed you. The summer seemed especially longer this time."

"You missed me that much, huh?" Annabeth stared at me blankly for a few seconds then punched me hard in the arm.

"Ow" I joked, "C'mon don't beat me up yet, I just got here."

We laughed together for a long time, catching up on things that happened over the summer. All of a sudden, out of nowhere there was a crinkling in the bush beside me and the leaves in a thicket brush crunched. It wasn't the wind though, we could tell. Someone was watching us in the bush beside us.