AN: Sniff, sniff. This is the last chapter of 15 ways to ruin a proposal. I'm so sad and so happy at the same time. But, a lot or people have asked me to write a sequel, so, I will! It's going to be called 15 Ways to Get Rid of Your Wedding Planner, and will be in Cammie's POV! I'm so excited! Anyways, here's the next chapter! Enjoy!

I dedicate this chapter to my first reviewer,



Zach tossed and turned in his sleep. He couldn't get the sight out of his head. Cammie, covered in blood, was almost seconds away from dying. He tried running to her, to hold her in his arms and to tell her he loved her one last time, but every time he tried, he was stopped by an invisible wall.

Panting and sweating, Zach woke up. He couldn't get the idea out of his mind, no matter how hard he tried, and he soon reached a decision. Screw a creative proposal. He needed to make Cammie's his, and fast.

Smiling, Zach went to his bureau and took out the real engagement ring. Looking at the clock, he saw that it read 7:00.

Throwing on some decent clothes, he went to Cammie's house.

When he arrived, he knocked on the door, and waited for someone to answer. He smiled at Mr. Morgan and went to Cammie's room. He closed the door behind him

Mr. Morgan's POV

"That Zach boy isn't so bad," I thought, watching him go into Cammie's room. I was puzzled as to why he might close the door, but let it slide. He had, after all, saved my baby's life.

Then I heard the screaming.

"What has that moron done to my baby!?" I think, grabbing a heavy glass bowl to smash over that Goode boy's head. However, I hadn't gotten very far before Cammie came running out, pulling Zach behind her.

"Mom, Daddy!" she cried, tears in her eyes. "I'm engaged!"

My anger deflated, just like that. Pfffft.

"Oh." I said, indiscreetly putting my bowl down. Cammie went to go talk to Rachel about something, and I figured, it was time to really sit down and "talk"(AN: Ahem, ahem *threaten*) with the boy....

End Mr. Morgan's POV

Later that night....

Cammie and Zach were at Le Amour, celebrating their engagement. Luckily, that obnoxious waiter was nowhere to be seen.

"You know something Zach?" Cammie said. "I always knew that you were proposing. I just wanted you to get down on one knee and just do it!"

"But, don't girls like those really well thought proposals?" Zach asked curiously.

"Some girl's do, but I need you to know that I love you, and anything you do, from the heart makes me happy," Cammie said, before leaning over and kissing him. Smiling, Zach kissed her back.

On their way out, Zach smirked and decided to tease his fiancé.

"So Cammie," he started. "Who's going to plan the wedding?"

Cammie groaned and leaned her head on his shoulder. "Can we not talk about that?" she pleaded. Zach chuckled and wound his arm around her waist, and thought about the best way to propose to a girl.

Just do it.

AN: So, here's the last chapter. I'm really excited about the sequel, however, I have another story that I'm working on, called Gallagher's Seven Deadly Sins. It'll probably be 8 chapter, and each chapter will focus on one main character and their sin. So, look out for it. I'm still developing the plot, so I don't know when it'll come up. Also, in your review, add what sin most fits Liz, Bex or Grant.

Here are the three choices




Please, please help me!