Woo! I love Magnus/Alec. AND IT'S CANON. :DDDDD!!!


Coarse Language

A Kiss

Slight Sexual Reference? [If you can catch it.]


Messing With My Head

"You're fucking with me."


"I said," Magnus repeated, "you're fucking with me." Both of them were injured and catching their breath. Demons had to go and swarm over anything, like rodents. This really wasn't the time to be mentioning Alec's behavior, but it really didn't matter because if they were going to die in an epic battle to save Alicante, then he might as well tell Alec what he thought.

"And just how am I doing that?"

"Do you listen to Katy Perry?" He wanted to make a "Hot 'N Cold" reference.


"That's what I thought. Anyway," he continued, "you're still fawning over Jace. What am I, a distraction? Hmm? You only want me there when you're upset or unhappy. You never want to be with me to spend time with me, you know. It can really hurt one's feelings." Magnus then added another word, "Asshole."

Alec was quiet for a long time. But when he spoke, it was quiet. "I don't love Jace." He admitted. "But you," Alec pointed an accusing finger at him, "never called be back. I called you so many times and you never called me back! You are fucking with my head too!" Magnus rolled his eyes, wondering how he could take something so unimportant so harshly. [And then he remembered all the messages, every single one, every pretty word every curse and he was sure the blue-eyed boy had called maybe one thousand times.]

"I only did such because you couldn't decide what you wanted. Me or Jace."

"Well, I want you."

Magnus smiled.

"All you had to do was say so."

"I did. About fifteen separate times on fifteen separate messages."

Yes, Magnus had remembered that. But it was always nice to hear it in person. He grinned, leaning to capture Alec's lips. Alec responded immediately and sighed. Pulling back, Magnus had an arrogant look on his features.

"You've been waiting for that."

"Damn straight I have."

"You messing with me again?" Magnus quirked an eyebrow, a smile sitting on his lips.

"No. Now kiss me before I punch you.

Magnus realized how easy it was to get to Alec. He figured mind games with him might be a little more fun. Especially since Alec seemed to want to make-out afterwards. [Magnus noted this fact and saved it for later. Right now, they really just needed some... bonding time. Preferably before more demons show up.]