Hey guys.. been a while since I got back to writing something. I'm really sorry about that, I haven't been inspired to write anything for my Negima stories, butttt I did get inspired to write this story on Mitchie/Alex, Demi/Selena, whatevs, you know what I mean.

Definite femmeslash. Sooo, if you do not like that, move along now.

I don't own anything.

Don't forget to give me your opinions for future chapters, I need all the help I can get, enjoy.

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Alex's POV

I was sitting on the counter top in the substation, ignoring noisy customers with their annoying complaints about my skills as a waitress. I scoff. "Alex! What are you doing? Get off of there!" Justin pushes me off the counter, what an annoying boob. "Hey! What'd you do that for?" I glared at him as he glared back and retaliated with the usual sentence I get. "You really gotta start being more serious, Alex, take more pride in your work." I give him a 'hmph' and walk towards a table and proceed to take the salt shaker and pour some into my hand.

I am so serious, he doesn't know anything. I chuckle as I think of ways to get Justin and his geekiness. Maybe I should turn his action fig--, I mean, dolls into something. Heh, maybe turn them into food and I'll eat them. Whoa, I guess I'm hungry now.. Sighing, I place the salt shaker back into its place and walk to a trash can, emptying my hand of salt, then sitting back at my table. Placing my head on my right palm, I stare at Justin as he tries to take care of the customer problem I made out of my unseriousness. Hmm, is that even a word? Hah, I dunno, it's now a word since I declared it so. I sigh once again.

"You know, you get shorter every time you sigh." Huh, what the hell? I turn around to see the most beautiful girl in my life. Soft, curly, dark brown hair, radiant eyes, bright smile, and has a very good fashion sense. Wai-wait. I am definitely not falling for this girl. She smiles at me, raising her left hand to cover her laughter. Aw.. she sounds so angelic when she laughs. I just mentally slapped myself. Did I just say that? Wow, she's hot. Slap. I gotta stop doing this to myself.

I had to say something. "Excuse me?" I scoff and stand up facing her. "I said, every time. You. Sigh. You. Get. Sh--" She's speaking as if I'm a five year old.

"You're speaking as if I'm a five year old." Whoa, I just repeated what I said in my mind, talk about deja vu. I manage to stammer out, "I u-uh mean I was j-just uhm.." She stops me in my mental breakdown. "You know, you're really funny." I smile dumbly at her. Hey hey wait, I can't be the one falling for her, I have the Alex Russo charm dammit. "I guess." Act cool act coo--, wow.. she has the most beautiful eyes of brown, I think I could drown in them. Slap. God damn it.

"My name is Mitchie." she said, giggling a little bit, sticking out her hand at me. I stare at it for awhile, her smile doesn't falter one bit. "Alex." I shake her hand and add in a cute smile. "Do you work here?" Heh. "Yeah." I gotta stop the one word answers, don't wanna be turning into Justin now whenever he's near a girl. "That's so cool! My dad came here on a business trip once and tried the subs here, he said it was great so I came." She gave me another smile, damn she's cute. "Cool." Slap. Stop doing that! "So I was wondering if erm.. Could you be my friend?" Aw. "Yeah, sure." ...No slap. That was two words, good. "That's great!" She took my hands in hers and smiled widely at me, weird girl she is. I just smile back at her.

"Hey, so I was wondering.. could I order a couple of subs before I leave?" Wai-- wha? Oh, so that's why she was here in the first place, doy. "Mm hmm, sure. What'll you have?"

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Waving to Mitchie, I just simply love her name, she exited the substation doors waving back at me and mouthed 'thank you'. I plopped my chin on my right palm and smiled at her cellphone number she had written on my hand. "So. You're falling for that girl, and hard might I add." Ugh. "No, Justin, what makes you say that?" I hear him snickering behind me in the kitchen. "I heard your conversation, nice one word answers. Very smooth, you actually found someone to break the Alex Russo charm."

"For your information, she didn't get past my charm, I just only had one word answers for her, unlike you to every girl you talk to."

"Sure sure. Just keep smilin' at her phone number." I gasp, turn, and glare him down. He holds his hands up as if surrendering. "Pft, whatever, this," I point to my hand, "is something you will never get from any girl." He rolls his eyes at me. "It's okay baby sis. No worries." Ugh, I am so not falling hard for this girl. Jackbutt.

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I'm in my room now, lying on my bed. It's 6:45 pm, I recently got off my shift and Max covered for me. He is annoying, even more than Justin. I didn't know it was possible, but today it is. His Jerry 'the Terminator' Seinfeld impression really annoys me to no level. I think I'll send him to an underwater sea camp for the rest of the summer. Yeah, hehe giddy up Max, giddy up. I chuckle to myself.

My cellphone rings, flashing Mitchie:). Oh yeah, I gave her my number too.

(A/N, normal is Alex, italics is Mitchie)


"Hey there Alex! I was wondering if uhm.. we could hang out.. t-tonight?" Aw, she's nervous.

"Well, sure. No probs, what did you have in mind?"

"How about the movies?"

"Sure." I smile through the phone, I can tell that she did too.

"Yay! How does a 7:30 movie sound?"

"Sounds great."

"Cool, I'll meet you at the substation soon!"

"Okay then, I'll talk to you later."

"Mmkay then, bye."

"Bye bye." She seems really happy, I smile to myself and grab my pillow, covering my head. I just simply can't be falling for her.