Strange how things work out

Chapter three

"Where do you think Miroku?" Inyuasha replied rolling his eyes.

"Ah I see your making, your way to the little coffee shop across the street, you're a genuine genius Inuyasha." Miroku said wiggling his eye brows at Inuyasha, as he followed him across the parking lot.

"Always thinking of ladies, I see." Inuyasha responded bleakly, looking both ways before walking though a busy intersection.

"Hey man watch it!" A man yelled though his car window, as he drove pasted Inuyasha almost hitting him.

"Are you crazy?" A woman cried, honking her horn.

"You're reckless." Miroku said as he opened the café door for Inuyasha.

"And you're a moron." Inuyasha said smugly.

"Why am I the moron here? You're the one that was walking though an intersection during rush hour, you nearing got your self killed!" Miroku said in a matter of fact manor.

"Hi what can I get you too?" The woman behind the counter chimed.

"Hi I would like an extra large black coffee please!" Inuyasha said mocking the woman unusual cheery voice. Inuyasha then turned his attention back to Miroku. "You're the one that followed me though the intersection, when you could have done the smart thing, and went around, instead you just followed me around like a love sick puppy, so in thus it makes you a moron" Inuyasha finished in one breath.

"So then what does that make you?" Miroku inquired.

"Here's your coffee have a nice day." The she said placing the coffee on the counter then turning her attention to another customer.

"It makes me the man with the coffee." Inuyasha said walking out of the café, leaving Miroku dumb founded. "Did I miss something?"

"Your nuts!" Kagome said flinging her arms in the air.

"Common it's a lot of fun." Sango said pouting.

"No. This conversation is over." Kagome said bluntly crossing her arms.

"You're no fun." Sango said sighing in defeat.

"I gotta go. I promised to have lunch with Sota today. Kagome said picking up her things.

"Should I book us appointment?" Sango yelled just as Kagome was about to leave.

"I'm not going skydiving!" Kagome yelled back stomping out of the café before Sango could say anything else.

"Oh yeah she's going skydiving." Sango thought to herself with a smug look on her face taking another sip of her coffee.

"Sango nuts if she thinks I am jumping out of a plane ten thousand feet in the air only to plummet to my death, with only a big plastic bag to save me!" Then she has another thing coming!" Kagome thought to herself, pressing the "walk" button to cross the street.

"It's like Sango to pick one of the most dangerous sports out there….." "Why does this remind me of the time she tricked me into bungee jumping, convincing me that the cord were supports to keep me from falling off the cliff, then ironically pushing me off the cliff."

Flash back

"Common Kagome isn't the view amazing! The water fall must be 100 foot drop!" Sango yelled pointing at the waterfall, bouncing up and down like a little child who went to Disney Land for the very first time.

"Yeah but I don't want to get to close. The cliff could brake off and I wouldn't be here to enjoy the beauty of Brazil ever again." Kagome shock nervously.

"Would it help if you had cords or something to support you?" Sango asked concerned.

"I don't know." Kagome said inching forward trying to look down.

"You don't wanna miss this view Kagg's, its breath taking." Sango insisted.

"Well…If there's something to hold me up…" Kagome said

"You wont fall I promise." Sango said lending her hand to Kagome.

"Okay." Kagome said taking Sango hand gratefully.

"Now you have to put your feet through here….." "Yeah like that…." "Then I just have to tighten the cord it has to be very sung on your ankles…." "Kagome stop squirming!" "Alright you're ready!" Sango said investigating her work of "art."

"Ummm…." "I can't walk…" Kagome said confused.

"That's because you're not suppose to, now I am just going to turn you…" "Like sooooo an-"

"Uh Sango what are you doing!!!? Kagome screamed.

"Just giving you a little push!" Sango said sweetly before pushing poor Kagome over a cliff.

End of Flash Back.

Kagome shivered, at the memory. "Sango never was the type of person to take no for an answer." Kagome thought, making her way across the street.

"Hey lady look out!" Someone across the street yelled.

Kagome, snapped out of her thoughts, turn her head towards the voice, then turn her attention to the direction, the person was pointing at "screaming blooding murder at her." Kagome prepared herself, covering her head with her arms, she then closed her eyes, took a deep breath, feeling the morning frost, tingling her lips, before her mind went blank…

Okay every one I am soooooooo sorry the chapters are small and aren't updated much, I am just very busy all the time, but I hope you guys enjoyed it, I might have time to post an other unfortunately small chapter again soon!