A/N- Last chapter- this one is kind of short, and possibly lacking in detail, but I had a time crunch! While this story was fun, I'm kind of relieved that it's over. Yes I know it was short, but my goal was 5-10 chapters, so I stayed within that. Barely made the deadline- Eeep! Hope you like the ending :)

Recommended Reading: What's Left of Me by AnalystProductions. Because it's brilliant, just like the author is.

Summary: James returns to Condor Studios to temporarily replace Josh the mail guy. When Sonny starts receiving admiring notes, she's not quite sure who is charming her. Is someone tampering with the mail? For the 'Un-Cliche the Cliches' challenge. Sonny/Chad

Chapter Seven: Last Dance

Chad didn't understand what was going on, and quite frankly, neither did anyone else. The only two that knew was a ten and three quarters young boy who chuckled evilly in the corner, and his older brother who was now waiting for him in the parking lot; since he was no longer allowed in the studio. Ever. Again.

But James got what he wanted; if he couldn't have Sonny, then his decided that neither could Chad. Not to mention he got hilarious video of an upset Sonny bashing on Chad.

Chad stood in the middle of the dance floor, still contemplating what had happened.

"Where did you get all the flowers?" Chad asked a gladiator angrily.

"I don't know, some little boy told us to take one and pass them on to all the guys," he shrugged. "Hey it was that kid over there," he said, pointing to Holloway in the corner of the room.

"You!" Chad yelled fiercely, chasing the kid outside and cornering his against a wall. "Why did you do that?"

"I know why he did it!" Zora spat, sneaking up behind them. "He's James' little brother Holloway. He'd do anything to earn respect from his older brother. Too bad he's too juvenile to realize it's never going to happen."

The young boy looked at the two actors; fright apparent in his features.

"I don't want to ever see you on this premise again!" Chad threatened. "If you do, I will personally have you thrown out by all of the tween gladiators."

"Even Power Fist?" Holloway choked.

"Oh, especially him. He's a buddy of mine," Chad emphasized.

"No only that, but I will sick Bernie on you. I know how much you love snakes," Zora warned sarcastically.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," he apologized, holding his hands up in defense. Holloway ran away, but not before tossing the tape to Zora, and then hopped in to James' car.

"Well I think we took care of them," Chad chuckled.

"We sure did," Zora agreed, rubbing her hands together. "I guess we make a pretty good team."

"Don't mention it," Chad ordered.

"Don't worry, I won't."


Sonny raced back to her dressing room, locking the doors on both sides. She figured any minute either Zora or Tawni would try to bust one of them down to see if she was okay.

She thrashed the back of her hand against her eyes, trying to wipe the warm tears that continued to pour down. She wasn't sure what upset her the most; that Chad had made a fool out of her at the prom, that he had toyed with her emotions, or that she let herself fall for him.

She hastily pulled her dream dress off and tossed it carelessly to the floor. She pulled a pair of purple cow pajamas from her overnight bag (that she luckily had with her since her and Tawni were going to have a sleepover after the prom), and wrapped herself in them. She picked up her new blarmey; which thankfully had arrived on time, and threw it over her as she lay on the orange print chaise to relax.

I will not cry, I will not cry, she repeated in her head; a mantra that she hoped would work. As soon as she finished, she felt the tears prickling her eyes again. Sonny reached for a tissue and dabbed her eyes dry, just as a knock was heard at her door.

Sonny did not reply, she did not want to be bothered. Maybe if I stay quiet, they'll go away, she mused.

"Sonny, I know you're in there," a voice spoke. Chad. "Please let me in."

Sonny continued to ignore him, laying her head back down on the armrest.

"Look Sonny, I had nothing to do with what happened tonight. It was James and his little brother Holloway. I don't know why, but for some twisted reason, they wanted to embarrass you."

Sonny perked up, but stayed quiet and listened through the door.

"I never meant to humiliate you, I honestly was just trying to be romantic; which apparently I suck at," he laughed dryly. "But I want you to know, I meant everything I said in those notes; even if they don't sound like me."

Sonny was now sitting erectly, but continued to keep her guard up.

"You can ask Tawni, or Zora, or those other two Random guys from your show. It has been me all along, no matter how cheesy it sounds. But I don't know how to prove it to you."

Sonny edged a little bit closer toward the door, anticipating what he would say next.

"Well um, I guess that's all I have to say." Chad felt his stomach drop and his head lurched down to take the walk of shame.

Sonny listened but all she heard were footsteps fainting mildly, then silence came. After a moment, she heard footsteps again, this time growing closer.

"Uh..." she heard Chad stutter. She could imagine him rubbing the back of his neck, as he always did when he was nervous; which he actually was doing.

"Oh, but um just so you know, all of those things about how gorgeous you are, and how pretty your hair is... how you brighten my day, and put the sparkle in my eye... about you being the most beautiful girl, and me wanting you more than a Tween Choice Award; those things are all true. And I know I'm not your idea of Prince Charming, but I hoped that you'd settle for me."

Chad let out a heavy breath that he didn't realize he was holding, and waited a moment for movement. When he didn't hear it, he let out a loud sigh and said, "See you around Monroe."

Sonny sat awestruck for a moment, finally piecing everything together. He had just mentioned lines from all of the notes. And his confession seemed sincere and full of passion; more so than anything else she had ever seen in Chad before.

Sonny leaped up from the chair and opened her door, but by the time she did so, he was already gone.


"What are you doing?" Tawni snarled after she demanded that Sonny let her in their dressing room. "Why aren't you with Chad?"

"Because Tawni, I totally screwed up and blamed him. Then when I finally went after him, he'd already left," she admitted.

"He's still here you know" a voice echoed through the vents above. "He's in his dressing room," Zora informed.

"How do you know?" Sonny asked.

Zora looked at her incredulously before rolling her eyes. "How do you think?"

"Before you go," Tawni said, placing her hand on Sonny's arm to stop her, "I want you to have this." She held the tiara that just had a little nick in it from Sonny throwing it to the floor. "I'm sorry I was jealous that you won queen," Tawni confessed. "You're my best friend and I shouldn't have been so selfish."

Sonny smiled widely as Tawni placed the glittering tiara on top of her now messy ponytail, and surveyed her flannel cow pajamas. "You're going like that?" she asked.

"Remember, you said he likes me just the way I am," Sonny giggled, giving Tawni a light hug before dashing out of the room and quickly making her way over to Stage Two.


On her way to Chad's dressing room, Sonny walked by the prom area and music flooded her ears. She peeked her head in to see Nico and Portlyn enjoying a slow dance together. She awed silently, then continued her way to find Chad.

When she reached his dressing room, she lightly knocked on the door.

"Go away!" blasted his voice through the wood.

This time Sonny knocked louder, hoping he would give in and answer.

"I said, go away!" he repeated.

"Chad, it's me. Sonny." Silence.

"Just leave me alone, please," he pleaded. "You already rejected me. Just go."

Sonny stood at his door, unable to believe what he was saying. Chad Dylan Cooper… defeated? By her?

She slowly slid her body down the door, finally plopping down in front of it. He had to come out sometime.

"Having a little trouble?" a voice asked. Sonny forced her eyes upward and saw Jason. She just nodded sadly.

Jason motioned for her to get up, then pounded loudly on the door.

"Sonny, I said to leave me alone!" Chad hissed.

"It's not Sonny, it's me Jason. We need to talk man," the green-eyed co-star responded.

A few moments later, the door knob to Chad's room turned. As soon as he opened it, Jason pushed Sonny in to Chad's room and ran off. "You'll think me later!" he shouted over his shoulder.

Sonny collided into Chad, knocking him down to the floor, where she landed smack on top. He grunted at the fall, then glared at her when he realized what had happened.

"Uh, hi?" she spoke, reddened from the closeness. She pressed her body slightly against his, causing a 'moo' to emit from her cow patterned pajamas. "Sorry, they have a button... they uh, match my phone," she joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Chad didn't push her off, but he did struggle to get out from under her. "Sonny, will you just let me be?" he begged. When she looked in to his calming eyes, Sonny realized just how vulnerable he was.

"No!" she cried, straddling him and holding his arms down to the floor as best she could. He could have overpowered her, but he finally resisted and just let her stay there. He cast his eyes away from her, focusing on anything else in the room.

"Chad, I'm sorry that I accused you of humiliating me, but it's not like you haven't before."

"Agreed, but I would never take it that far," he retorted, still looking away from her.

"I know that… well, I do now," she softened. "Look, I'm really sorry, I should have known better. It's just, I was falling for you and I didn't want to get hurt."

"So you admit it, you were falling for me?" he smirked, finally gazing his eyes up at her.

"Yeah, I admit it," she blushed, biting her lip as she answered.

"Well the feeling's mutual," he replied, gently brushing a loose strand of her hair from her face, and tucking it in to her tiara.

"I know," she whispered, leaning in toward him; hovering her lips over his.

"You're such a tease," he mocked, just as she had to him several days before. He finally broke his arms away from her grip, and gently pulled her face to his; softly brushing her lips. When she kissed back, he pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. Things started to get a little heated until an "Ahem" was heard in the hallway.

Sonny and Chad broke apart and looked up to see Zora, Tawni, Grady, Nico, and Portlyn all standing outside of his door.

"Next time, maybe you should try closing the door before you two get all mushy," Zora cringed as the Randoms and Portlyn let the couple be, and laughed their way down the hall.

"So um, we never got to finish that dance," Sonny said, taking Chad's hand in hers.

"Well we just might have to do something about that," Chad said, squeezing her hand lightly.

"But you're missing something," Sonny said, tapping her finger to her chin as she analyzed him. She looked around the room until she spotted Chad's crown nestled on the edge of the vanity. She picked it up and stood on her tiptoes in order to place it on his head. "There," she said proudly, "My Prince Charming needs a crown."

"Psh- Prince?" Chad scoffed. "Remember baby, I'm the King of Drama."

"Well you should really watch that ego, or your crown won't fit your head," Sonny joked playfully, nudging him in the side.

"Well at least my phone and pajamas don't make barnyard sounds," Chad teased, nudging her back.

"Yeah, I know you're jealous," she smiled boastfully.

Chad opened his mouth to retort with a witty comeback, but decided just to let her win. This time. Besides, he had to admit that only she could look stupidly adorable in those hideous pajamas.