Z is for Zoo

Alex could smell fresh cut grass and animal fur.

People crowded all around him. Jack gripped his hand tightly, her bright red hair streaming around her face as she grinned down at him. "Happy birthday, Alex!" She sang happily, "I can't believe you're five today!"

Alex smiled up at his friend, a toothy grin that made Jack's smile widen.

"Can you see Tom? His mum said to meet here." Jack glanced around and Alex followed her gaze, but no matter where he looked he couldn't see his friend.

"I'm sure they're just running a little late." Jack said, reassuringly as she watched her little charges face drop. "Now what enclosure would you like to see first? The monkeys or the lions?"

"The meerkats!" Alex answered immediately, jumping up and down in excitement. The meerkats were the only animals Alex really wanted to see at the zoo. And he was already appalled that it had taken such a long time to drive to the zoo and then the line had like, ten people in it and now Tom was late!


Alex looked up as his name was called. Tom was running towards them, his mum jogging behind him, trying to catch up with the energetic boy.

"Alex! The zoo!" Tom crowed.

"The zoo!"

Tom collided with Alex, hugging him fiercely.

"It's time to see the Meerkats, Tom!" Alex grabbed his friends' hand and started tugging him away. "Let's go, let's go!"

Jack smiled quietly to herself as she listened to Alex snoring in the backseat of the car. The little boy had conked out on the way to the car. They had spent the whole day at the Zoo, seeing all the animals (and the meerkats twice), eating too much cotton candy and getting too much sun.

Alex had had a ball, joking and playing with Tom, cuddling up to the overpriced meerkat plushie Jack had bought from the little gift shop. It was nice to see him smile for a change.