Hey guys. I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to update. I've been having huge writers block. Since I didn't get any ideas for the next chapter from any of you reader's I am sorry to say that this will be the last chapter of Broken Hearts. Read and Review.

It has been 3 years since Caitlyn was born. Today after lots of planning and preparation is Logan and Quinn's wedding day.

The girls are currently getting their hair and makeup in Quinn's dressing room.

"I can't believe you guys are finally getting married." Zoey Matthews says. Chase and Zoey got married 3 months after Caitlyn was born and now have a 2 year old daughter named Elizabeth Jade Matthews. Zoey is currently 24 weeks pregnant with their second child.

"I know it seems like just yesterday that Logan proposed." Quinn says.


It was the day of Logan and Leah's wedding and Quinn is sitting in her room thinking about everything and isn't even sure if she is going to go to the wedding. She just doesn't think she can handle watching the man she loves marry another woman especially the father of her little girl. Ever since she was a little girl she always thought that if she had a little girl it would be a daddy's girl and they would be the perfect family but now that's not going to happen.

"You coming Quinn?" Lola asks walking into the room with Zoey.

"I guess." Quinn says and sighs looking out the window.

"I know that it hurts but it's what Logan wants to do and if you love him you're not going to stop him from being happy." Zoey says.

"Yeah your right." Quinn says before getting up.

"You girls ready." Chase asks walking into the room with Vince.

"Yeah." Zoey says.

When they get to the church. Zoey and Lola go off to where Leah is getting ready and Chase and Vince leave to go find Logan and Michael. Quinn is left on her own and decides to go sit down and wait for the wedding to start.

As she watches Logan take his place at the altar she realizes that he is marrying Leah and that she is going to be her baby's step mom weather she likes it or not. It's sad because she really thought that Logan might not follow through with the wedding but he is going too. Hearing the music Here Comes the Bride brings her out of the trance and she watches as Leah walks down the aisle to marry Leah.

"Dearly beloved we are brought here today to join Logan Anthony Reese and Leah Jacqueline Davis is holy matrimony. If anyone thinks that this should not be carried through please speak now." The priest says. The room is completely silent.

"Leah Jacqueline Davis do you take Logan Anthony Reese to be you lawfully wedded husband to hold in sickness and health till death do you part."

"I do." Quinn hears Leah say.

"Do you Logan Anthony Reese take Leah Jacqueline Davis to be your lawfully wedded wife to hold in sickness and health till death do you part."

"I.." Logan says and then pauses and looks and Quinn. "I can't do this."

Everyone gasps and he looks at Leah and then Quinn.

"Leah is wonderful, and a beautiful but I'm not in love with her I'm in love with Quinn Pensky the mother of my soon to be born child." Logan says.

"I'm sorry." Logan says turning to Leah.

"I wasn't sure if you were going to do this but I love you too much to keep you from being happy." Leah tells him.

Logan then runs down towards Quinn and stops in front of her. "I'm sorry for being so stupid. I love you Quinn and I hope that you someday can find there room in your heart to forgive me."

Quinn looks up at Logan with tears in her eyes. "I love you too Logan." Quinn tells him.

Logan then leans in and kisses Quinn. "I'm so sorry." Logan says when they pull away.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you and our daughter. Will you marry me Quinn Pensky?" Logan asks getting down on one knee.

End of Flashback

"It was so romantic." Quinn says and sighs.

"It was." Lola says agreeing with Quinn.

There is then a knock on the door. Quinn's dad pokes his head in the door and tells Quinn that is time.

Meanwhile with Logan

Logan is waiting at the altar for Quinn to walk down the aisle. As the music begins to play and Quinn starts to walk down the aisle with her dad Logan is speechless at how beautiful she looks.

"Do you Logan Michael Reese take Quinn Emily Pensky to be your lawfully wedded wife through sickness and in health till death do you part?" The preacher asks.

"I do." Logan replies.

"Do you Quinn Emily Pensky take Logan Michael Reese to be lawfully wedded husband through sickness and in health till death do you part?" The preacher asks.

"I do." Quinn says through her tears.

"You may kiss the bride." The preacher says.

Logan leans down and kisses Quinn.

Thanks to all of you who read and reviewed for Broken Hearts. I had a lot of fun writing it. Keep a look out for new stories.