Disclaimer: Not mine, I just borrowed them.
Summary: Ten 100-word drabbles based in and around the world of Harry Potter.
Notes: The first ten songs on shuffle on my iPod; it's a wonder nothing more embarrassing popped up.

You're all dolled up with nowhere to go
You wanna get out and put on a show

When Pansy Parkinson put on lip gloss, it meant she wasn't coming back to the Slytherin dorms that night - at least not alone. The brush slid against the edge of the tube as she wiped off the excess on one side, shimmering liquid oozing back to the base of the teardrop-shaped vial before she lifted the brush to her lips, painstakingly following their contours as she applied it. Pressing her lips together, she made sure it was flawless before recapping the tube and setting it down on her dresser. Then, she smiled at her reflection.

The hunt was on.