Chapter 11: Newfound Promises

Sam awoke the next morning and was happier than she had been in a long time. She felt safe and comfortable in Jason's arms. This is where she was meant to be. As she looked at the night stand next to the bed she was in shock. Last night what was once an empty table was now something all together different. There sparkling under the sunlight was her necklace. When Jason and Sam split she gave back both her necklace and her engagement ring. She could not bear to have any memories of their time together in her life. Now her it was laying in front of her, she could not believe that Jason had kept it all this time. She shook him awake wondering when he had gotten up to get it. He obviously wanted her to see it when she woke up he had placed on her side of the bed.

"When did you…?" Sam asked

"This morning right before you woke up. I was hoping you would want it back." Jason said.

"On one condition, you have to put it on me." Sam said with a smile on her face.

"As long as you promise not to take it off."

"Never." Sam said.

Jason reached over Sam and grabbed the necklace. He undid the clasp and placed it around her neck as she pulled her hair to the side he couldn't believe that he was here with Sam. It was all so great he never wanted it to end. Sam turned around to face him, all she was wearing was her necklace and he couldn't believe how beautiful she looked.

"Promise me something." He said as he looked deep into her eyes.


"Don't leave, stay here in port Charles with me." He said hoping that she would stay.


8 Weeks Later

Sam was now standing in the bathroom waiting for something she never thought she would. After being shot they told her she would never have children and now here she was waiting for a pregnancy test. She hadn't told anyone she thought she might be pregnant. She didn't even want to believe it herself. It was still early in the morning and she knew Jason wouldn't be back until late. She knew that if she wasn't pregnant she would have time to get rid of the test and if she was she would have time to figure out how she was going to tell hm.

Jason walked in the door of the apartment and didn't see Sam anywhere. He had told her that he was working but he took the day off to plan a dinner for her. It had been two months since she had decided to move back to Port Charles and he wanted tonight to be special. He wanted to make sure that she never left their apartment again, he had her ring in his pocket and hoped that she would take that back the same way she accepted the necklace. Jason set the bag of groceries down on the desk but noticed it wasn't the only shopping bag left on the desk. There sitting next to Sam's keys was a bag from the pharmacy and next to it was the box to a pregnancy test. Jason wasn't sure what to think, every doctor they had visited had told them this couldn't happen.

Sam walked down the stairs still staring at the test, positive, she couldn't believe what she was looking at. Then as she looked up she saw Jason standing there holding the empty box. They just looked at each other for a moment until Jason finally spoke.

"Are you…?"
