ImaginationBird and Rebel's Girl's new story!!!!!

Hey everyone! Hope you like it!

Romeo and Juliet Remade!

Tawni's POV Tawni watched as the handfuls of food whipped past her face and landed on the floor. Eww! She thought.

"Food fight!" Someone yelled. More and more food started being thrown and Tawni ducked under a table to avoid getting hit. How could she look pretty with food all over her face?

The MacKenzie Falls cast kept hurling food at Grady, Nico and Zora while Tawni hid under the table. Eventually, there was no food (slop) left, but there was no time to clean up because Mr Condor came storming in.

"This is the 3rd time you've done this, it's got to stop!" he bellowed, "If you disturb my studios again your jobs will pay the forfeit!" with that he left, leaving everyone in awkward silence.

Devon's POV

The MacKenzie Falls cast were taken away by their director, Kevin, a few minutes later. Once they arrived back in stage 2, he turned t them.

"Get yourselves cleaned up!" He instructed. He was clearly angry too. Everyone walked off to their dressing rooms.

"Wait Devon, I want a word." He signalled for him to come back.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Where's Chad?"

"Dunno. He wasn't in the food fight, I haven't seen him since this morning." Devon replied. "The last time I saw him he was sitting under a tree writing poetry."

"What?" He asked unbelievably.

"I'm only joking! God, you should have seen you're face!" Devon laughed.

The director glared at him. "Okay, I saw him lock himself in his dressing room this morning."

"He's doing that a lot recently, can you find out what's up with him?" Kevin asked.

"Sure, cus' you know I have nothing better to do," Devon muttered. He doesn't really care about Chad; he only cares about the show. He thought, walking towards the heartthrob's dressing room.

Walking in without knocking, Devon noticed Chad lying down on his bed listening to Hannah Montana's latest album.

"Chad what are you doing?" Devon asked incredulously.

Chad noticed him and ran over to turn of his CD player. "Nothing." Chad tried to ask inconspicuous.

"Dude, why are you listening to a Hannah Montana album?" Hey questioned, close to laughing.

"What? I like her music." He said casually.

Devon noticed him blush slightly. He burst out laughing. "You like her don't you!"

"Yeah." He admitted and sighed.

"Ha, I could just see it now, Chad Dylan Cooper and Miley Cyrus." He laughed again.

"Don't you mean Hannah Montana?" Chad corrected.

"No… Miley Cyrus." Devon looked confused.

"I like Hannah Montana, not this Miley Cyrus girl you're on about." He replied.

"Dude! They're the same person!" He laughed.

"What! Well then I like Miley." He huffed.

Just then a voice from the intercom blasted through Stage 2.

"So Random is having a party at Stage 1 tonight, so if you're not from Mackenzie Falls please come and partay?" The receptionist had obviously been told what to say because she seemed confused by the word 'partay'.

"Right, we're going to that party and I'll help you get over Miley!" Devon suggested.

"Why? What's wrong with Miley?" Chad's little baby face looked devastated.

"You and Miley are never gong to happen!" He replied.

"No ones to good for Chad Dylan Cooper," Chad corrected.

"Yeah well… still won't happen," He muttered, Chad really was the most awkward person ever.

"Fine," Chad gave in, "But I will never get over Miley," he collapsed back on his bed, turning the music up.

For Devon this was going to be one long night.

Tawni's POV

"Sonny!" Where is that girl? Tawni thought.

"I'm right here!" Sonny walked in the dressing room with wet hair.

"What are you doing?" Tawni cried, "James Conroy wants to marry you!"

"WHAT!" Sonny screamed, after all it's not everyday you find out that your enemy wants to marry you.

"I meant go out, sorry if I scared you!" Tawni looked apologetically at Sonny, why had she said marry?

"It's okay, but seriously? James Conroy?" Sonny whined.

"Mr Condor's orders," Tawni said those words and they meant everything to Sonny, who sighed because she knew she had to give in.


"It's okay, have fun while you can," Tawni noticed the confused look on Sonny's face and sighed at the thought of giving an explanation, "Flirt with loads of guys, let loose, dance with your almost prince charming!"

"Great, 'cus I'll never get another chance, thanks Tawn," Sonny rolled her eyes, but she knew that the blonde meant well.

Later at the dance…

Chad's POV

Why am I here? I'll never get over Miley, we're soul mates! Chad thought, he wasn't as excited as Devon or Trevor, any of his cast even. He didn't see how sneaking into the Randoms party would help him.

"Come on Chad! Just have a little drink!" Trevor cried as 3 girls clung to him, 5 were making their move on Chad but of course he wasn't interested.

"No I…." Chad caught his words as the most beautiful girl he had ever seen entered the room, "I've seen her a million times, but I have never felt this for her before, for anyone actually," Chad's eyes were popping out of his head.

"Go and talk to her then dude!" Chad knew that Trevor had never even looked at the girl that had finally captured his heart. She was a Random but that didn't matter anymore.

As Chad walked towards Sonny Monroe he overheard another random talking to Mr Condor:

"That's Rome-Chad I meant Chad, drama snobs aren't allowed here, let me at him," Nico was obviously annoyed at Chad's presence.

"No, he's behaving so leave him and were you about to say Romeo?"

"Erm… no…" Nico replied, but he didn't seem happy to leave Chad to roam free around their party.

Finally Chad managed to push his way through the crowd towards his one true love. How weird! I instantly felt love for her when she walked in, but at least I'm completely over Miley! Chad had never felt anything like this before.

"Hi, Sonny do you want to dance?"

Sonny smiled but when she opened her mouth, none other than James Conroy grabbed her arm.

"Sonny can I have this dance?" James smiled a sickly sweet smile at her. She sighed and shot Chad an apologetic look, but Chad wasn't taking no for an answer.

Following the couple gave Chad a brilliant idea. All he had to do was make sure James got lost in the crowd of people. Simple.

Chad hid behind one of the pillars, waiting for his perfect opportunity and because he was CDC this moment came soon, James had disappeared and Sonny was looking around just the other side of where Chad was hiding.

Grabbing her arm Chad pulled her to face him then swirled them around so he had her pinned against the wall of the pillar.

"So, here we are again," Sonny laughed awkwardly, looking at Chad's hands, which were next to her head, his arms not letting her escape.

"How about a dance Monroe?" he wasn't nervous at all, this gave Sonny the courage.

"Nah, I'm alright right here thanks," she was looking into his eyes and he melted into her chocolate dreams.

"Then here we'll stay," they stayed in this position for 5 minutes before Tawni's shrill voice interrupted them.

"Jul-. Sonny?" The voice shrieked. People were really confused tonight; they were getting everyone's names mixed up.

"I've got to go Chad, see you later," she looked like she really didn't want to go but who could blame her, she was in the arms of CDC.

"Later Sonny," but she was already gone.

Chad sighed, he was going to see her again tonight if it killed him…

If you're confused about any of the characters then review and we'll reply.

This is just for fun, we have nothing against Romeo and Juliet or Sonny With a Chance we love them both which is why we combined them in a comedy way, unfortunately we don't own either! We'll carry on no matter what anyway!


Imagination Bird & Rebel's Girl xx