The Hazards of Love (Wager All) Spencer's POV
When I was a child I was left out by the woods to fend for myself. I had no one in the world that cared about me in any shape, size or form. I came upon a fawn who was nursing her children. I walked carefully up to them. By accident, I stepped on some leaves and the fawn jumped up in surprise. It's very unlikely for fawns…or even deer to attack people…especially if not provoked; but that's exactly what happened. I don't know if I died or if some sort of magic was used…but I came back. The only difference was that now only at night was I my human self. All the other times, I was perceived as a fawn.
When I came upon Ashley, I knew from the second she saved me…that she was the one I was looking for. I changed before her eyes and waited for her reaction. She was stunned to say the least. That was how our meetings started. Once I found out she was pregnant, I obviously jumped to conclusions. Suspecting she was seeing another. She denied it again and again. She told me I was the only one she was seeing. Ofcourse I had to bring up how we were both women and she had no answer. Eventually I believed her. I had heard a legend that in times of extreme passion and love, sometimes the barriers of genders were erased.
And here I am
Softer than a shower
And here I am
To garland you with flowers
I sat down beside her and her face lit up in a grin bigger than I've ever seen on her. I smiled back in return and began to rub her feet. She sighed happily and moved her toes. I needed to move…needed to run, so I pulled her to her feet motioned for her to follow me. She did. As we walked in comfortable silence, I picked up a flower and gave it to her. She accepted it with a small blush and a duck of her head.
To lay you down
In clover bed
The stars a roof
Above our heads
Once I got to our spot I laid her down and moved my fingers through her hair. She closed her eyes and her breathing began to slow. I looked above us and watched as the stars stood out more from the black night.
And all my life
I never felt the tremor
And all my life
That now disturbs my fingers
I've never felt this way about…anyone. Never before was I ever so speechless when I came in contact with someone. It was love; plain and not simple in any way. I trembled at the thought of how I could spend every day with Ashley. I continued to run my fingers through her curly hair as I thought about what it would be like after the baby came.
And we'll lie 'til the Corn Crake crows
Bereft of the weight of our summer clothes
And I'll wager all
We laid there naked for rest of the night, letting the cold night air brush against of skin. When dawn came upon us, I came to a conclusion…I would give up everything for Ashley…everything.
The hazards of love
The hazards of love
Ashley had told me that she didn't believe in love…told me that every day we were together. I didn't care…I still loved her all the same.
And take my hand
And cradle it in your hands
And take my hand
To feel the pull of quicksand
She took my hand in her hands and kissed them softly as she got ready to saddle her horse for the journey back to her castle. Before she pulled away, I grabbed her wrists and pulled her as close as I could. I kissed her rapidly as I murmured into her lips the promises I made to her every time she left me.
I'll lay you down
In clover bed
The stars a roof
Above our heads
I promised her that I would meet her actually were she was leaving tomorrow at the same time we always meet. I promised her I'd lay her down in the clovers like I did every night. I promised her that the stars would shine on us like they did every night we were together.
And we'll lie 'til the Corn Crake crows
Bereft of the weight of our summer clothes
And I'd wager all
I promised her that I wouldn't leave her till dawn broke and I only had a few moments before my change. I promised her I would undress her and praise her with both my hands and my words. And lastly, I promised her the one promise I knew would never change…I promised her that I'd wager all for her.
The hazards of love
The hazards of love
The hazards of love
The hazards of love
She rode away with the night sky and the coming of dawn. Before I lost sight of her I could've sworn I say her turn around and mouth the words back to me…telling me that she would wager too. I smiled and prayed that she would get over her idea of how love was a hazard. I changed into my deer form as the light came over the trees.
A/N- I made this longer then my other ones and gave a bit more info on Spencer's past and how she became a fawn. Thanks everyone for reviewing. I really hope u guys liked it. Please RR