Hey guys. This is my first story so don't hate me if it's horrible. If you think the first chapter is bad, it will get better! Honest! Now please enjoy the story!

The Sun and the Moon

A Harvest Moon story

Chapter 1:

I woke up drowsily to the sound of my alarm beeping. I yawned. Another day on the farm, I thought cheerfully. I never had to get up this early when I was in the city. I got up, stretched, dressed, and ate while I shoved my tools in my rucksack.

I walked outside to water the crops as a chill went down my spine. Winter was coming, and I wasn't ready for the cold. I ran to the stables and fed the horses and my dog Scruffy, then to the barn to brush and feed my cows and sheep, and finally to the chicken coop.

I hardly ever thought about life in the city anymore, but occasionally thought about wrecking on this abandoned island.

I was boarding a ship hoping to start fresh, when a storm brewed the ship crashed on this island. The only people there was a woman named Felicia, her children, Natalie and Elliot who looked my age, and Felicia's father Taro. Taro was an ex-farmer, who taught me so much. He can be a little rude, but he has a warm heart. On the first few years on the island, people slowly started to move here.

Gannon, a bulky carpenter with his daughter Eliza, Chen and his son Charlie who run a general store, Mirabelle and her daughter Julia who run an animal shop, along with Alisa and Nathan, who run the church. I also know Lanna, an ex-pop star, Sabrina, a shy girl who's father, Regis, owns a mining company, Pierre, a food critic, and Denny, a lively fisherman.

After finishing my work, I walked down to Mirabelle's shop to visit Julia and Mark, my two closest friends. When I pushed open the door, Mark waved and said,

"Good morning, Chelsea!" Mark was always so happy, and Julia looked at the bright side no matter how bad the situation.

"Good morning!" I said and sat down beside Mark.

"So, how's the farm?" He asked. I was going to reply, but something caught my eye.

I looked over and someone in a cowboy suit was slouched in a chair. I couldn't see what he looked like because his black hat covered his face.

I leaned toward Julia. "Who is that?" I asked.

She turned her blue-eyed gaze toward the man.

"Oh that's my cousin, Vaughn. He started working here yesterday as an animal trader. He doesn't talk much. He can be a good guy sometimes, but don't get him annoyed." She sighed. I leaned away.

Mark looked confused that he was left out of the conversation, so I tore my gaze away from Vaughn and replied to Mark, "Oh. Same as always."