Littlest Things

By: Shy-Hime

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Summary: Harry's summer was going great. Then...Dobby the house-elf decided he needed to 'save' Harry's life. Now that just plain pissed him off. He had other important things to do. "Such as...?" Harry's reply? "Changing the future. What else?" Year Two. Time's Lulluby must be read first.


Pairings: DracoHarryBlaise Severus? RemusSirius NevilleNathaniel PansyLuna RonHermione FredGeorge

Notes: /parseltongue/


To any outsider watching the scene it would appear as if the male with cat ears and tail was perfectly happy with a paticularly ugly house-elf explaining that he must not go to Hogwarts, for his death would surely happen. However, if the onlooker knew the male personally, they would comment on never seeing him look that scary before. That's right, Harry Potter was not happy. His eye was twitching, and the smile was forced. "You must not go to Hogwarts!!"

'Dobby...' Harry thought venomously. The air was crackling with magic that would go unnoticed by the ministry. Harry's eyes were closed as he forced his smile, and his eye kept twitching. However, Dobby did not notice. Harry finally had enough. He stood ubruptly and in a voice barely above a whisper he stated coldly, "Shut up, Dobby. I will under no circumstances be in any danger going to Hogwarts. I know all about the stupid plot and if you so much as try to stop me from going you will soon find that you are cut into tiny little piceses and given to my father to be put in a potion."

Dobby only stammered before leaving quickly. Once he was gone Harry calmed down and plopped back onto the bed givin to him with rest of the guest room. Most of his summer had been spent at Malfoy Manor. He had been given the guest room right next to Draco's room and Harry was grateful for that. Up till about now he had slept quite nicely, but with the idiotic visit from Dobby, he yearned to be closer with his mate.

With a small sigh Harry silently stood and ghosted out of his room and into the one across the hall. He entered quietly and glided over to the bed. As silent as possible, Harry slipped into his mate's bed and cuddled up next to him. He started to purr contently as he finally drifted off to sleep.


Harry stared at the portal to platform 9 ¾ suspiciously before touching it. He grinned stupidly and entered fully. Draco and Blaise raised an eyebrow at the stupid grin but said nothing. They loaded their luggage and chattered about nothing in paticular as they boarded the train. They slipped into the compartment holding Neville and Nathanial and said two boys entered the chatter. This reamined that way for the whole ride, Pansy joining them as well.

They still talked, even as they entered the carriages. Harry petted the threatshels (sp?) before boarding and their inane chatter never ceased. They entered the great hall, and their masks fell in. Neville and Nathanial seperated from the group and the Slytherins went to their own table. Dinner passed with no incident and they were soon following the first years to the dungeons.

The next day, at breakfest, Ronald got a howler. Everyone held no sympathy, except Hermione and his dorm mates. The Slytherin quartet went about their classes with no trouble, although they did completely skip Defence Against the Dark Arts, as did most of their weeks. Harry however forgot momentarily about the basilisk, so he was surprised when he heard it on one of his restless nights.

/Come...come to me...let me rip you...Let me tear you...Let me kill you.../

Harry froze and quickly he hissed, /Jylincess.../

The basilisk froze in mid slither and hissed hesitantly, /...Who speaks my name...?/

/ Harry Alex Snape, heir to the Snape, Evans, and Riddle fourtunes.../

Jylincess was surprised, this was the King of Snakes. Why was he here and in the place she was supposed to kill muggle borns. /Why do you speak to me, Master?/

/ You are not to kill or petrify any one in this castle. When you are hungry, go to the forbidden forest and feat their, but don't touch the centaurs or anything pure. Also, ignore any other orders that are not given to you but me./

/ Yes, Master./ Jylincess slithered back to her abode and out to the forest to eat. Harry remained at the wall. He reached a hand out and touched the wall. All around him a wind chime like 'ping' sound was heard. Smoky trails of something writhed around him, splitting and spreading around the vinicity. The smoke was a deep blue in color with silver weaving itself within. Harry followed the trails in a trance like state.

It lead him all around the school, through passages, up stairs, past doors, then it stopped in front of the Gryffindor common room entrance. The smoke formed words and Harry said them. The portiat swung open and still in the trance like state he entered. No one was awake. The smoke lifted him and floated him up to the first year girl dorms. He landed without a sound and continued to follow the smoke over to Ginerva's trunk. He rummaged through it and took what he was looking for.

Without a trace he left and returned to the Slytherin dorms. Once all the smoke dispersed, Harry collapsed, at the foor of his bed. Clutched in his hands was Tom Marvolo Riddle's diary.


Pansy's blue violet eyes opened slowly. Sluggishly she sat up and just sat there. Pansy had low blood preassure, which meant she was not a morning person. After a half hour of just sitting there, she finally dragged herself out of bed. She stumbled over to Harry's bed to wake him up, but upon not seeing the normal lump under the covers, she turned to her other dorm mates. She looked for the second lump that was usually there, but found none.

Her eyebrows furrowed and she turned back to Harry's bed. She glided over to it. She looked it over, then something out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. The tip of a black cat ear was peeking over the edge of the bed. Her eyes narrowed and she warily stepped towards it. Upon seeing an unconcious Harry, she did the only thing that processed in her mind, scream.

Draco and Blaise were out of their beds in a nano second and by her side. They gaped at Harry's form. Pansy stopped screaming and stared at him in horror. Blaise quickly knelt down by Harry''s side and felt for a pulse. He felt one, but it was faint. With streangth he didn't know he had he lifted Harry up and rushed out of the dorm. The other two were quick to follow him.

When they were at the entrance, they skidded to a stop, so has to ram into Theodore. Blaise snarled and all but hissed out, "Move."

Theodore sneered, "I don't thi-"

"ISAID MOVE, YOU BLOODY IMBECILEN(1)!!!" Blaise shouted, before he kicked Theodore out of the way. As the three stormed through the dungeons he ordered Draco to get Severus, and for Pansy to run ahead and warn Poppy. They two went their seperate ways quickly. Blaise was soon joined by Severus and Draco and they met Poppy and Pansy int he infirmary.

Poppy imeadiately set Harry on a bed and ran the diangnostic charm over him. Once finished she slumped sown to the floor in shock. Blaise and Draco helped her into a chair and asked wht was rong with Harry. Her answer was not something they wanted to hear, "I'm afraid, Mr. Potter(2) is in a magical coma."


Shy-Hime: There's chapter one! I hope you enjoyed it!!

(1)Ibecilen: not mine.

(2)Nobody but the people who heard know that Harry is Severus's son.