Chapter 1


August 22, 1996:

"Shanee??Shane!!" A little 4 year old Mitchie was walking around her house before her birthday party look for her best friend Shane whom she was plaing hide 'n' seek with. "Shane!! Where are you?"

"Booo!" A little 6 year old boy, Shane, pop out of a nearby closet.

"Ahhhh!!" Little Mitchie screamed. "Hunhh." Mitchie fell to the ground and was unconsious.

"Mitchie?" Little Shane said worryingly. "Mitchie!! It's your birthday! Come on wake up!"

"Boo!" Little Mitchie opened her eyes and sat up scaring Shane.


"Haha!" Mitchie started laughing. "You were worried!"

"No I was not." Shane said in denial. "Pshh I didnt want to get in trouble."

"Right." Mitchie gave him an "I-dont-believe-it" look. "Shane Joseph Adam Gray, tell me the truth please."

"How'd you know my whole name?" Shane asked.

"Don't change the subject. And I took the effort in learning it!" Mitchie smiled.

"You've always been a smart girl." Shane grinned. Then frowned when Mitchie was walking away. "Mitchie I Love You!"

Mitchie turned around really confused. "What?"

"I love you!" Shane said. "I was worried."

Mitchie started to walk back to Shane.

"I don't want to lose my best friend!" Shane said as he hugged Mitchie. "I love you." He smiled as Mitchie said "I love you too."

4 years later

July 15, 2000

8 year old Mitchie was sitting on a bench looking down at her swinging feet.

"Mitchie!" 9 year old Shane was running to Mitchie. "Mitchie? Are You okay?"

Mitchie just sat there. Frozen.

"Mitchie! Mitchielini! Mitchie-master?" Joe was getting a hint that she was not fine. So he sat beside her and put his arm around her. "Whats wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

Mitchie looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "Shane.."

"Mitch?" Shane wiped her tears away with his thumb. "Are you okay?"

Mitchie shook her head "no". "Shane. Today I found out I've have a 3 sisters."

"Woah." Shane looked confused. "So your mom kept that away from you all these years?"

Mitchie nodded yes.

"Do I get to meet them?"

"No..I'm moving in with them. In Texas." Mitchie said.

"What? You can't leave."

"I have too. My mom and my real dad want to live our lives together."

"You're leaving me?"

"I promise I'll call. I promise." Mitchie said hugging Shane.

In so much disbelief Shane didnt hug Mitchie back.

"Are you mad?" Mitchie said worried.

"No..Just sad."

"I'm moving in 2 days."

"Promise you won't forget me?"


"Here." Shane said. Handing her a heart locket. "I put our pictures in it. I have one too see. I want you to have this so that you will never forget me."

"Shane I love you!" Mitchie hugged Shane while holding the locket.