And here, my dear readers, is what I had planned for this story. This is written with the assumption that the reader(s) is familiar with the entire plot of Bleach and recalls it to a great degree. Again, I apologize for being unable to put these down into words successfully.


In Karakura Town, Hinata would secretly follow Isshin to the place of incident and would reveal herself once he let loose his reiatsu. There would be some bickering because technically she wasn't supposed to be there but she'd make a convincing argument. There would be a second shinigami-hollow that she would fight and when Isshin was hurt, she'd be distracted just long enough to be bitten. She'd take the opportunity to attack but she'd be undergoing hollow-fication even as the opponent disappeared. Unlike Isshin, Hinata would be whisked away by Aizen, Gin, and Tousen. Despite the pain and lack of able-ness, Hinata would be cognizant enough to recognize Aizen and connect the incidents. Insert a witty or blunt remark and Aizen's decisive, "But wouldn't you like revenge for your world?" A pause. "You're lying. Soutaicho would never-" "But you know they could. You considered it. When you wake up, I'll show you." And passing out from pain.

Following the time skip, she would (again) move in as "Shizuko" (not Hikari) as the neighbor. [I discarded the bracelet with charms because it involved a ridiculous amount of research and notes to keep track of. She would, however, have a female guest to Hinata's appearance and two males that fit other familiar shinobi's appearances.] She wouldn't be as widely liked throughout the neighborhood, more quiet and calm though considered an enigma. However, Shizuko would never be wrong. Whether the weather to a discount at the market, she always had the right answer. She could see spirits, making her Ichigo's go-to for spirit-related plots and, eventually, the one who would house some of the other shinigami when they came to Karakura Town.

More time skips because Ichigo's main plot doesn't change too much until he enters Soul Society. At this point, Shizuko has come with him, as before. Urahara and Yoruichi allow her only because she proves her shinigami powers and she was listed at the Academy's classes at one point. [Some kind of story in which she thought she died but she ended up reborn but - strangely - maintained her memories from when she was a spirit.] She disappears into Soul Society, not quite seen by either the ryoka nor the shinigami.

[Main differences: Hitsugaya is hurt but not near-death (more like incapacitated by injury) and Haku eventually joins Ichigo's side.]

There is a figure on the white tower, seen against the setting sun one day and the moon the next. It is only there for a whisper and when Rukia is re-captured, held in the air by Aizen and the Sogyoku removed, a Garganta opens up. The figure is short, covered in pure white with a white mask that is smooth. There is one line across to see and a lavender stripe to make a cross. A couple of familiar faces from Konoha greet them. They were late to the ceremony because "We were protesting Jii-chan! We told you that already-ttebayo!" but they're here because, well, "Our friend died protecting her home. We'll protect it too." "It's ours too, you know." "Honestly, did you even have to ask?"

"Funny, I didn't know you guys would care about this place," the female speaks for the first time. They stare because it's been years but-

She takes off her mask. Hinata's expression is unreadable but her stance is still on the offensive. Aizen mocks the crew because they didn't know - didn't even think - that maybe they should be standing on his side. They argue, attack, but Hinata is the one to stop them, the one to break because-

"I'm sure you all know. Don't you understand why you're here? You guys didn't die in battle. Your dimension - my home - collapsed."

"Yeah and the shinigami saved us-"

"No, they saved themselves. Don't you get it? They destroyed our dimension because it was 'too much work for them.' They couldn't figure out a balance for Soul Society and our world at once. No, it's not that they couldn't but they wouldn't. They killed everyone!"

Insert spiral into madness. Gin says a sentence of comfort and she snaps at him because she's "here for vengeance, not just justice or play or whatever it is either of you-" Gin and Tousen. "-are here for. I'm here to turn Soul Society on its head and to show you all how it feels to have your loved ones massacred."

"He's going to kill us too!"

"He made me a promise. I get one person and I get to live in Hueco Mundo. Someone should pass my congratulations to Toshiro-kun for me."

Shizuko makes an appearance, attacking Hinata. Hinata falters but Aizen points out how unlikely it is for it to happen. Hinata agrees. Shizuko's zanpakuto, Hinata decides, makes a fitting guillotine and grave marker but such "a weak zanpakuto - so weak-hearted and to heal - I have no use for." and is left. Insert shinigami coming and placing blades on all their throats (Haku as the only survivor of the newest Elemental Corps - separate from the Gotei - holding several senbon to Hinata's neck) but negacion takes them all away.

Following the Arrancar's attack, when Hitsugaya, Matsumoto, Renji, Ikkaku, and Yumichika are dispatched, they stay in Shizuko's house. It is empty since Shizuko was killed but Shizuko's will had passed it to Isshin and told them to "use it for whatever you want. Just don't kill my garden."

Hueco Mundo, the battles would be modified although in what way I hadn't planned yet. Haku would join the group while the rest of the ninja would, with some help from the first and second Hokage, stay in Soul Society because "Do you really think we are that weak?"

Hinata's Fraccion would be Asuma and Zabuza.

Following the attack in Karakura Town, Hinata and her Fraccion would join but would be trapped in fire with Aizen. Her hollow-fication would be closer to a Visored since it occurred so long ago. Battles, battles, battles galore.

Just before the fire ring would break, Hinata would turn on Aizen because long-term undercover self-assigned possible-suicide mission revealed. (She had known the elemental continents would have to be taken down. She was upset. But nowhere near upset enough to turn against Soul Society.)

Her own zanpakuto is a combination of fire and earth - manifested as lava. She would eventually be defeated as would Azuma - wind - and Zabuza - ice / water. Aizen would go to Karakura Town where all the ninja - even those who had chosen not to be shinigami - would defeat him because none had seen Aizen's sword before either and they're a powerful force on their own. Meanwhile, Haku would bring Hinata Shizuko's zanpakuto because they shared it and she would assist in healing everyone. Unfortunately, at the end, Shizuko's zanpakuto would shatter because Hinata, in stabilizing her hollow powers, had lost that power ages ago. It was through the guise of Shizuko (yes, that was Hinata's long-term clone with help from Haku and Zabuza and Asuma) that she had been able to keep the zanpakuto for as long as she could.

"Still, it was a power that suited Shizuko best. I am glad she stayed with me as long as she did."

After all the battles, Soutaicho is yelling at Hinata because it was the most stupid, dangerous, suicidal thing he'd seen "in all my years" and Haku and Zabuza get an earful too.

"Still," Hinamori muses, the smile on her face soft but unmistakeable, "I'm glad it turned out she was on our side."

She turns her eyes to her shorter companion, features shifting to something more mischievous.

"Besides, now you can use your taicho status to see her every day," she teases. She laughs as Hitsugaya yells at her.

But unlike expectations, Hinata's a bit reserved. Her smile is timid and she isn't sociable anymore, never, well, anywhere. She spends her time in her office - and isn't that the kicker, her office still - and hides from everybody. People can only catch glimpses and it's as if she's actually died. Except no one's going to take that from her. Asuma and Zabuza help corner her (Shikamaru being the behind-the-scenes tactician of course).

"I tried to kill you! I tried to kill all of you!" she shouts in complaint, pink with tears in her eyes. "Why are you guys acting like nothing's changed?"

"You can still try to kill me," Zaraki offers, smirking. She pouts and jabs him in the stomach because that, she decides, hasn't changed.

"To be fair, everyone tries to kill me," Zabuza reminds, leaning on his sword.

"I tried to kill you too," Haku replies, smiling.

"Face it. You aren't getting rid of us," Rukia teases, nudging the girl in the shoulder. A hand comes beside Hinata's head and Hitsugaya is looming over her, inches from her face.

"I'm speaking to her alone," he states, voice unfairly calm and even. There's no protests or if there is, she can't hear it.

The story ends with a press of lips.

(And Ichigo never losing his powers.)


Just a quick note that I never realized how much of Bleach consisted of battle until I reread it. Because wow. So excuse when I gloss over it please and thank you. Anyways, that was what I planned. I hope it was an interesting read.