Title: Strange Love (1/3)
Series: Hetalia
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.
Warnings: HOLY CRAP THREESOME. Also, it contains boy love, language, and usage of human names.
Pairings: Russia x America x England (yes, it's a threesome damn it)
Summary: Arthur chooses the movie, Ivan forces them to use the very cliché photo booth, and Alfred is stuck trying to prove that he can seriously sing.

A/N: Well, for one, I had promised to make this threesome fic. Secondly, I wanted to write more Ivan. Finally, I also wanted to impart some very important info regarding Project Pandora's Box.

Please read this journal carefully: ryuuto . deviantart . com / journal / 26186489 /

…So…yeah. That's it. This is my "time for brain break" fic. :)


Arthur fails at picking romantic movies. Alfred thought during the first scene of the movie the three nations were watching. Still, he had to give the blond Briton the benefit of the doubt, since it was Alfred's brilliant idea to go to the movies for their first date. Ivan had seemed fine with the idea, and Arthur had decided to be the one to pick out the movie. The blond Briton had even picked their seats, so they were sitting as high as they could.

That was never happening again. Hell, the younger nation was just about to fall asleep the movie was so boring! Alfred sighed softly and rested his head against the wall. He heard Ivan stifle a chuckle while Arthur rolled his eyes. It wasn't the American's fault the actors sucked! That was all on the director of the damn movie.

Halfway through the movie and they finally got to the kissing scene. Alfred just wanted to rot in a hole. He hated both characters (and actors), but that scene was so obviously fake it made the young nation's skin crawl. Who the hell wrote this crap? He sighed again, wishing he could rip his eyes out. Unfortunately, Ivan and Arthur would hurt him if he did that. They apparently loved his eyes too much.

Alfred must have seriously fallen asleep after the kissy scene. He couldn't remember falling asleep. In fact, all the young nation could remember was Arthur poking (more like jabbing) him in the ribs and his head resting against Ivan's shoulder. Alfred sat up and yawned.

"What'd I miss, other than a horrible movie?" the blond American asked sleepily. He rubbed his eyes and missed the amused smiles of his two partners. Another yawn forced its way out of Alfred's mouth.

"You missed nothing, except that we are not letting Arthur pick the movie next time," Ivan replied, reaching over and ruffling the blond Briton's hair. Arthur rolled his eyes and shrugged.

"What? The summary sounded all right," the Englishman retorted as the three stood up. Alfred stretched out his limbs. Falling asleep in a movie chair was not something one would call comfortable.

"How about the preview?" Alfred inquired as they started their descent from the top row. Arthur made a sound that sounded suspiciously like "ehhh." The blond American shook his head, a small smile on his face. "Artie, you fail at picking good movies."

"Oh, like you could do better? And don't call me that!" the blond Briton said heatedly, a light blush on his cheeks. Ivan and Alfred chuckled as they each put an arm around Arthur's shoulders. The Englishman rolled his eyes, but he wrapped an arm around each of their waists.

"Well, Artie," Ivan stressed the name, causing said man to glare at him, "shall we call you a, what was that American term? A 'pimp?' Is that the correct term, Alfred?"

Arthur sputtered indignantly and Alfred laughed. The Russian just smiled innocently down at the slightly shorter nation.