Chapter 14
A/N: Hello everyone! I'm baaaaaaaack! It's been a long time since I've updated and I sincerely apologize for that. I am extremely excited to be uploading chapter fourteen after such a long hiatus. Thank you to all who have been greatly anticipating and sticking by my stories! I hope you enjoy!
Chapter 14: Challenge from Lobelia and Sesshomaru's guilt part 1
Sesshomaru walked along the school corridor as he heard the buzzing excitement for the upcoming activities. He glanced out the window and released an almost inaudible sigh.
'Today is the day. It would be best if I avoid my imouto for the time being.'
His eyes flashed red as a deep self hatred began to course through his veins. He turned away from the window and continued on through the building with controlled steps. The sound of a door opening made him freeze in his steps. Kagome emerged from the room and glanced at her aniki. "Hn. Aniki what are you doing out here?" A look of confusion flashed across her face before indifference settled in again. A few moments passed as her gaze remained on Sesshomaru's back as he still refused to look at her.
Sesshomaru's fists clenched at his side and he completely disregarded her and continued walking away. A flurry of emotions hit Kagome at once but the one that overpowered them all was pain.
Haruhi was chatting with some of the clients as they informed her of the upcoming school events when she glanced at the door as it was opening. Haruhi smiled when she spotted Kagome entering the room but quickly frowned when she noticed the perplexed look on the otherwise cold host. Haruhi began to make her way over to her before she was stopped by the twins.
"Hey Haruhi go and get us some more instant coffee, we're completely out!" Haruhi gave a deadpan expression and sighed. "Why can't you guys get it yourselves?" Hikaru and Kaoru smirked as they patted her on the shoulder. "Because Haruhi it's still your job, duh!" Haruhi groaned in annoyance but proceeded to the door to go and get the coffee. 'I hate rich people!'
Kagome glanced at Haruhi as she left to get coffee. Her gaze flitted across the room expecting to see Sesshomaru along with the other hosts but was sorely disappointed when she noticed he was the only host other than Haruhi who was missing. Kagome felt her heart clench in pain at the reminder of her aniki's rejection. Her mood was quickly taking a downward spiral and she blatantly ignored everyone as she made her way to one of the large windows to sit on the ledge.
Mori felt himself brighten once he saw Kagome enter the room but a deep worry settled in the pit of his stomach as he saw her ignore everyone. Mori took a step in her direction but was quickly stopped when some of his clients proceeded to draw his attention away from the lonely host. He tried to push his anxiety down when the girl he ached for didn't even spare anyone a glance as the day proceeded.
As the day wore on the Host Club was shocked when two females from a different school stepped into their club room. A resounding "Welcome!" was heard as they two girls stood with smirks on their faces. Inuyasha took a discreet sniff of the air but the proceeded to ignore what was going on as he paid attention to the ramen he was happily slurping. He watched the dramatic scene unfold as they chastised Tamaki on his idiotic pick up line. Inuyasha felt a sweat drop form as he heard the two girls pretty much put the whole male gender down. "Keh. Stupid women they're about as idiotic as the blonde monkey."
Inuyasha's ears subtly swiveled in Kagome's direction expecting her to make some sort of remark but was surprised to find her leaning on the window and completely ignoring their unexpected guests. While the other hosts were distracted with their new arrivals he made his way over to Kagome.
"Hey Baka! What's with you today?! I haven't heard you say a damn thing since you got here." His eyebrow twitch in annoyance but he smirked waiting for a witty comment that she always seems to fire back at him.
Kagome swiveled her empty gaze to her younger brother and allowed her emotions to drain away from her as she retreated to a cold indifference that she knew was safe. She wouldn't show weakness, especially not to Inuyasha.
She felt her eyes narrow into a glare and she scoffed. "Go back to eating your ramen Inuyasha, I am in no mood to deal with anyone today." Inuyasha looked at her in shock. It was as if he was seeing her curl into herself. Now many people thought he was an idiot but he wasn't blind. He saw the subtle change in her the more time she spent with the Host Club. For once it looked like she was finally feeling something and now all of a sudden it looked like all that progress was just erased.
"Kagome…what's wrong with you?" Kagome gave him the cold shoulder as her eyes steadily turned red. Inuyasha took a step back in surprise. Kagome was upset but he just couldn't understand why. "Whatever Kagome. I'm out of here." Inuyasha stomped out of the room in rage and Kagome felt a flash of guilt go through her.
'I'm sorry Inuyasha….I just don't know what's going on with Aniki. Did I do something wrong? He didn't even look at me. Aniki has never blatantly dismissed me like that before.'
Kagome internally growled and decided to think on her current predicament in a more private setting. Her gaze snapped to the door as she saw a female with short hair barge through the door and she immediately noticed Haruhi in her arms. She felt her eye twitch as she saw the female kiss Haruhi's hand.
"Benibara we thought you'd never show!" The two other females quickly approached the one known as Benibara. Kagome raised a brow and gracefully stood from the ledge to approach Haruhi. As she got closer to Haruhi she heard Kyoya remark on how the girls are from Lobelia.
'Lobelia?...Hn, I've heard of that school.' Kagome stepped in front of Haruhi and twisted a lock of her hair around her finger. 'Funny how Haruhi always manages to put a sense of calm in me and she doesn't even realize it.' Haruhi looked up at Kagome and smiled, relieved that for the moment the scarred host didn't look so perturbed, and they proceeded to watch the spectacle that was known as The Zuka Club.
Kagome snorted as the Host Club stood there in a daze and the twins busted out laughing. She felt annoyance strike through her as Renge emerged from the ground and started spewing out nonsense. "You really shouldn't underestimate ! It's every girls dream!" She released a dreamy sigh then sank back into the ground.
Kagome immediately stiffened as she watched Benio approach Haruhi. "This Host Club is disgusting dragging an innocent maiden such as her into their wretched club activities. I promise you we will bring you guys down!"
Kyoya smirked "Excuse me but do you mind if we continue this another time?" A mocking smile graced the Shadow Kings face and the Lobelia girls stiffened. Benio glared and Kyoya and then sneered, "So you will not rise to the challenge?" Kyoya simply smirked and looked towards Tamaki, "Oh no we will, it's just that our leader is currently indisposed due to the culture shock."
Kagome's gaze flitted to Haruhi as she began to prepare three cups of instant coffee for the Lobelia girls. As she watched Haruhi interact with the three females she felt her ire rise and jealousy began rearing its ugly head to top off her excellent day. A sudden rage spilled over as she heard Benio state that she will have Haruhi transferred to Lobelia. Before anyone could realize what was happening Benio was slammed against the wall and the loud clatter of cups falling to the ground echoed in the room.
"How…DARE YOU! No one takes what is mine!" Everyone in the room froze in shock at Kagome's loud proclamation. They had almost forgotten she was here with how she has been avoiding everyone today. Time seemed to stand still and Haruhi frantically looked around trying to think of something to calm Kagome's rage. The other hosts stared at Kagome in shock and fear. Mori was about to step forward and grab her but stopped once he heard Benio speak.
"My, my…you are breathtaking. Such a thorny rose protecting this innocent diamond in the rough. I am not here to hurt you or the innocent maiden. My offer will extend to you as well now that I see another lovely maiden being tortured by the presence of those swine. You are the perfect picture of sorrow my dear." Benio slowly placed her hand on Kagome's cheek and caressed it. Everyone winced waiting for the pain that was to come for Benio taking such liberties with Kagome.
Kagome's mind was racing at her words and she stared down at her feet with Benio still in her claws. Kagome felt her bangs shield her face as she took a deep shuddering breath. She could smell their fear and the disappointment coming off Haruhi. After the whirlwind of emotions she was feeling today the last thing she could take was evoking these feelings within her precious person. She felt disgust at herself but she couldn't control her anger. She didn't want to be abandoned by Haruhi. The impact of Sesshomaru's disturbing actions jarred her to her very core. She had to flee.
Kagome abruptly released Benio and quickly exited the room before anyone had a chance to speak. All of the hosts stared at the door with widened eyes. They rarely if ever saw Kagome react the way she did. It set an oddly uncomfortable feeling in all their hearts. Mori looked at the door in anguish as he wished he could go after her but he knew it was pointless. 'Kagome….what is going on with you today? I wish you would come to me.'
Benio sighed but then turned to Haruhi. "We shall return tomorrow and wait for your response lovely maiden as well as for the fallen star that has chosen to flee from these wretched men. We look forward to your reply." With that being said the three Lobelia girls sashayed out of the room.
Haruhi turned her cold expression to the host club. Finding out that they auctioned her stuff and just their overall actions pushed her to the edge and to top that off she couldn't stop the worry at Kagome's actions, "I better be going I've got a lot of thinking to do." Haruhi quietly exited the room. Tamaki broke out in tears and turned to face the window. "Maybe she is meant for the Zuka Club." The other hosts froze in horror at what their leader was saying but Tamaki quickly turned with a gleam in his eyes as he silenced their outrage. "Don't worry I've got a plan!"
Sesshomaru glared at his hand as he held a sword in the other. He stood in the dojo in his home as he tried to work out the anger that was coursing through him. He clenched the hilt of the blade tighter as he let out a menacing and depreciating growl. 'Imouto….' It was on this day that he let his guilt consume him. Seeing her at the beach with the tall stoic human and his stench all over his imouto drew up unwanted memories. Once they arrived home he saw the bandages around her shoulder and was stunned that a simple human was there for his imouto while it should've been him that protected her. He felt himself weighed down even more when he recalled how he had treated her so callously at school. His claws dug into his palm as blood pooled onto the floor. All of this reminded him of times when he was young and refused to acknowledge his dear imouto.
Sesshomaru glared at his younger half-sister as he watched her sit in the gardens with HIS father. Ever since she was born his father began favoring her over his heir and that thought made him snarl in a fit of rage. She didn't deserve what he always has to work so hard for. His father was never proud of him, not like he was her.
He watched his father pat Kagome's head and then enter the manor. Kagome's Crimson-gold gaze searched around the area as she tilted her head and sniffed the air a few times. Her head immediately snapped towards where Sesshomaru was standing. She slowly walked towards him and let out a shy smile. When she finally reach him he looked down and sneered at her. "What do you want?" Kagome looked up at him and released another hesitant smile. "Would Sessho-nee like to go sit in the gardens with me?" Sesshomaru bared his fangs at her and swiftly turned away. "I would never be caught with the likes of filth like you."
Kagome's eyes glazed over with unshed tears before she took a deep breath and reached out to grasp his wrist. "Why does Sessho-nee hate me so much?" For a moment Sesshomaru felt a brief flash of guilt before he pushed it down with anger. He whirled around and swiftly smacked her across her face and watched her collapse to the ground. He glared down at her as blood sluggishly trailed down the cuts on her cheek.
"Would you like to know why I hate you? Ever since you were born father has chosen to grace your pathetic existence with his presence and forgets all about the fact that he has a son. You are the dirt beneath my feet and no sister of mine! You would never understand the pain of being nothing in your parents eyes. You know nothing!"
Sesshomaru turned away in rage and began walking away. He paused for a moment and shook. "I wish you had never been born." His keen hearing caught the sharp inhale from his half-sister and he used his demon speed to disappear into his home.
Later that day he was walking through the halls of the lavish mansion when he froze at a muffled scream. Sesshomaru slowly crept towards the door where the screams where getting louder. He slowly cracked the door open and looked inside. In that moment his whole life changed. There on the ground laid his half-sister bleeding all over the floor. His eyes widened when he saw her mother smile cruelly down at her and begin to stop on her small form.
"You pathetic waste of space! I enjoy watching you bleed filthy mongrel." With each word she emphasized it with a kick. Sesshomaru heard a crack and then saw his sister whimper on the ground. Kagome tried to curl up and shield her body but to no avail. "Please mother I'm sorry, please stop hurting me! I don't know what I did wrong!" Kagome would soon learn that begging was pointless. Kirai smirked and grabbed a sword in the room and slowly dug the sword into her leg and twisted. Kagome let out an agonizing shriek. Kirai hissed in anger, "You will call me master!" Kagome sobbed into her hands and flinched as she tore the sword out of her leg.
"You are nothing but an embarrassment to this family. A mistake that should've been eliminated! You never should've been born!" Sesshomaru watched Kirai spit her venomous words at his half-sister and couldn't stop the rising pain that encased his mind. Kirai smirked at Kagome and casually glanced at her claws. "I saw that you spoke to Sesshomaru today." Kagome froze and then tried to make herself as small as possible. Kirai let a cruel smirk twist onto her face. "Quite a smart boy to realize when there is filth in front of him. How sad for you that you are not wanted by all and barely tolerated by your own father."
Kagome coughed and shuddered. "You're wrong I'm sure Sessho-nee doesn't hate me. I just made him mad! I didn't mean to I'm going to say sorry and then maybe, maybe he'll like me and he can be my Aniki forever!"
Sesshomaru's eyes widened at what she said. Even after all the cruel things he said to her she still stands up for him. He wasn't being a very good brother, and in that moment a strong realization hit him that made his legs weak. This was his baby sister, the one who he was supposed to protect. She was pack and he had forsaken her over petty jealousy. He felt bile rise in his throat as he replayed all the times he had been cruel to her. He didn't know. How was he supposed to know that her own mother was doing this. Regret filled his being and in that moment he swore he would protect and he would spend the rest of his life making amends for his harsh action.
Sesshomaru watched as Kirai finished beating her for her words and causally headed towards the door. In that moment Sesshomaru fled to his room so that he would not have been caught spying.
It was a few days and he had not seen hide or hair of Kagome. He sat in the gardens where he usually saw her and continued stewing in his guilt at what he did and what he saw. Sesshomaru froze once he felt her coming towards the garden. Kagome looked up and froze when she saw Sesshomaru in her spot that she always relaxed at. She was about to turn away and run but she stopped. Sesshomaru could hear her taking deep breaths as she finally worked up the courage to walk towards him. Once she was in front of him she collapsed to the ground and placed her forehead to the ground in a deep bow. Sesshomaru was frozen in shock till she spoke.
"Sesshomaru…please…forgive I-I didn't mean to make you mad…please." Before Kagome looked up Sesshomaru swiftly grabbed her arms and she flinched away expecting to be hit but opened her eyes when warmth encased her. Sesshomaru shook as he held her but he refused to show weakness and just pat her head in comfort.
He looked Kagome in the eyes. So much regret, pain, and guilt swirled through his eyes. In that moment Kagome's eyes widened in understanding. A small welcoming smile bloomed on her face. Sesshomaru's eyes softened at the sight as his heart simultaneously tore to pieces. "Don't ever apologize to me again….imouto."
End Flashback
Sesshomaru shook at the memory, from that day on he always tried his hardest to stay strong for her and protect her. It was this very day so many years ago that he made the decision to be the brother he always should've been. He couldn't face her after he failed at being her protector again. He growled in sorrow when he saw his imouto with the human. He was being replaced by some silly human and it tore at his heart.
He froze when he heard the front door open and close. He felt Kagome swiftly approach the dojo. He remained in the same position facing away from the door as he heard Kagome enter the dojo.
Kagome looked at Sesshomaru and sorrow encased her heart. She felt like her world was crumbling beneath her feet as Sesshomaru still refused to acknowledge her. For the first time in many years she felt like crying. She dropped to her knees with a dull thump and rested her palms on the ground as she swiftly bowed to the ground like she did so long ago.
Sesshomaru felt his very existence shatter at her next words.
"Please…Aniki….tell me what I did wrong…"
A/N: I know there's not a lot of interaction with Kagome and the Host Club in this chapter but I promise the next one will have some more Mori and Kagome moments. I wanted to delve a little deeper in the complex relationship between Sesshomaru and Kagome and give a little insight into how they bloomed as brother and sister. Please read and review!