Okay...I should be run over by a double decker bus! I'm sorry doesn't even cut it. I feel so ashamed :( Not the best chapter but with all these EXAMS fml. Stressing my life :(( Not worth the wait but I'll try to update soon.

Sorry about the mistakes.

The Host is the property of Stephanie Meyer! I really want them to hurry up and make the film already! LOL Obsessed YES!

Thanks to everyone who reviewed! This Chapter is dedicated to...

kimmitwilight: because you were the first person to review and you continue to review regularly.

lynxzpanther: for understanding my situation and leaving such a sweet review.

sahie83: reading your review made me laugh, and really helping me with my grammar. I
hope this chapter won't have any mistakes.

PrincessSxySwan: for leaving really, really cute reviews, and asking great questions that even got me thinking.

loveisamazing15:because you mad me cry I read my review. You're too sweet.

AmoMelam: because you helped me with the chapter length dilemma and you're the first person to review my new story.

Gretlcascade: For trying to make me feel better about my story...thanks, again.

Knock Knock

We all froze.

"Um...excuse me," a voice said from through the door, "we've had a few complaints about the noise level coming from this room. I'm afraid we're going to have to ask you to come out while we search you room. Just standard procedure really nothing serious." And then the voice laughed a light chuckle.

I looked around, both Jared and Ian had left there sun glasses behind. If Pet was actually capable of swearing I would have done right at that moment. Instead I just settled for...

"We are sooooooo screwed."

Okay so I didn't manage to get it out on time like I said but I decided to change a few things and you know when that happens everything changes so yeah! Okay enjoy...I hope.

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Here's the disclaimer, Haha! You can't sue!

Knock Knock

"Um I think we'll have to wait for the introductions," Jared said.

"You think," Ian said, sarcastically.

"Umm, Burns? Got any ideas about how we're going to get out of this mess coz if you have, now would definitely be the right time to share."

Burn's face scrunched his face up, deep in thought.

"Okay," he finally said, "down the hall, I think I saw a fire exit, if we can get to it I'm sure it'll lead us-"

"Wait, wait, wait a second, hold the phone. How the hell are we supposed to trust you," Jared questioned, "for all we know you could be working for them?"

"Well we could say the same about you man. But I guess we're just going to have to trust each other." Burns replied, "but for what it's worth - if anything – I promise I'm not trying to lead you to you death," he said this last part with an amused look on this face.

"I think we can trust them," I said. And it was absolutely true. I don't know why but I did trust them. I have feeling that the main reason was because of Burns. He was a soul, just like me, living with humans, just like me.

"Thank you, see even your little girlfriend thinks we're cool."

I blushed at that. Beetroot red.

Knock Knock

"Excuse me, again," the voice said, he sounded impatient how, "but would you please open this door."

"Just a minute," Burns called out, "listen," this bit he whispered to us, "just follow my lead, you two, whatever you names are," he directed this at Ian and Jared, squint your eyes okay."

They nodded. Since Burns two companions had sunglasses they quickly put them on.

"Okay then," and with that Burns walked to the door with everyone following, me leading both Ian and Jared seeing as they could hardly see.

"Wait, what about Sunny and Kyle?" I asked.

"Oh crap I forgot about them," Ian said.

"Look, Jared explained, "how about we go back to our room and get them and then meet you guys back at the fire exit like you said once these guys are gone."

Burns jerked his head in agreement.

Since the door was unlocked Burns just twisted the doorknob. The door swung open and we were met by a rather short looking man in a suit and behind him stood two much beefier men, about the same size as Ian and Jared. Probably security, Ithought.

"Good evening," he short man began, "we're sorry to bother you but as I have already explained we've received some complaints so we're going to have to you know check thing out."

"Sure," Burns said, "come right in."

The three men entered the room.

I tried to sneak Ian, Jared and myself past without being noticed but as we were slipping out the door Jared bumped into the wall.

"Ouch!" he cried.

The short man turned his attention to us.

"Um...sorry," he began, "but according to our records there are only three people are assigned to this room what are you doing here."

"Oh ummm…" my mind was blank, what do I say oh damn.

"We're old friends," Burns explained, seeing that I was in desperate need of help, "Wanda here was getting some ice when we bumped into each other. That would explain the water on the floor. Sorry."

"Yes and we were having a little catch up but were tired and need to go to bed so if you'll excuse us," and I tried to make a quick mistake, grabbing onto the guys and steering them down the hall.

"Wait! Miss Wanda," the short haired man shouted. I stopped and turned towards him, "may I please ask what room you're in?"

"One hundred and twenty eight sir," my voice shaking.

He pulled out his folder which was tucked under his armpit and began flipping through the pages. A frown appeared on this face before he said,"Um...sorry," he began, "but according to our records there are only three people are assigned to this room what are you doing here."

"Oh ummm…" my mind was blank, what do I say oh damn. "Oh Wanda's just my nickname," I blurted.

"Wanda? A nickname for Light Against Darkness?"

Is that what I put as my false name? I think I need to be a bit more creative than that.

"Yeah well a nickname is a nickname. Now if you'll seriously excuse us..." making another get away only to turn around and the two beefy looking men behind us. Jared and Ian weren't aware as they still had their eyes closed. They opened there eyes and froze. The two beefy men froze also.

"Hey you're…"


"I just knew this was going to happen," Jared said before he lunged at the man in front of him. Ian was quick to follow. There was a slight struggle before Jared did a movement similar to a karate chop on the man's neck knocking him out. He turned to help Ian and together they were able to knock the other guy out as well.

We turned around to find Burns had already concussed the short man and was dragging him into the room.

"Hurry up!" he encouraged.

Together we were able to pull all three men into the room and lock the door from the outside. We confiscated their Walkie Talkies and mobile phones.

"Come on guys we have to move quickly, they could wake up at any moment," Burns said, making his way towards the fire exit.

"No wait!" I cried, "we have to get Kyle and Sunny," I said. And with that I rushed down the hall. Once I reached their room I banged on the door frantically. Kyle was the one to open it up.

"Wanda what are you-"

"Come on hurry up," I interrupted, "we have to leave now!"

"What-why-what's going-"

"No time to explain, SUNNY!" I screamed.

Ian rushed up behind me, "wake the whole corridor will you," he whispered.

I gave him a sarcastic smile before entering the room. I found sunny in the bathroom doing her hair. She was already dressed in her pj's.

"Sunny," I gasped, "please come quickly we have to leave."


Not this again I thought.

"Just come!" and I ran pulling her along with me.

"But I need to get dressed and-"

"You can't Sunny, I'm sorry but we have to go..." we rushed out the room. From the look on Kyle's face I guessed that Ian had already explained everything to him.

"Let's get a move on Ladies," he said. We rushed out the room and he locked the door. Why he did though I have no idea. As we passed our room I suddenly remembered something.

"Wait!" they stopped talking and turned around, "Ian give me the key."

"Wanda what-"

"I'm sorry," truly I was, "but I'll be real quick."

Still with a confused look on this face he handed me the key. I back rushed to the door, opened it and went back to the room where I had left my book. I picked it up and holding it securely to my chest, I ran back out and slammed the door shut behind me.

When I turned around, Kyle and Sunny were already down the hall making their way to the emergency exit door where Jared was holding it open. Ian took one look at me, then at the book, rolled his eyes then before I knew it his grip was on my arm as he led me forcibly down the hall. Jared nodded at Ian. Some sort of silent manly jester before leading us out into the open night air...

Shit. Yeah but hey this was the only time I could come on my mum literally banded me from Facebook. Twitter. and Fanfiction :( I had to sneak online to do this. SORRY SORRY SORRY! Update when I can.