Ed's Mansion

A/N: A random crossover fic with Ed and (partly) Eddy (sorry, Double D fans) and Luigi's Mansion. I chose the protagonist to be Ed because he's my favorite Ed, Edd, n' Eddy character overall, and since the scardy cat phase has been used already, I might as well use an idiot into horror already to change the ghost's reactions. Plus, I have an idea for Eddy. Well, I hope you enjoy.

Ex. Note: Ed maybe OOC here and there, but I'm trying to make him stay in character.

Disclaimer: I don't own Ed, Edd, n' Eddy, nor Luigi's Mansion.

Chapter 1: Ed Wins a Mansion

It was another ordinary day in the cul-de-sac, where Edd and Eddy were building a mirror hall (taken from the junkyard) to complete their carnival scam. Unfortunately, the mirrors were way too heavy to lift without Ed.

"Eddy! I think that's enough mirrors for now for the mirror hall," Double D said exhausted.

"Come on, Sockhead! There's only 10 mirrors here! We have to fill the whole hallway!" Eddy commanded as he tried to lift up another mirror. But there was no luck since his and Double D's arms are worn out.

"AARGH!! Where's Ed when you need him?" Eddy asked. Luckily, Ed showed up right after Eddy asked the question.

"Hiya guys. Am I late?" Ed greeted and asked.

"ED! Where were you? While you're not here, Sockhead and I were killing ourselves hauling these stupid mirrors!" Eddy yelled at Ed.

"Sorry, guys, but my mom told me to babysit Sarah while she and dad go out of town," Ed said as Sarah and Jimmy popped up from behind him.

"Oh! A circus, Sarah! Let's go inside!" Jimmy yelled excitedly.

"Before you get to excited, Jimmy, look who's clown of this circus!" Sarah said with a stern look.

"It's a carnival, Einsteins!!" Eddy yelled.

"Same thing, fish-breath!! Besides, this carnival doesn't look remotely safe!" Sarah complained.

"Although it's still work-in-progress, I am assure that this carnival's structure is 99 percent safe," Double D defended it.

But due to Sarah's stubbornness, she poked of what seemed to be the 1 percent unsafe part of the structure, which was gum gluing the whole mirror hall, and it miraculously took the whole carnival.

"(Sigh) All My hard work," Double D moaned as he ran to the ruins of his carnival.

"MY CARNIVAL!! Sarah, if I get my hands on you, I'll..." Eddy yelled until a mirror crushed him.

"Come on, Jimmy. Let's go," Sarah signaled as Jimmy followed her.

"Wait up, baby sister!" Ed yelled as he picked up the mirror to save Eddy with one hand.

"Oh yeah! Wait up, Sarah, so I can beat you to a pulp!" Eddy shouted, chasing after her.

"Eddy please! Control yourself!!" Double D cried out.

Meanwhile, when Sarah and Jimmy reached Ed's house, Ed and Double D were trying to hold Eddy back, only to drag them on their feet. Suddenly, Ed looked at his mailbox and released Eddy to check his mail.

"Ed! I still need help here!" Double D yelled as Eddy entered the house and see Sarah and Jimmy mindlessly watching T.V.

"Now your gonna get, you brats!!" Eddy yelled.

"Eddy! I won a mansion!!" Ed said from outside.

"That won't work this time, Ed! Your sister's gonna pay!" Eddy yelled as he jumped to attack.

"No really! I have this sheet to prove it!" Ed said holding up.

Eddy then stop on his flight and fell down before reaching Jimmy and Sarah (who are still watching T.V)

"Let me see that," Eddy said as he read Ed's letter.


To Edward H. 'Monobrow'

Congratulations by winning your very own FREE MANSION!! Our judges were pleased with your essay that you've submitted which won you your FREE MANSION!! Bring your friends, your family, or your belongings to your FREE MANSION!! It's like we can't even stop saying it because it's a FREE MANSION and it's all yours. Come meet us here at the address with the help of these maps on this envelope to get the key to your FREE MANSION!! See you (all) soon!!

From Chunky Inc., home to our Chunky Puffs


After that, two maps fell out of the envelope leading to the mansion.

"Ed ain't kidding!! He actually won a free mansion! Out of the way, Sockhead!" Eddy celebrated as he took a map and he ran out happily.

"Wait for me, Eddy!" Ed yelled as he was about to leave, but then was stopped by Double D.

"Hang on a minute, Ed. Before you leave, I have few questions for you," Double D said.

"Oh no! I didn't know there was a quiz today! Can I look at your answers, Double D?" Ed whispered.

"Relax Ed. It's not academic. But I do need to know what essay are they talking about?" Double D asked.

"Oh that? It was a weekly 500 word essay entry about your favorite food and why," Ed answered.


Deer Chunky Puffs,

My favarite foood is Buttertoast withe Gravy beecase it is veri, vary, vari, vere, (and so on) good, and i realy, reely, reaaly, realle (and so on) like them.

From Edward H. Monobrow


"Congratulations, Ed! I didn't know you had it in you! By the way, what are some other prizes? I'm interested in joining myself," Double D asked.

"The only prize the have was the mansion so far," Ed said.

"So was this the first contest?" Double D asked.

"No, Double D. They have this contest for about a year now," Ed said, shivering about his many failed attempts.

"Wait a minute. If they had a gift for a mansion for a year now, then something's up to no good," Double D said.

"Aww, come on, Double D. What harm does the mansion do?" Ed asked.

"I can't let you go! What would your parents think about you going into a mansion that could be fake?" Double D asked.

"They said I could enter the contest," Ed answered.

"But I doubt that they wouldn't figure that you'd win. Besides, what about taking care of Sarah?" Double D asked.

"She could come with me!" Ed exclaimed.

"No," Sarah replied, still watching T.V.

"I guess you can't go either," Double D said.

Unfortunately, Ed has a sad face that Double D couldn't help.

"Come on, Ed! Don't give me that look. I know you want to go, but what about...Sarah...and your...parents," Double D studdered as Ed continued to make his face.

"Just let him go already! His stupid whimpering is too distracting!" Sarah yelled.

Ed was in fact, whimpering and acting like a dog, still going through Double D.

"(Sigh) I'm gonna hate myself for this," Double D said under his breath. Then he said, "Alright Ed, you can go to the mansion while I baby sit Sarah for you."

"Oh goody! Thank you Double D!" Ed cheered. Afterward, he bare hugged Double D, grab his map and ran out.

"Just be careful, Ed! Come back here with Eddy if there's any trouble!" Double D yelled out.

"If there is trouble, we maybe scamless for a long time," Sarah whispered to Jimmy.

"Yeah. That'll leave us one 'Ed' I can actually face," Jimmy whispered back as they both snickered.

(That's all of Double D, Jimmy, and Sarah for now. Hope you'll miss them)

Meanwhile, as day turned to night, the lost Ed wandered into Lemon Brook's graveyard, getting stuff thrown at.

"Thanks for the gifts guys!! It's really nice to see a warm welcome," Ed said as he took a lemon and ate it whole.

"Get lost, you Peach Creak loser!!" the crowd jeered, still throwing stuff at Ed.

"Let him go. He's knee deep in the graveyard. Let him rot there," someone in the crowd pointed out.

As Ed continued into the graveyard, he notice the trail ahead is similar to the map's. Minutes later, Ed looked at his map again to see a bright, yellow mansion, but once he looked ahead, he saw a gloomy, greenish mansion in front of a giant moon rise.

"Yep! This is the place!" Ed said as he head toward the mansion.

So he entered the mansion, which starts in the 'foyer,' but was disappointed to see no Chunky Puff workers giving him a key. So he decided to look for them by going through the door search. Sadly, there was no luck since neither of the doors were unlocked.

Suddenly, there was a mysterious orange smoke appearing out of nowhere with a key hovering. However, all Ed could see was the floating key.

"Cool special effects, guys," Ed complimented.

But after Ed said that, the smoke drop the key and ran into the big doors upstairs.

"I don't see any wires on this key. Maybe Double D would like whatever they're using," Ed said to himself.

So Ed grabs the key, turns to the front doors smiling and holding up a victory sign with his fingers, and suddenly some music played.

"I heard some music play...they must be here," Ed said excitedly as he went upstairs.

Due to Ed's lack of the obvious, He keep poking the key to the small door until he realises that it doesn't fit.

"Hmm...maybe I should try the big doors," Ed said to himself as he finally unlock the right door.

As he entered inside the parlor, he notice that no one's in this room either.

"Hello? Anyone here? Eddy?" Ed called out, but with no response.

Moments later, an orange ghost popped out of nowhere and it was heading toward Ed, scaring him.

"Oh...O-oh m-my g-g-gosh!" Ed stuttered nervously as the orange ghost had a smile. But they both switch expressions as soon as Ed continued, saying, "It's Clyde from Pac-Man!!"

"Wait...what? No! I'm not Clyde! I'm just an orange ghost trying to scare you to death," it explained in a spooky way.

"Can I have your autograph?" Ed asked, ignoring Clyde...err, the orange ghost's previous statement.

"I am not Clyde!! Why do you think I'm Clyde anyway?" the orange ghost asked.

"Your the same color as him," Ed answered with confidence.

"Listen. I just need you to be scared so you can pee your pants and get out of here, okay?" the orange ghost explained.

"Oops. I've already gone one of those two," Ed admitted and he smiles in embarrassment.

"You know what?! I have enough of this tomfoolery!" the orange ghost yelled in irritation.

"Just between you and me, your my favorite out of the ghost," Ed said.

"And why is that?" it asked.

"Because you weren't chasing me when I take your food," Ed explained.

"THAT'S IT!! I HAVE ENOUGH OF THIS STUPIDITY! NOW YOU DIE!!" The range ghost yelled as he was ready to punch him.

But what appears to be a miracle, there was a small elderly man with a vacuumcleaner attempting to suck the ghost up. The ghost was then fighting his way out of the suction while Ed stood there in awe.

However, the ghost escaped the suction and flew away from the two. He then said, "Take him for all I care, but heed my warning...his stupidity WILL DRIVE YOU INSANE!!" Then he disappeared.

"Ugh. I'm getting to old for this. Hey, young lad. Are you okay?" the old man asked Ed, who turned out scared.

"Oh no! It's one of baby sister's Cabbage Patch Kids out to destroy my dreams!" Ed yelled out.

"(Sigh) I get that alot. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Professor Elvin Gadd, E. Gadd for short, ghost chaser for life," E. Gadd introduced.

"Because you want to take away what I love!!" Ed cried.

"No. I don't want to want to ruin anyone's dreams. I catch ghosts before they escape to wreck havoc," E Gadd explained.

"Cool! We'll be the heroes of Peach Creak," he said, imagining all the kids tossing him up.

"Right. And I see you are another one scammed by that cereal sweepstake, eh?" E. Gadd asked.

"Nope. I came here because I'm a winner of this mansion," Ed replied.

"Sorry, young chap, but this is a trick to be scared to death. Infact, I lived here for quite some time, and I've never seen a mansion here til a year ago without construction. There was fifty others who were tricked into coming here in the past year, but I couldn't make it before the ghost took them away," E. Gadd said sadly.

"To a vacation?" Ed asked.

"Your not a bright fellow, aren't you...what's your name?" E. Gadd asked.

"My name is Ed. It says so in my underwear. See?" Ed said, pulling his underwear, revealing his name.

"...That's truly disturbing. And I've been ghost catching all my life," E. Gadd said, nearly puking.

"Aww, thanks. I get that alot," Ed said.

"Well, you best be off now. You don't want to stay here," E. Gadd said.

"Ooh! Can I help you catch ghost! I wanna be like the ghost of a T.V. show's parents who catch ghost. I think it's Funny Old Parents," Ed thought.

"Hmm, dim, yet willing. And he seem like a brave fellow even when he sees ghosts," E. Gadd thoght to himself.

"Well, I don't see what harm they'll do to you, as much as you'll do to them," E. Gadd answered to Ed.

"Oh boy! Oh boy! I promise I won't disappoint," Ed said.

"Great. Before you go, you'll need this," said, giving Ed the vacuum cleaner.

"Cool! This vacuum cleaner looks like the one that stopped the brain sucking dust bunnies from Dirty Couch 3," Ed yammered.

"Actually this vacuum cleaner is an invention I made called the Poltergeist 3000 where you can suck up ghost with ease. You also need this flahlight here to stun the ghost so you could catch them," E. Gadd said, giving him the equipment.

"Did you invent the flashlight too?" Ed asked.

"No, I bought it from the internet. Oh, and since you'll be on your own during this mission, you need to treat your equipment like it's a team," E. Gadd said.

"You heard the man, guys! Flashlight! You take the left side! Vaccum! You take the right! I'll take the center! Let's move!" Ed commanded his 'team' before crashing to a door.

"(Sigh) Perhaps we need to get you prepared a bit further before you start," E. Gadd said, picking up Ed.

Suddenly, three more orange ghosts appeared out of the blue.

"Clyde has brought more friends to play Pac-Man!" Ed yelled cheerfully.

"There's the idiot that keeps calling me Clyde! Let's get him!!" one of the ghost yelled.

"There's no time for this foolishness! Let's get out of here!" E. Gadd cried out while dragging Ed away.


"I bet Double-D would like this place," Ed said observing the lab.

"You said something like that already, Ed," E. Gadd said.

"So what do I have to do?" Ed asked, now in a training room.

"First, you flash them with your flashlight, then you press this button on the vacuum hose to suck the ghost life points out. But be warned, the flash is very short, and the ghost will leave for a moment to come back and strike. You think you can handle it?" E. Gadd asked.

"I will do my best, Strawberry Shortcake," Ed said as E. Gadd groaned.

"Okay. When the lights go out, I need you to catch every ghost that comes out. Good luck," E. Gadd said, turning off the light.

"Uh oh. I didn't know it'll be this dark. Nighty night," Ed said as he slept standing up.

Meanwhile, an orange ghost came up to Ed laughing senslessly, waking Ed, and left.

"Ed! You have to stay awake! The ghosts here won't harm you, but ghosts in that mansion will kill to scare!" E. Gadd yelled.

"Sorry, Strawberry," Ed said.

"Ed, you have to focus on the ghost now," E. Gadd sighed.

Another ghost pops up, only to have Ed flash it, but then...

"Umm, how do you turn this thing on?" Ed asked when the ghost disappeared.

"There's only one button on the hose. Press that to suck and again to stop. I told you that already," an irritated E. Gadd explained.

"I wondered what that button was for."

After that, two more ghost appeared, and Ed correctly flashed them both and sucked them in (even though it took some time).

"Tag! Your it!" Ed yelled.

"Great job! I should let you take care of one more single," E. Gadd said.

So yet another ghost comes, and Ed did the flashing and sucking routine (only this time, much quicker)

"Tag! I win!" Ed cheered.

"Not quite, though it does look like your getting the hang of this. Get ready, cause here comes a crowd!" E. Gadd said.

After that, five more ghosts appeared, all heading towards Ed.

"Get ready to suck it!" Ed yelled, which made the ghost laugh and Ed confused.

Nontheless, he caught four out of five ghost.

"So, how did I do, Strawberry?" Ed asked with E. Gadd groaning again.

"Well, you caught seven out of ten ghost. It's a nice job, even for me," E. Gadd said.

"Thanks. By the way, where do these ghosts go?" Ed asked.

"Ghost such as these aren't so important, but more expensive ghosts I turn into paintings and they go into my gallery," E. Gadd said.

"If you were Eddy, he would sell those paintings for jawbreakers...have you seen Eddy?" Ed asked.

"Well, the most recent person I've seen went straight to my lab instead of the mansion. He was the same size as me, have three hairs, a yellow shirt with a red column stripe on the right and blue jeans, and had a greedy additude," E. Gadd described.

"That's Eddy, for he's the man with the plan," Ed randomly said.

"Stubborn fellow, he is," E. Gadd sighed.

"What happened between you and Eddy?" Ed asked.

A/N: That story will be in the next chapter. Otherwise it'll be too big.

Oh, and tell me what you think. If you like it, thank 'legendofzeldarocks' for his Paper Mario crossover with the Ed characters, which inspired me to make this. If you don't, at least tell me what I'd need to improve on.