Title: Secrets
Genre: Romance/Humor Friendship
Rating: K+
Pairing[s]: Kagome/Kurama, Keiko/Yusuke; one-sided InuYasha/Kagome; past-Yusuke/Kagome
Keiko is engaged to Kagome's ex-boyfriend, Yusuke; Keiko and Kagome are best friends. Yusuke's awkward around Kag; she asks him about it, but he avoids the question. And if Kag has a secret of her own, who knows what the outcome might be!
Kagome goes to Sarayashiki High, as does Kurama. InuYasha (and the rest of the Inu-tachi) live in the modern-era, never the Feudal Era, and also go to Sarayashiki High. Kagome is still a priestess; InuYasha is still a hanyou (with a masking spell); the YuYu-gang are of the same quality as well. =D

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Part Three:

And Answers

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"Are you sure you want to do this? Today, I mean?"

I raised one of my eyebrows, a special little talent that I have, as I looked over at Kurama with mild disbelief. I shook my head, trying not to laugh. (I did pretty well, I must say. Though I do think that something of a half-smirk, half-smile managed to worm its way onto my face.)

"Of course!" I motioned broadly with my arms, turning toward him, "Why ever wouldn't I, dearest?" (Don't you just love sarcasm?)

Kurama raised his eyebrows, his expression flat as his gaze lingered upon me. "You do realize that InuYasha just broke up with Kikyo, right?" I shook my head slowly, curiously, unsure where he was going with this.

"You do also realize that his next pick is you, right? Since you two are cousins and have, according to some, an uncanny resemblance to each other." I got it now; Kurama knew that at one point in my life I had this "major crush" on InuYasha. I think he's actually afraid that I'll leave him for InuYasha! I thinketh not!

I smiled at him gently, moving in toward him so I could lay my head on his chest. "Kurama, I've been over him for a loooong time; you're the only one I have eyes for. Don't fear, ok?" Kurama's gaze fell to me, his emerald-tinted eyes watching me with curiosity, surprise, and bewilderment (I think).

Chuckling softly, I continued, "If anyone should fear, it should be me! I mean seriously, you have a fan club. What's with that?"

My red-headed love just shook his head. "I can name three people." I nodded with open eyes, realization hitting me full-force.

"Yuka, Eri, and Ayumi."

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"Kurama? Kagome? Since when were you two official?" InuYasha blinked rapidly, not taking in what was going on as the two of us, Kurama and I, walked onto the high school campus hand-in-hand.

Glancing at my ruby-headed boyfriend, he just nodded. Like me, Kurama had a smile plastered on his face. We had decided last night to finally announce that we were dating. Two months had passed since we had gotten together, but because of the tension between me and Yusuke, and possibly Keiko (which was resolved within a few weeks), Kurama and I had not told anyone – minus the few who had found out on their own, being Sango and Shizuru.

(I had told Keiko. I just can't lie to her. Oopsie?)

"Well. . ." I began, "we've been dating for about two months now." I smiled hesitantly, waiting for his reaction. InuYasha's temper was not nice. Nobody liked it. Not even I.


Yup, that's InuYasha for you.

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Author's Note:

I'm a bit late publishing this chapter,
but I thought it could do for some revamping!
If I hadn't edited it, well,
the part after the double-hyphens, where InuYasha speaks?
Yeah, that's all that would've been there.

I want to thank everyone who
added me or my story
to their favorites and/or story alert!

I also want to give a big THANK YOU to
cosmic-lover, who once again reviewed!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I hope the Kagome/Kurama fluffiness in this chapter
satisfies your romance quo!

Not to be forgotten, I also want to give a big THANK YOU to
Rhianna224, who reviewed for the first time - short and sweet!
I'm glad that you like my story so! =D
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

And now,
I bid you all adieu.
I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter!
The THIRD and FINAL chapter
in this 3-part series.

=D Kandra

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Reviews, Flames, and Commentary are Appreciated!

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