A/N: Recently, I wrote two more fanfics for GiriJasu, but since they were so short, I didn't feel it necessary to post them up here. But now, I am.

The following fanfics are drabbles and one-shots featuring Giriko & Justin Law and their "relationship" as allies in Noah's group. Therefore, spoilers post-chapter 61 will follow. This first story uses prompt #18: "Should and should not".

No, I do not own Soul Eater, Giriko, Justin Law, or the prompt used to inspire this fic. They all belong to their respective owners. Please enjoy.

Justifying Treason

Justin Law: guillotine, death scythe, priest.

His life, designed to follow a set of laws that guide him down the paved road that eventually leads to eternal salvation…

…or damnation.

Justin should pray regularly, daily even, to his supreme lord, to his god, to Shinigami-sama. He should follow his lord's commandments. He should defend his institution, the school which shaped his very being, the place where he grew into the man he is now, and the man he would eventually grow to be. He should remain chaste, keeping his body pure from any carnal desires or thoughts. He should seek out those who sin, such as the race of witches or the maddening kishin eggs, and exterminate them to protect the balance of the Earth and the innocent souls who reside there. He should turn down the volume of his headphones every once and a while, but he doesn't…

Justin should not stray from the path of God. He should not side with those sinister kishin eggs or forsake his own god for the almighty evil, the Kishin Ashura. He should not offer his body so easily to those who seek it, especially to the devious chainsaw who has the young priest so tightly wound around his finger. He should not turn his blade against his allies, or run out in the middle of a battle. He should not, but he does…

Damnation now awaits the priest, the traitorous Justin Law. His innocence, his sanctity, his chastity: all destroyed for insanity.

But he sees no harm in any of his actions. He is happy, he is satisfied, and he can finally be with his heretic, without feeling any guilt of doing wrong. This lifestyle is simply his reward of slashing down the laws of his former god. His prize for "doing wrong."

…Giriko should know better. He should give up the priest for the young man's benefit, even though it was Justin who instigated the relationship. He should help Justin return to his former lifestyle, and let go of the sensual ties between the two of them. He should. But he won't. Ever.