Like a Cliché Film

I'd never been a fan of the cliché romantic films. The girls in them always seemed so pathetic, weeping and wailing after an argument with the hero of the film, who's only positive attribute was his looks.

These girls seemed certain that they would never see the guy again and that they were either over for good or that he would never look at them twice.

Each film was different but all had similar things in common- they always complained of a broken heart.

Being the sarcastic bitch that I was I thought them pathetic, weak and dumb. Everyone knew how the film would end- the girl and guy, heroine and hero, would get together and live happily ever after.

If we knew how it was going to end, then why did we need to have the part in the middle where the girl had a broken heart and at least half the females in the audience cried, my best friend Mitchie being one of them.

I never thought that anyone actually was as pathetic as the supposed heroines in these films. I never thought that anyone could actually suffer from a broken heart like they did.

But my thoughts were proved wrong when Shane, the guy I thought of as an elder brother, who was my boyfriend's older brother, cheated on Mitchie, the girl who was my sister by another couple.

Mitchie was every bit as heartbroken as the girls in films. And for the first time in my life I cried at the part in a film when a girl had her heartbroken- only this wasn't a film it was life.

I was one of the only things that got her through that time. I ate comfort food with her (what a sacrifice that was), watched sad and cheesy films and kicked Shane's arse.

However, like the films Mitchie got her happy ending. She and Shane got back together and he hasn't cheated on her since.

I never thought that I would ever have a 'broken heart'. Me and Nate had been going strong for two years and were still as in love as we had been when we had fist started dating.

Until the conversation.

"Caitlyn I'm so sorry but there's someone else."

And that was when I understood why these girls in films complained of broken heart, became depressed, and cried until they couldn't cry anymore.

It wasn't the script writers over exaggerating. It was the script writers keeping it as real as possible.

Because a broken heart wasn't as painful as they made out in films- it was so much worse.

Personally this was one of my favourite things I've written- what do you think? Thanks so much for reading and if you time please check out some more of my stories and I'd like to thank everyone who has read, reviewed, alerted and favourited my stories- by the way this is a oneshot.

Tac xxx