Hello everybody!

A small warning in the beginning: This story contains BDSM elements and a lot of sexual acts, implied as well as explicit, even though it will take some time until we get to the latter. If you don't like that, don't read this. If you don't feel comfortable reading about someone with personality insecureties, don't read this. Also, the first chapter mainly contains Chase/Wilson and no House/Chase (even though the former is in no way explicit), if you don't like that pairing, you can come back to read the second chapter, since I will be giving a short summery of the first chapter and then you can read on about the House/Chase-ness!

Now, enjoy reading and I'm hoping to see some feedback!


"Dr. Wilson! Uhm... Hi?"

"Hello Chase."

It took a moment of awkward silence and Chase hoping Wilson would elaborate why he was standing at his doorstep at 10 pm, until he cleared his throat and decided that he obviously wouldn't get an answer without inviting his colleague in.

"Would you… like to come in for a minute?"

"Yeah, thanks."

He couldn't really decide for himself if he was okay with Wilson turning up at his flat in the middle of the night. It wasn't like he had anything else to do and he liked Wilson. But the man looked so obviously troubled and nervous and Chase wasn't the best guy to go to if you had a problem. God, especially if it was woman-trouble. Was Wilson currently married or going through a divorce?

Chase could only hope that it was something work related. He was okay with work.

"You can sit down if you want. Can I get you anything? I have tea or beer or… I guess I have some sodas around somewhere if you'd like one."

"No, Chase, I'm okay, thank you."

God, that meant he had to sit down and wait for Wilson to explain or ask him to explain right away. Gingerly he sat down next to the older man, once again cursing inwardly over the fact that his sofa was too small and he didn't have anything else to sit on in his too small living room.

"So… I heard that your patient got jaw surgery and all mystery was solved?"

"Yeah, House found out about the jaw infection because of those breath mints I stole from Harvey yesterday when Cameron and I searched his flat. He was good to go after the surgery, but House told him and Annette they couldn't keep up their… games."

"Wow, I guess that really wasn't what they wanted to hear. But at least he's alive and doesn't have to live on breath mints anymore."

Chase could only nod. He had actually hoped that they were done with the topic now. He didn't want to talk about it anymore, didn't want to think about any of this anymore. It was bad enough that he hadn't gotten any sleep the night before, because he just hadn't been able to get all of that out of his head.

He didn't like that everyone knew, generally he preferred people knowing as little as possible about his life outside the hospital, but this was something he had really, really, really wanted to remain a secret. He knew he could have won the differential with his trauma idea, if he had told them about Harvey's lifestyle, but he had let that one go on his free will. If it hadn't been for their patient looking so clearly desperate as Foreman had manhandled Annette, he wouldn't have ever said anything. And now it was out in the open and he could only hope people would forget.

Hope he himself would be able to forget.

"Don't… Don't you think it was weird how they tried so much to be together in the hospital after Annette was banned? Normally people want to be as far away from the ones who hurt them, but those two…"

So that really was, what Wilson wanted to talk about? God, why had he told House about the parties? He should have known that everybody would know as soon as Greg House knew.

"It's not just about the being hurt part", he muttered, trying his best not to look at Wilson. "I wouldn't call it weird or anything, it's just… different."

Silence. It was a judgemental silence and Chase wondered why Wilson would come over just to call what he was so obviously part of weird.

"Yeah, I wouldn't call it weird either."

He lifted his head in disbelieve and looked at the still very uncomfortable man next to him, who tried to smile at Chase, but only managed a nervous grimace.

"So… What… What would you call it then?" Chase's voice was careful, like he was testing the grounds of their new and maybe common topic of interest.

"I don't know", Wilson began, lowering his gaze to his clasped hands. "I guess I… I'd call it… I really don't know, Chase…"

The younger swallowed hard and sat up, carefully laying a hand on his colleague's shoulder to soothe him. His stomach felt a bit queasy, but excited at the same time for the prospect of not being the only one to sympathize with Harvey and Annette.

"I… kind of had a… relationship like that… once. I mean, it was a long time ago and I haven't really done anything since then, but your case, it… it reminded me of that relationship I had when I was in med school and House said you…. You were the one who knew Annette and explained the whole liking to be strangled thing. Not… Not that I'm into that, I mean, strangling and smothering and that kind of thing."

And just like that he felt a whole lot better. Wilson just wanted to talk to somebody who wouldn't judge him and who better than someone who had his own experience?

"I once had a girlfriend, it was back in Australia. We got along really well and after some time she confessed that she was into BDSM. She showed me the scene back home, introduced me to some people and we tried some things together. When I moved here, she gave me an address of a friend of hers who also lived in Jersey. I didn't know anyone else around here, so I went to a few parties her friend invited me to and I saw Annette a few times, so that's why I knew her."

Wilson smiled at him and Chase couldn't help but smile back, because the older doctor looked so incredibly shy, albeit excited.

"Have… Have you been with other people? I mean, like that?"

"I've experimented, yeah. After I left Australia. I nearly did something with Annette once."

Damnit! God, why did he have to say that? Annette was a dominatrix and Wilson knew that and… But obviously, his colleague focused on another part of his statement.

"Have you ever… experimented… with, you know… guys?"

He nodded, smiling a little bit embarrassedly. "I'm bisexual. Or let's just say, I don't really care about gender. I'm not completely fixated on only wanting brunettes, I decide if I'm interested or not by judging the person for more than that, so why would I have to cross out men entirely?"

Wilson's face lit up and Chase knew he could forget about being embarrassed.

"You want to know a secret?"

"Sure, you can tell me. I mean, since we're being open and all, and I guess we shouldn't talk about any of this to others."

"I think I'm actually more gay than straight. At least when it comes to sex, I just do a bit better in relationships with woman, which should tell you a lot about how bad I am with men!"

"So that relationship in med school that you told me about, that was with a man, wasn't it?"

A shy nod and – oh bloody hell – a suggestive smile. Oh God! Wilson was coming on to him! Chase's face seemed to show that certain realization, because the other doctor hurried to explain.

"Don't worry, you don't have to! I didn't want to let this chance with you go to waste, just because I was too chicken to ask you. But you don't have to say yes! I just figured, since you seem to be quite accustomed with the… dominant part and I'm more submissive, we could… try something, you know, nothing serious, no relationship or anything, just… sex."

Wilson's face was flushed, more flushed than Chase could remember it ever being when House had embarrassed him in front of everyone. And Chase, he knew that he was as pale as his walls and those were freshly painted white. In contrast to House, Wilson had actually listened to most of what he had said. Most of it. He figured that Chase was dominant, while House had used what he had already known about Chase to come to the conclusion that he had to be submissive.

He felt like laughing hysterically, since the two parts of his mind now had the faces, voices of House and Wilson.

Chase was dominant. He had to be, because he had enjoyed those parties back in Australia, he had liked the scene there and he was the dominant part of his relationship then, so he had to be a dom, had to like to be on the giving, not the receiving end. He knew that and it was okay like that, it was perfect. And now there was a new opportunity to show the world and himself that he was made to be the stronger part of a relationship. He would show Wilson and Wilson would tell House and then House would stop calling him a masochist!

"I think I like your idea", Chase whispered and took one deep breath before he straightened his back to gain height and superiority over the still slumped Wilson. He cleared his throat to use a more confident, stronger voice. "Just sex. You and I, some of those… games, yeah?"

"Yeah." Now it was Wilson, who was reduced to whispering, shyly looking up at Chase and swallowing hard.

"So, tell me, James", Chase started, forcing a confident smirk onto his face. "What are you into?"

The older man lowered his gaze again and Chase saw that he was trembling slightly – excitement so obviously emitting from every pore of his body, making his trousers bulge, making him dry his sweating palms on his thighs.

The Australian felt incredibly relieved. It worked! Harvey was just too fixated on Annette, it hadn't been his fault that he hadn't managed to make him sign the form the day before. It hadn't been his fault! He was able to do this!

"I meant that, you know, about the smothering and all and…", Wilson started, but the younger doctor interrupted by placing his arm around Wilson's shoulders – none too gently.

"I want you to look at me, when you talk to me, James."

"Oh, yeah, I… I'm sorry." Carefully Wilson looked at his colleague and tried to gather his thoughts. "I'm not into blood and that kind of thing, I'm not too keen on leaving permanent damage. But I… I like being hurt and… restrained. But I'd like a safeword and I don't want to be gagged, at least… not at first."

Another smile appeared on Chase's face and the little voice inside his head that sounded a lot like House now told him that he shouldn't have to force himself to smile at words like that. But he thought about cuffs and other restraints and he thought about toys and candles and smiling was okay then.

"I think I'm prepared for what you have in mind."