Story # 0226
by Kaline Reine

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, settings, or etc. from Naruto. Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. This is purely a work of FanFiction.

WARNINGS: May contain adult situations, graphic naughty yaoi (that means gay sex), profanity, violence, and more. There might be spoilers, but they are pretty old spoilers, mostly. Lol.

This story was written for EvilSanninsLover on Y!Gallery, as part of an art trade. Yes, I trade fanfics for fanart, sometimes. She requested ItaDei. This fic should be about 3 chapters long. Enjoy.

Chapter 1:

He could still remember it clearly…

The screams of those he had killed. The smell of blood that hung thick and heavy in the dirty air. The members of his clan, the people he had grown up with, scrambling to get away from him.

He didn't want to kill them, but Itachi had known back then that he had no other choice. It was his duty to do as he was told, and without thinking, he had. Only when it came to dealing with his younger brother, did he show any mercy at all. But that is a story for another time. He didn't want to think about any of it at all.

He also remember his lover too. That person rarely crossed his mind anymore, except for the rare moments when he allowed himself pleasure. It hurt him more to think of them than it pleasured him, most of the time. He missed having a warm body next to his. Yet it hadn't even phased him to actually murder the person who had been his lover. That's just the kind of person he was. It had never really occurred to him how lonely he was, until now.

The events which led him here, to his home with the Akatsuki, had happened so long ago… Yet there were still fresh in his mind. Whenever he thought about what he had done to everyone, his mood grew very dark… Just like it was now.

He was sitting in his darkened room, on the edge of a plain and rather small bed. The quarters he was assigned were anything but nice. He had been stuck in this drab setting for almost a month now. He really wanted to be assigned a mission or something. The last one he'd been on was a simple assassination, and it had ended pretty quickly.

He sighed, and waited for something– anything at all– to happen.

As if on cue, Kisame walked into the room. He stopped about three steps away from the bed, with the big sword slung over his shoulder, looking down at him. Itachi just looked up at the taller man.

'What have I told him about knocking? …Damn shark.'

"Leader-sama says he wants to see you."


Itachi watched him leave after that. They had a pretty mutual understanding when it came to space. It was a good partnership, and much better than when he had to team up with Orochimaru. He was so afraid of losing people that he would intentionally push everyone now, for fear that someday he would have to hurt them too. It was just another defense mechanism, like most of the things the Uchiha prodigy did.

'Better go see what Pein wants…'
With a sigh, he left, without bothering to straighten his appearance.

The halls were dark and gloomy. They reminded him, in a lot of ways, of the Uchiha district's secret underground. It was lit by small lanterns, every fifteen feet or so. Itachi loved counting things. He was a very observant person, usually.

"Come in," The harsh voice acknowledged, as soon as he was standing in front of the door.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Hai, Itachi-san… I have a mission for you. Kisame isn't going with you, this time. It should be pretty easy for someone like you."

Itachi didn't answer, he just nodded and listened. He was up for anything, really. As long as it got him out of this place…

"Here is the file on a missing-nin from Iwagakure, the village hidden in stone. His name is Deidara. I want you to bring him here. He will be a very valuable member for Akatsuki. You will 'convince' him to join, no matter what. You will leave immediately. You can go now."

When the Akatsuki Leader had turned back to his paperwork, Itachi just turned and left, paperwork in hand. There was nothing else left to say, after all. He knew from the way Pein has said "convince" that he would have to force this guy to join them. Fortunately, he was very good at getting people to do things that he wanted.


He'd made it to rock village, in only a few day's time. Itachi felt he was making pretty good progress so far. He had made a few stops at some Inns, and had plenty of time to read Deidara's file before he went after him.

The blond man looked like a girl, at first glance. Itachi thought there must have been some mistake, when he first laid eyes on the feminine features that the small file photo contained. He read over the mission he'd been given, anyway. He needed to find any information he could, so he would be able to find the target in the first place. As he sifted through the short file, he came to the small collection of pictures Akatsuki had managed to obtain. The last one was the one that changed his mind about the target's gender. It was a photo of him posing in a small bikini. The rest of his body was most definitely a man. But this made Itachi wonder… Why would Pein include this type of picture in the file?

He seemed to be a pretty interesting person. He liked to blow things up… Itachi idly wondered what other things he liked to blow, before dismissing the thought from his mind. He was becoming a pervert, lately… But that was what being alone and celibate for so long would do to anyone. Right?

He was searching through the first town he came to, but so far he'd found no leads. It was difficult to get information from people without flat out asking for it. The only important thing he'd overheard was talk of some missing nin acting suspicious a few towns over. That was as good a lead as any, and it probably wouldn't lead him to his target, but it was all he had. Nothing was working where he was now.

It didn't take long to find the place they were talking about. He wasn't used to this unusually warm climate and rocky structure. He knew failure was not an option. He had a very high I.Q., and he was the Uchiha prodigy. He could do this. He had wondered at first why Pein didn't send Kisame with him on this mission. But someone with blue skin would kind of stick out here. And they would never find the crazy bomber, without the element of surprise on their side. It was now common knowledge that Akatsuki worked in pairs. He wouldn't expect one lone Shinobi to come after him.

Itachi took a deep breath, and just kept walking.


The blonde wasn't as naive as he had thought. He must've seen Itachi coming from a mile away. He'd been prepared with numerous explosives, all of which Itachi had to either counterattack or dodge.

Once he'd made it through, he'd expected Deidara to put up more of a fight. As he got closer to the building his target had been hiding in, Itachi noticed the slight paleness of his face, and the darkness which surrounded both of his eyes. It looked like he'd been missing sleep lately. And his hair wasn't like the pictures at all– It was a mess.

"Deidara-san… You look tired."

"What do you want?" Panting, his yellow-haired nemesis had finally admitted defeat.

The two had been engaged in battle for a little over three hours now. That, coupled with the already-present exhaustion, had to have been too much for him. Itachi knew that now he could do whatever he wanted.

"I've been sent by Akatsuki," He smirked arrogantly at the way those dull, weathered blue eyes widened. "You are to return with me… As soon as you're able to. You look really defeated."

"I'm a long way from being defeated, un! I just ran out of clay to make bombs with, that's all. Just wait, I'll kick your ass, yeah!"

He was really putting up a good fight, for someone who was so far gone. Itachi could sense his chakra slowly waning. If he didn't settle down soon, Deidara was going to faint. They both knew it, but the bomber was clearly and quite unpleasantly in denial.

He was growing impatient now. Itachi felt he'd been lenient enough. He latched his fingers onto a fistful of shiny blond hair, bringing the rag-doll-like man to eye level with him. "You're coming with me now."

The last thing Deidara would remember was everything fading into blackness, before he passed out, in the arms of his captor. He was just lucky that he didn't have to face the dangers of the Tsukoyomi. The Uchiha had been merciful, for now.

Itachi picked him up, and tossed him over his shoulder. They would need to find a suitable place to stay for the night, or until Deidara woke up… Whichever came first. This time he chose to carry him to the nearest town. Itachi was feeling drained and tired himself. He needed to rest, just as badly as Deidara did. He knew he wouldn't make it much farther than that, if he had to travel on foot.

Within the hour, Itachi checked into the small rundown little Inn, with Deidara in tow. The innkeeper had been pretty shady looking himself, and he hadn't even asked why someone in a creepy looking cloak was dragging around an unconscious person, or perhaps even a corpse. The guy probably didn't want to know which was the case. As long as Itachi paid for the room, he didn't care.

Once they were safe inside a room, Itachi laid Deidara on the bed, and placed several chakra seals around the room. This ensured they would not be disturbed until he was ready to leave. They might have to stay here for a few days. He needed time to convince Deidara to join, somehow. For himself, the choice had been easy. The Uchiha prodigy was someone who had craved power, like nothing else. But most men were not that simple.

He knew it was wrong to do this, and perhaps even a bit dishonorable, but… Itachi tied Deidara with chakra wire, before he woke up. He might have been somewhat helpless anyway, without his clay. He'd already revealed that much, back when they were fighting.

And, as many of his enemies had learned, to show Uchiha Itachi your weakness was never a good idea.


A/N: I hope this first chapter was interesting enough… I didn't have very many good ideas for the plot… Thanks to Yaoi-Midnight-Mistress for helping me come up with some ideas for this fic. I was kind of stuck on it, since I'm not used to writing ItaDei. My writing might be a little rusty, since I've had writer's block for the last 2 weeks. Sorry if it seems a little off. I know this isn't really how it happened, when he was brought to Akatsuki, but oh well. This is my first ItaDei fic, so I'm having fun with it. The next chapter is coming soon. I planned for this to be about 3 chapters long. Feedback is appreciated.
