This will be one of three prologues that I load today. I am just beginning my public writing career and whether or not I continue is based upon whether or not my work is appreciated.

I don't typically like Twilight pairings, but I enjoy Seth and Jacob being together. This may end up completely pathetic, but one must start somewhere.

This story will contain violence, suicidal themes, angst, homosexual relationships, and, more than likely, adult content and situations.

I do not own Twilight. If I did, Jacob would have been with Seth, Bella would have never had a baby, and Code Geass : Lelouche of the Rebellion would have sued me over some Vampiric abilities.

On with my story.

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Feet thundered against the muddy path, the chill of rain and wind biting at a bare back. Breath misted in great billows from the gasping mouth of the frantic teenager.

Seth raced through the woods as if the Devil himself was at his heels.

Seth came to a stop, his hand flying out to catch himself against a thick oak as he gasped, the pain in his side threatening to ground him. He closed his eyes and fought tears.

Why, he thought. What the hell have I done?

The shouts behind him echoed faintly: all the people who were looking for him. His friends, his family... Bella and her father… Even the Cullens were searching frantically for him. They would never find him, of course. He had laid a bait trail, and the weather was quickly erasing his passage into this mountain side. He was in human form, having abandoned the collective consciousness of his pack. He was truly all alone now. It had all gone wrong: his deepest secret was revealed. He couldn't go back; couldn't face them: he couldn't face HIM.

Seth collapsed, pulling his legs up to his chest as he moaned in pain.

He was naked, having shed his lupine skin to flee his pack. His side throbbed as the bite wound from Quille healed. Quille had tried to stop Seth from running, nearly succeeding. But that didn't matter now. Seth's feet were bleeding profusely from the sticks and stones he had stomped on. His ankle was turning a deep violet from the sprain he had received, slipping off a moss-covered boulder.

Whimpers filled the air as the boy's tears rolled down his tan skin.

He hates me now; all these years, gone… All because I'm so fucked up…

Seth pushed himself between the over-ground roots of the oak, weakly crawling under the wet leaves as he cried and healed…

If only his advanced healing affected his broken heart.

- Jacob –

WHERE THE HELL IS HE?! Jacob fired at his pack. He was speeding among the trees, frantically searching for any sign of his friend.

Jacob. We will find him. thought Sam, his Alpha vibe relieving some of the pain in Jacob's mind. The boy was going insane, it seemed.

Yeah, we'll find your little faerie, heh. Bet youre missing youre little bitch, huh? Now that we know what you've been doing at your sleepovers all these years. Fags. Paul sneered, before finding himself on the ground, pinned by the blood magic and fury in Jacob's veins and the tribal magic in Sam's. Their voices melded and deepened, a terrible force behind their words as they spoke in unison:

Paul, if you have the slightest issue with Seth's sexuality, we can help you understand. You wont have the urge to hate him for it if you no longer HAVE a sexuality.

Paul yelped as the magic caused a squeezing heat in his lower anatomy, a lacing pain shooting through his stomach.

You have been warned.

Paul leapt to his feet, searching frantically for his pack mate and unwitting key to his future children's' lives.

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Embry, any sign of him? Sam's voice entered the thoughts of the large wolf.

No, Sam. I followed the path, but it was a false trail. He's throwing us very skillfully.

Obviously: he's one of us. Sam growled.

I know that. I'm bisexual, Sam: I couldn't care less. Get off my back.

I'm sorry. We have to find him.

Yeah, I know.

The pack howled in unison, their sad song like the wind in the leaves.