A/N: After receiving comments about how this chapter lacks scene separation, I've finally gone back and fixed the problem. I also realized it was in EVERY CHAPTER, so i'm going back and updating all of them. So here's the slightly updated version of Chapter 1. For first time readers, This is my first fanfiction, so don't be TOO harsh, but i do enjoy constructive criticism, so please review! Ummm... Kingdom Hearts is owned by Square Enix, Sonic is owned by Sega. Enjoy!

Chapter 1: The Story Begins

The Destiny Islands, a series of small tropical islands separated by only a couple hundred yards each. The mainland consisted of the town, where most of the islands' residents were condensed. The nearest island to the mainland was the common meeting place for many of the town's youth, and since school was out for the summer, more and more kids went to the island every day.

One day, before dawn, that was the goal of three of these kids. As sunlight broke across the beach, revealing the silhouette of the giant tree on the adjacent island, the first of these three arrived at the raft they had planned to use to cross the water. He had spiky, brown hair and deep blue eyes. He looked around then sat on the raft with his head in his hands. He hadn't slept the entire night, and he started to wish he had. He closed his eyes and let the sounds of the waves relax him.

"SORA! Wake up!" Sora opened his eyes to find that he was on his back staring at the sky. He rolled over to see a red-haired girl kneeling down and smiling. "I knew you would be sleeping out here, you just couldn't wait could you?"

"What does that mean Kairi? Weren't we supposed to meet here at dawn?"

"You already forgot? We talked about this yesterday, Sora!"

Sora scratched his head and smiled, "Remind me again what we talked about?"

A voice came from behind Sora to answer the question. "We agreed to meet here at noon so we could sleep in, that way we weren't too tired while we were there."

Sora turned around to find someone slightly taller than him, with long, thick, platinum hair. "Hey, Riku, how long have you been here?"

Kairi ran to the raft, which was now in the water, "long enough to set everything up sleepyhead! Now let's go before it gets any later!" At this note, Sora and Riku joined Kairi on the raft and set sail.

"Come on, Shadow! Try to keep up! We've still got a couple miles to this race!"

"This isn't a race Sonic! I brought you on this mission so we could infiltrate the doctor's desert base together, quickly, and under the radar! This is serious! You're lucky G.U.N. even allowed you to take part in this." Shadow was still trying to figure out why he recommended that careless blue hedgehog for a partner on such an important mission when he saw the base up ahead. He looked in the sky to find the blue plane he was expecting to see by then. He pushed the button on his earpiece transmitter. "Tails, where are you? Have you shut down the doctor's security yet?"

Sonic ran silently while Shadow was getting his feedback from Tails. Shadow then looked at Sonic and told him, "The security is offline, but only for a few minutes, so we have to do this quickly."

Sonic smiled, "Then it looks like this is a game of speed now! Last one in is a rotten egg!" After saying this he rushed on ahead, leaving a furious Shadow to catch up.

Sonic ran up the wall of the base to the roof, where he looked around for a way in. After a minute of searching, he found an air vent, which he opened and entered. He crawled around the ventilation system for some time until he found a way out of the tightly enclosed space. He kicked out the vent, and stepped out, only to find Shadow already inside. Shadow looked at him motioned him forward, not before smirking.

"If you hadn't ran off so quickly, I would have told you that with the security system down, the door was unlocked," Shadow smartly told his blue rival. Sonic chuckled, and the two hedgehogs quietly walked down the hallway of the base.

Sonic was the first to break the silence. "So, Shadow, let me run this plan with you again. We're supposed to break in, which we already did, and kick Eggman's butt, right?"

"First we have to find the seven Chaos Emeralds, which the doctor is using to power whatever machine he has created this time. Then we can focus on finding Eggman, and arresting him." Sonic nodded, though he was uninterested. He cared more about stopping Eggman's plan than whatever G.U.N was planning. Sonic then heard an electric, high pitched voice in Shadow's earpiece. Shadow stopped walking and listened.

When Shadow looked up, Sonic asked, "So, what did Tails have to say?"

"Based off of his energy scans, Tails believes that the Chaos Emeralds are at the end of this hallway. Let's hurry!" They both ran down the hall to find a completely sealed off door at the end. Sonic looked at the door and found a keypad to the right.

"Do you have any idea what the code would be?" Sonic stepped back as Shadow looked at the keypad. He raised his fist above his head, and brought it down strongly on the keypad, smashing it in. The door opened. "I guess that counts... whatever happened to quiet?" Sonic asked and entered the door, with Shadow following

The room was dark, excluding seven different colored lights in the center of the room. The pair walked to the lights to find the Chaos Emeralds circling each other in a glass tube. Shadow curled his fingers into a fist, and punched the tube, shattering the glass.

"We need to separate the Chaos Emeralds, so the doctor doesn't use them for whatever it is he is planning." Shadow reached in for the red Chaos Emerald, but the moment touched it all the lights turned on and an alarm went off. The door closed and latched behind them, and a screen turned on along one wall of the room.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Sonic and Shadow! I figured you would try to get the Chaos Emeralds." The man on the screen was very large, wore black goggles, and had a long, brown mustache.

"Eggman!" Sonic yelled, "What are you planning!"

Eggman laughed, "Wouldn't you like to know? All I'm going to tell you is that I plan to bring this world to another! The rest I'll leave to surprise."

Shadow stepped forward clutching the red and blue Chaos Emeralds. He gave the blue one to Sonic, then turned to the screen. "Too bad you don't have the power of the seven Emeralds anymore, Doctor!"

The doctor coolly responded, "You can have the Emeralds now, my machine has already absorbed enough energy! Now, prepare yourselves, because I'm about to introduce you to the greatest power in all the universes! I give you, Kingdom Hearts!"

Eggman pushed a button that was off the screen and started laughing. Suddenly the screen turned white, and Sonic and Shadow could hear a loud boom coming closer and closer to them, until they couldn't hear anymore, and everything turned white.

The sun was setting on the Destiny Islands, and Sora and Kairi were sitting on the bent paopu tree that they always sat on during sunsets. Riku was setting up the raft to head back to the mainland, and the other two were enjoying their silence together. Kairi was the first to break the silence.

"Hey Sora, do you know the legend of paopu fruits?"

Sora did in fact know the legend, as he had wished he could share a paopu with Kairi for the longest time, but he let her continue anyway. "Not really, what is it?"

"Well, they say that if you share a paopu fruit with somebody, then you and that other person's destinies will be intertwined, forever. Wouldn't that be really cool if a paopu fruit could do that?"

Sora decided to take a risk he had avoided for a long time. He stood up on the tree, reached over and plucked a fruit from its branches. He sat back down and played with it in his hand for a minute. "Yeah, that would be really cool. Hey, Kairi, there's something I've wanted to ask you for a long time." Kairi looked at Sora and leaned a little closer, signaling that he had her full attention. Sora then ripped the paopu in half and offered her a piece. "Do you want some?"

Kairi laughed, then smiled. "I would love to," she said, taking the offered half then smiling. They both ate the two halves of the paopu, then looked at each other. Kairi once again broke the silence. "You do know what this means now right?"

Sora thought about it for a second, not wanting to say the wrong thing, "no… what does it mean?"

"I'm pretty sure it means this," Kairi said, and started leaning toward Sora, he did the same. They got closer and closer, and Sora started to feel her breathing on his cheek.

"SORA! KAIRI! LOOK!" The two separated, with Sora angry at how close he was, and looked at Riku down the beach. He was pointing out at something in the middle of the ocean. Sora and Kairi stood on the tree to get a better look, and saw something impossible.

The water a few miles out was sinking inward, until it looked like a giant hole in the middle of the ocean. A bright, white light emitted from the hole and began to expand. The sound hit them a few seconds later, it was as loud as a train wreck. The light kept expanding, it was moving too fast. Sora realized that no matter what they did they couldn't get away in time. Kairi realized it too because at that moment she took Sora's hand and held it tight. The light was finally upon them, and they couldn't hear or see anything.