
Sometimes when you really love someone you go to extreme measures to show just how much you love them and miss them.

I went to the extreme by writing a song for him. When I moved away from Forks, I was devastated I left my best friend since birth and the love of my life. Though, I thought at the time he would never know how much I was in love with him.

So I wrote songs. I wrote them until I ran out of ideas and when I got new ideas I wrote more. I've known how to play guitar since I was ten and just recently I learned how to play piano, not as good as him though.

My life changed almost instantly after I moved to New York. I got noticed and got a record deal with NYC Records.

In a matter of months I was the top teen queen in the U.S. Little girls screamed, guys swooned, and moms and dads did anything to get their kids tickets to my concerts.

In my mind I thought my life was all set and perfect.

But my heart was missing something… him. I truly missed him and my hit single was written for him and only him.

I was on tour and little did I know that one special guy was going on a countrywide search to find me and claim his long waited love for me.

Pretty confusing isn't it?