Chapter 1

Freddie's POV

I was flipping through a magazine, when I saw an ad that said, "Do you like a girl that doesn't like you back?" You're kidding me right? Ever since 6th grade Carly's has been rejecting me. "Well here's the product for you!" Great. Wonderful. "Sweet Scents cologne will make girls pine for you! They'll drop to their feet just for you to talk to them!" I was actually willing to buy this. Anything to make Carly love me.

As stupid as this product sounded, I grabbed the phone and dialed the number that was printed on the ad. It would be delivered on Monday, 2 days from now.

This thing better work.

Carly's POV

I was looking at some index cards, searching for a new iCarly bit Sam and I could use, when the doorbell rang.

"It's open," I called.

Freddie, with his laptop like always, opened the door. "Hey. Where's Sam, it's iCarly rehearsal time," Freddie said.

"She's in detention. She shoved mashed potatoes down Gibby's pants," I answered. I was kind of happy Freddie and I were alone. No, scratch that! Freddie and I are friends only. YOU were the one who established that rule! I told myself.

"What do we do then? We're missing one-half of iCarly, there's no point in rehearsing," Freddie said.

"Yeah, you're right… how about we look through the viewers' videos, pick our favorites, then show Sam, so she can make the final decision?" I suggested.

"Yeah, that's good," Freddie said, and opened his laptop.

Freddie's POV

As I set up the laptop, I burned with happiness. Carly and I were doing something together, alone. I got to the iCarly page, and found the viewers' videos. "Whoa, there's almost 200, and we have to watch them all tonight!" I said. I was secretly happy. More videos, more time with Carly.

"We'll have to stay up until about 11!" Carly agreed…

25 videos later…

I didn't know if Carly was aware that it was 9:30, and that our knees were touching, skirt-to-jeans. I focused on our knees, until…

"Freddie, are you watching?" Carly asked. She shook my shoulder.

"Oh, oh yeah…umm… I was…" I mumbled.

Carly laughed. I loved that laugh. "Come on, admit it, you weren't watching. I'm right, you're wrong!" She jabbed me with her fingers.

"AH, stop harassing me!" She stopped, even though I wanted her to keep going…

Carly's POV

At the 107th video…

It was 11:47, and I yawned.

"Do you want to stop? We can do the rest with Sam tomorrow, if you want," Freddie said, worriedly. I noticed that he had put his arm around me. I wondered how long I was there…

"No its okay… I'm fine," I scooted closer to him. Our waists were almost touching. I could feel my cheeks burn…

Freddie's POV

At the last video…

It was 12:37, and I knew my mom was having a panic attack. Carly was yawning every other minute, and my eyes were drooping. After the video was finished, Carly said, "I liked the one where the kid texted a 20 word message in 2 minutes with his elbows," she yawned again.

"Me too," I agreed.

"You'd better go, you're mom is probably freaking out," Carly said.

I knew it. "Yeah, probably. See you tomorrow…" I said, and shut down my laptop. I picked it up when Carly said, "Freddie, wait!" I put it down.

"Thanks for helping me with the videos, Freddie. Without you, I would've gone in a panic or something," she said.

"No problem," I said. Carly started to lean toward me. I automatically started to, too.

She gave me a quick peck on the cheek, and then kind of abruptly pushed me to my apartment.

"Good night!" she said, and closed the door. I knocked on my door, confused.