
Hermione smiled innocently and waved at her.

''UGH!'' Isabella furious now stomped away with a dark look in her eyes promising revenge.


Back at Hogwarts everything was going smoothly. Many noticed that the third part of the Golden Trio was nowhere to be seen but refrained to comment seeing as her friends were on edge.

Up in the Gryffindor tower Harry,Ron and Ginny sat alone in silence. Harry sat on the couch with Ginny in his lap thinking and every now and then throwing glances at his bestfriend who was sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace in concern.

Ron just sat there his gaze on the fire but not actually looking at it, but instead had a faraway look. He thought back to when he first met Hermione on the train, the Halloween incident, their meaningless fights and adventures. But most of all he thought about their friendship and how he wanted it to be more, much more.

Ginny looked at her brother in concern, he hadn't said anything after they left their headmasters office, his eyes clouded masking every emotion. He was ghost-like. She could hardly even recognize him anymore.

She got up from her boyfriends lap and walked to her brother. Sitting by him she took his hand. It was limp in her hand and he still sat there unmoving.

''Ron, do you want to talk about it?'' she ask softly and looked at him.

He still made no movement.

''You're starting to scare me.'' she said and her voice cracked as if she was about to cry. ''Look at me.''

She took his chin into her hands and forced him to turn his head and look at her. She looked in his eyes to find at least a flicker of emotion so that she knew he was there. She noticed how they were getting redder by each moment that passed and tears starting to swim in his eyes.

She gathered him in her arms and hold him close for what seemed like hours.

''It's not fair Ginny.'' he finally spoke, his voice hoarse.

''I know, Ron, i know. But there is nothing we can do now.''

''Yes there is. We can go find her and bring her back.'' he answered and stood up. He looked at Harry.

''We're out of time. The full moon is tomorrow night and there is no way we'll manage to find her by then.'' Harry said and looked at his friend sadly.

''But we have to try. She is our friend, Harry. We have to help her.'' Ron looked at Harry expectantly and turned his head,eyes downcast.

''We can't do it Ron!'' he said after a while of silence with a lowered voice.

Ron groaned and covered his face with his arms and threw back his head. He turned to Harry angrily.


Harry stood up and looked at Ron with his emerald eyes blazing.

''Of course i care! But we CAN'T do anything. There is a pack of werewolves out there, they will sniff us out as soon as we get close and then we are dead meat.''

Ron saddened immediately after Harry finished talking.

''So we leave her there forever?''

Harry walked to Ron and put a hand on his shoulder.

''Not forever, we will see her again. I'm sure of it.''

Ron sighed and went up to his dorm.

Lucius Malfoy walked down the Hogwarts halls to the Slytherin common room with his robes billowing around him. He whispered the password that his son had given him and entered to find Draco sitting alone reading a book in front of the fire.

''You wanted to talk to me, father?'' Draco said and closed his book but did not look at him.

''Yes.'' he answered and walked around the room. ''He asked about you again you know.''

''I will not join that sycopaths little fan club, if that's what you are here for.'' Draco said and got up from his position and walked to the fireplace leaning against it while facing his father.

''I would not let you join in even if you wanted to. I want you to do is to join the light side.''

''Why should I? It's not like they will welcome me with open arms.'' he said sarcastically.

''Don't you use that tone with me, boy. I'm telling you to do this because they can protect you. Both you and your mother. The Dark Lord is preparing for a lost battle for the dark side.''

''Like you care!'' Draco huffed.

''I do care. I wouldn't be here now if i didn't.''

''If you cared you wouldn't have joined the dark side in the first place and we wouldn't have been in this mess now.'' he answered getting angry.

''I didn't have a choice! He was threatening you and your mother.''

''You could have gone into hiding or something. There is always a choice and you just didn't look hard enough to find it.''

'' That's enough! I did not come here to talk about my mistakes''
spat angrily Lucius.

''Then why are you here father?'' asked Draco with a bored tone.

'' You know why. I came to talk about your...delicate situation''
said Lucius watching Draco closely.

Draco paled a little but didn't say anything. Not that there was anything to say.

'' Draco? I know that you don't want to talk about it but as soon as we find...''he was cut off abruptly.

'' I know that already father''spat Draco angrily'' I'm sick and tired of this. I just want my life back. Do you understand me?!'' said Draco looking straight in his fathers eyes!

'' Yes, of course but...'' he was cut off again.

'' No you don't father. You really don't know what it's like to be someone like me right now.''muttered Draco turning his back on his father.

'' It's gonna be alright Draco. Just don't give in right now. You are a Malfoy after all'' said Lucius smirking at the last part.

''It's late father,you really should get going'' said Draco.

'' I have to talk to Headmaster before I live''

''Then I bid you goodnight . We'll probably talk again the day after tomorrow.'' said Draco as he turned to live the common room!

I hope everything is going to be ok thought Lucius while he watched his son leave!

I know it's been a while but once again real life caught up with me and I've been super busy the past few months! I really am sorry for letting you wait that long.

I want to thank everyone of you for your support and patience!
And to clear something up I DID NOT ABANDONED THIS STORY that so many of you believe!
Anyhow...stay tuned!
Many to come