A.N: Heya dear readers. That's my sister's and my first fiction (yeah we are writing this together)so please be gentle. Any comment, suggestion or anything else you have to say regardless bad or good feel free to inform us!
Plz read and review. Reviews are welcome and make us type faster.

Autumn came after summer in all it's glory. The leaves of the trees were now brownish golden and falling from their trees in the Forbidden Forest. The once green grass was now covered with dead leaves and twigs. Both magical and non magical creatures were preparing for the upcoming winter.

A young doe was sniffing the ground searching for food unaware of the pair of amber eyes following it's every move ready to pounce given the right moment. Those amber eyes belong to a wolf. A brown and white wolf. It was hiding behind a bush watching his prey. The doe was too preoccupied to sense the danger nearby.

The wolf made a move stepping with his white paw the dead leaves which made a rustling noise. The doe lifted it's head and looked around. Right then the wolf pounced at the doe but it got away and so the chase begun. They were running for about 5 minutes in the woods with the wind hitting them.

The wolf stopped running when the sweetest scent filled his nostrils. It was the scent of vanilla and honey-suckles. He turned to the right forgetting about the doe that had already fled and followed the scent which was getting stronger and stronger by every step he took. He reached the end of the forest which led to Hogwarts. He stepped behind a tree so no students would see him and looked around. There were students alone or with friends chatting happily. He raised his head and sniffed the air to find where was that sweet scent coming from.

The scent was still there stronger than it was before. He looked at the direction which it was coming from the strongest and then he saw her. A girl around the age of 16 or 17 sitting by the lake leaning on a tree. Her legs were gathered underneath her and she had a book in her lap. She was reading the book and chewing on her lower lip in thought. The wind blew past her sending her hair all over her face to the side. The scent of vanilla and honey-suckle filling the wolfs nostrils again. She reached and pulled her hair from her face and shivered. Then she got up and started making her way back to the castle but not before sending a glance his way as if sensing he was there watching her.

He watched her disappear in the castle and made a decision. He would have her one way or another. He turned and ran back to the forest disappearing in the mass of trees and bushes.

A.N: Ok we know it is small but we promise the next chapie will be longer.