So, to preface this work I must say just a few simple things.

First of all, I own nothing. None of the characters, none of the names, nothing like that.

Also, I have quoted one of the episodes of Gossip Girl in the very beginning of this writing. The flashback – yes, that's not mine! So credit goes to the Gossip Girl writers. =)

Thirdly, inspiration for the first chapter about Chuck has come from the song "How to Save a Life" by The Fray (which is also quoted in the work) – so thank those lovely, sexy and wonderful performers for that.

Finally, the inspiration behind this entire piece (aside from my own heart) is the quote that Blair writes at the very end. Credit to Neil Gaiman for that. He will forever be a hero to me, for writing that beautiful, heartfelt selection.

Another work, less abstract yet just as heartfelt (well, for me).

As always, enjoy and please feel free to critique!

All my love,
