This is my version of the end of 'Sigh' with some *slight* changes. Please R+R. I may add more chapters so please let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is welcomed. Enjoy & Cheers!


"I don't want you!" Abby's scream echoed in his ears. A look of pure heart-breaking sorrow crossed his face as she shook her head 'No' - right before Jimmy's tackle and they both disappeared from Abby's sight.

Abby could only stand there aghast as the two men in her life who she had wholly trusted fell from the cliffs edge. After what felt like hours realisation hit her and she willed herself to move. She took no care as she ran down the track that led to the beach – to Jimmy and Henry. All Abby could see was Jimmy lying at the waters edge – not moving – and her heart stopped cold. With numb legs stumbling over the rocky beach she ran to his side.


Henry's thoughts as he fell were purely of Abby. In the seconds it took to plummet with Jimmy to the beach below his mind focussed on only one thing – Time, all it will take is time.

When he hit the ground he was left gasping for air. He could feel the pain of a possibly cracked or broken rib radiating through him as he sat up. Dazed his eyes searched for Jimmy nearby. He saw him by the shoreline unmoving. Jimmy's momentum when he rushed Henry had thrown him further away from the cliffs edge. Henry winced as he pushed himself up to his knees. From the corner of his eye he could see Abby racing down the cliffs track. His immediate reaction to call out and tell her to 'slow down or you'll fall' caught in his throat as she reached the bottom – and saw only Jimmy.


Abby looked down on Jimmy as she fell to her knees beside him. His leg was twisted under him in a way that was definitely not natural.

"Jimmy. Jimmy. Are you okay?"

His face was ashen with obvious pain as he blinked slowly and looked at her.

"No." His slight pained chuckle eased her panic.


Not even Henry standing up attracted Abby's attention as he saw her run to Jimmy's side. Despair wormed its way through his heart. Her last words to him etched in his memory. She doesn't understand. His anger rising. All the sacrifices we've made to get here and she doesn't understand. She can't see that I've had to make sacrifices too. She just doesn't understand.

With each step towards the couple in front of him resolve cooled his spirit.

Time. All it will take is time.


Wincing Jimmy opened his eyes again to look at Abby. Her concentration was on examining him looking for any other obvious injuries. Pain pierced through him as he attempted to straighten his leg. His movement directed her gaze toward his bruised and bloodied face. She only had eyes for him.

A moment before he closed his eyes against the pain fear shot through him as he saw Henry coming up behind Abby. Her attention was completely focussed on him and it was only the look in Jimmy's eyes that allowed her to sense movement behind her.

Survival urged her on as she grabbed the boarding knife and swung around to face her best friend.


Henry saw Jimmy look straight at him. He could see Abby tense and tracked her hand as it took up the boarding knife. Abby swung around towards him and the knife sent a burning line of fire through him.

Instinct and his dad's lessons had taught him to move quickly as he avoided the knifes blade. Grabbing the handle with his left hand, his right, while inwardly screaming at himself to stop, struck down on Abby.

The force of his fist connecting with the side of her head knocked Abby out cold and she slumped down towards Jimmy's legs. Henry threw the knife toward the cliffs – away from Jimmy who was struggling to get to Abby or to him – and looked back at Abby. Pain flittered across his features but he closed his feelings off. Now isn't the time and it had to be done. She was going to hurt him. It wasn't like back in the shed when he'd slapped her for saying she loved Jimmy. He had lost control then. Now it was only to give himself more time to set things right. She didn't understand – not yet. She would though – in time, she would. She had to.

He was dimly aware that Jimmy was shouting – "You bastard. Don't you touch her!"

"Shut up Jimmy," he said as he checked to make sure Abby was still breathing. The red welt on her cheekbone showed a promise of the bruise that was to come. Damn!

"Get the hell away from her before I kill you." Jimmy's struggles to stand on a broken leg almost made Henry laugh. As he watched Jimmy's futile attempts the smile leeched from his face.

"Abby. Abby! Wake up Abby."

"She's fine Jimmy. Let her rest." He had to deal with this – now.

As Jimmy struggled to drag himself to Abby, Henry's hand wrapped around one of the smooth stones he knelt on. He part rose just as Jimmy reached out to touch Abby's face. "Abby – come on, wake up." Henry held himself back from using all his strength as the stone connected with Jimmy's temple. It would be so easy to just end it and get rid of you now. But I need you. I hate it – but I need you. The fact that it would have killed Abby didn't cross his mind. Jimmy was a means to an end and when that was done …

Henry stood and threw his head back looking at the sky and sighed. Pain burned down his side and throbbed in his foot.

He looked down at Abby and Jimmy – a grotesque parody of The Lovers.

His eyes scanned over the water and towards the cliffs, ensuring they were as isolated as he meant them to be.

He looked back at the cliffs. Damn.

It's a long way back to the house. Damn.

Abby and Jimmy aren't all that light. Damn.

This wasn't part of the plan.